Rating:  Summary: Wizard & Glass is necessary background for Roland Review: After a very long wait I bought this book hoping it would move the story along from the end of DT3. Wastelands and Drawing of the 3 were so good that I believed this series could be King's best work ever, and I still do despite this book being a bit long-winded. W&G does not move the story along very far for being 700 pages but it does tell us more about Roland that could be important later. If you are a fan of the Dark Tower series you are in this for the long haul. There will probably be 3 or 4 more books to come and we all hope we will not have to wait so long for the next. I did not find W&G to be a page turner but I did not think it was ever dull. I had to chip away at it over several weeks to finally finish. I thought King did a good job overall and I did like the corny Wizard of Oz part. There are some very good action scenes at the end where we see how the 3 young gunslingers are real badasses. We also get an understanding of the source of Roland's pain from losing Susan and the incident with his mother. If you look at this book as bridge to the next in the series and not as a stand alone book it is pretty good. I get the feeling that King did not know where he was going with this story at the end of Wastelands but he knew he had started something great. He did not want to spoil it by taking the story in the wrong direction so he fell back on Roland's past to buy himself time figure out a plot worthy of the first 3 books. That is probably why this book was so long in the coming and why he wrote so much mediocre stuff in the interrim, he knows this is his master work and he wants it to be great. I think we are in for a treat when King finishes the fifth book and I don't think we will have to wait 5 more years. The next book may be the best yet (he has certainly had time to think about where he is going with this epic tale) now that we know Roland and his past so much better. From reading all of these reviews it is apparent that this series has a strong, almost cult-like following. I hope that King is aware that his fans are really more interested in the next books in this series than we are in anything else he could be working on no matter how good they may be.
Rating:  Summary: The Tower Draws Closer Review: The best of the series so far. Excellent plot. Now we just have to wait 5 years for DT V.
Rating:  Summary: The Dark Tower history and mystery continues! Review: When I first noticed this was going to be a love story, I almost cried out loud. But once I fell into their world I couldn't escape! I was starting to think there would be no end to this story.. but now I see a light at the end of the tunnel. No other story since the Lord of the Rings has such history and depth. Both are adventurous and rich in history, but the Dark Tower story has a familiar feel to contemporary society. It can at times be so beleivable, it's easy to forget it's a work of fiction. Then he throws these wild punches and pulls you in all directions until you are so lost in Roland's world that you can never get out, much less WANT to leave. This latest DT book is full of emotions. It breathes even more life into Roland and crew then ever before. The plot is thick and complete, yet still leaves more mystery then many of the other DT books. It's impossible to find another set of books so full of adventure, mystery and suspense by any contemporary authors. This set of books mark Stephen Kings genious, and this story is his best work of art. Once you read a Dark Tower book you are forever more trapped in Roland's world. And like the rest of us, you will be waiting tirelessly for the rest of the story to be written. It's hard to explain to people that this is a series by Stephen King that can't rightly be called horror.(Although there ARE a few scary parts.) This is an ADVENTURE. It is in itself a world all it's own. POWERFUL, GRIPPING, INESCAPABLE. And best of all, you will find pieces of this story in many of your favorite SK books. Forever more you will be a part of something big. A part of something magical and mysterious. Give this book a chance, and you will find it satisfying. Most of all, you will finally begin to understand Roland the man. Why he is how he is, why he wants what he wants. It takes you to places in Roland's past you never thought you'd ever see. And it has so many suprises and suspense that it may very well be the best of the DT books. (I really liked the Drawing of the Three the best, until this book.) I can't wait for the next book. Mr. King.. if you're reading this, please.. for God's sake find a way to finish these stories. My entire reason for living is finding more info on the tower and it's world, and coming to it's conclusion. If you care about your readers at all you will FINISH THESE BOOKS!!! WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU TO LEAD US FINALLY TO THE DARK TOWER!!! And on we wait.....
Rating:  Summary: Wizard(Stephen King) please continue the saga(Glass) faster! Review: Wizard and Glass was immediately picked up and consumed by me. Roland's universe would be truly dead without the struggle that he faces internally and with his companions. Roland's entourage fades into the background in this story with little side development. Truly... the captivating images of this story reside in Roland's past. The story he tells of cleverness, maturity, his only true love, intelligence, witfulness, and courage are the elements that I he brings out so eloquently. He does not tell his story so that he may have compassion, pity, or to be a braggert. Rather he tells his story because it is relative to their situation... the direction his ka tet is going. Towards the damned Dark Tower. Good luck, calm shooting, behold the Dark Tower and all of its grace and chaos. Stay on the yellow brick road and mind your red shoes, dearies! RF's got yer back. Roland of Gilead is bring'ng the big 'uns with the sandalwood grips! The beam, the path, the Dark Tower---it all IS closer.
Rating:  Summary: King is the King! Review: I eagerly awaited this installment wondering what would become of Roland and company. I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the book was of the past. I now eagerly await the next volume. Every page keeps you wanting more and more. King is the king.
Rating:  Summary: The book was good, to a limit. Review: I mean that the story-telling was great. But the way that King writes is he makes people want more. I thought that the book would clear everything up, and it did. The problem I had was the length. I wanted him to end the book. Now we all have to wait for the fifth book, which by the way these stories are coming out will be awhile.
Rating:  Summary: The best of the Dark Tower books. Roland past comes alive. Review: The book is the best book that Stephen has written. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best book that I have ever read Review: This is the best thing that Stephen King has ever written and I don't think that he could ever top it. It would be to hard to explain just how much I loved this book. Just don't believe it if you ever hear that this is too long.
Rating:  Summary: Achingly romantic and enables a satisfying enough burp! Review: I've been reading other reviews and too often i've seen people complain about the length of "wizard n glass". If you like a book you should want more NOT less of it. If you complain about it length and still mantain that you like it then sir/madam you lack the ability (gift) of leaving this world and entering Rolands world. I loved "wizard n glass" because it was all to easy to enter Roldand's world through the window King provided. The only complaint i have (though i dont hold King responsible) is that Eddie and Susannah r gunslingers and i just dont want them to be gunslingers - -lettem be mere mortals. Also why the hell did Roland have to cry , after all he's a King (remember insomnia), i just hate seeing the softer side of Roland. Anyways enough pointless rantings - -just one last thing - -i hope King writes the next one before our sun goes super nova.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST SK BOOK TO DATE!!!! Review: I told a friend of mine that I was reading a book by Stephen King and she said, "I don't like horror books". I would like to start off by saying that this book is about as far from horror as you can possibly get.(yet it is still scary) It is by far the best Stephen King book I have ever read, with the exception of The Stand. This book kept me up late into the evenings because I couldn't put it down. It is filled with stunning imagery and excellent character development. I think it could easily stand on its own, seperate from the DT series. I am not a huge fan of love stories, but with this book I may have to change my opinion. Please, please, please Mr. King don't make us wait another 6 years for the next installment. I had to go back and reread for the second time the other three books before I would pick up W&G.