Rating:  Summary: Don't be LEFT BEHIND! Review: Don't be LEFT BEHIND! Read THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY, it's a WAY BETTER end times series!
Rating:  Summary: A Phenomenon! Review: There's no doubt about it. Tim Lahaye is a phenomenon that grips the American imagination. It's hard to write about any individual book of his and his co-authors, because they are all so much the same, with the same goal in mind. Which is to bring about "Armageddon," by hook or crook. That Lahaye is in leagues with Bush and other right-wing politicos is no surprise, considering that, for some inexplicable reason, these types have nothing better to do than cause chaos and mayhem wherever they go. What more perfect blueprint could there be for such destruction than the Bible, as amplified by Lahaye's interpretations, which are influencing the masses in a big way.In other words, it's all a set-up--get millinos of people to believe in what you're doing, and it will happen. Use the mind-control system already in place, the Bible, Christianity and the rest, and things will work well. Does Lahaye really believe everything he writes? Possibly, but it is a simple fact that human beings influence their surroundings, and Lahaye, by his writings, is bringing about Armageddon, with the help of his very powerful friends. It would be best, naturally, if his "message" were ignored, or else we WILL experience THE END. 'Cause that, folks, is really what the powermongers have in mind. Tim Lahaye may be a pawn in this insidious MAN-orchestrated plot, or he may be a knowing partner. There's a solution to all this Left Behind drivel, and that is discovering what religions are really about. Mostly they're about priests, ministers, etc., having power. They represent in the main FICTIONAL tales and myths that have little basis in reality. One antidote I've found extremely useful to all of this End of the World horror is a book called "The Christ Conspiracy," which lays it on th e line that we've not only been D-U-P-E-D but we're staring at a lie that's going to lead smack dab into The End, Armageddon and being Left Behind. I highly recommend the Christ Conspiracy as a spot of sanity that alleviates the horror spread by the terrormeisters such as Lahaye.
Rating:  Summary: Thought This Was The End Review: I thought this was the final book in the series. When I got to the end of the book, I wondered how the series could end like that. It was only after I got to the end that I saw in the back of the book that the 12th (and I presume final) book in the series is due out in March, 2004. I'll look forward to getting it, but not at full price. I'll either wait for the paperback that I can usually get at Sam's Club for under $8, or look for a highly rated Amazon.com seller who will sell it used for under $5. With the shipping that would still come up to over $8, and while I like these books, I don't think they are worth more than that much to me.
Rating:  Summary: Armageddoon Review: I love this series and try to buy the books as soon as they come out. Armageddon was a little slow to get moving, but it picked up in the middle. I love the scripture references given as a foundation for the direction his story takes. If you actually take the time to look up the scripture reference as you read, you find that it backs up his interpretation very well. Especially the part of the hopeless Carpathians that have taken the mark of the beast and will not be excepted by Christ even if they regret the decision. This wasn't the most exciting book in the series. I was disappointed in the way some of the characters lost a few of their qualities that made you want to root for them and yet the story still managed to make me wish the next book was already released. I will continue to read until the series is at an end.
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon is entertaining but flawed Review: I loved the first few books of the Left Behind series, as many did. However, there are only so many plots twists an author can come up with. Some of the books in the series have only reused old events and ideas, making them boring. While Armageddon is somewhat similar, there are a few new twists and turns. As always, LaHaye and Jenkins aren't afraid to kill off their characters, but this time they are not constantly replacing them by introducing new ones. The safe haven of Petra is also a nice touch: it takes away from the fear and hopelessness the reader feels for the characters because the characters are actually safe there. Also, the fact that the characters are so close to the Glorious Appearing gives the reader something new to anticipate and look forward to. This book does have one major flaw in my mind. It often talks about how some people who have taken Carpathia's mark regret their decision. Yet, they have no hope and are constantly reminded that because of their mistake, Jesus will not take them back. This is not Christian. I understand that LaHaye's interpretation of Revelations is just one interpretation, but one of the basics of Christianity is that God is merciful. He forgives those who ask for forgiveness. Jesus died for our all of our sins, which in my mind would include taking the mark of the beast. Tsion Ben-Judah, the huge spiritual leader in this story, even announces to the world's non-Christians, "You pushed the patience of God past the breaking point." One of the beautiful things about Christian beliefs is that God's patience doesn't have a breaking point. He forgives us again and again because of His love for us. Overall, this book is entertaining and pretty exciting. It's not a great work of literature or anything, but it's worth reading if you enjoy the Left Behind series. However, I wouldn't recommend it to be taken too seriously in its portrayal of Christianity or in its depiction of end times.
Rating:  Summary: Book Review: Armageddon/Left Behind Review: For a long time, I avoided reading even the first book (Left Behind) in this series, not from any animosity on my part but, simply stated, my priorities were elsewhere. Already claiming Christianity, I didn't sense any urgency to pursue the storyline of the Biblical Book of Revelation, as fictionalized by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. But with the astonishing prominence of the series since the release of Book I, and the recommendations of several pre-millennialist Christian friends, I made it a priority this Winter to make a start at least. The Book of Revelation is difficult! I know that in such apocalyptic literature I'm bound to make many mistakes in interpretation but I wanted clarification of this particular Evangelical perspective (I tend to be a-millennial myself) and thus Left Behind, as didactic reading, became promising. Pursuit of this study has strengthened my personal faith and has gotten me back into the Word. These alone have made the journey worthwhile. The series is straightforward and engaging. The plotlines are simple (not necessarily simplistic!) and easy to follow. If previous criticisms on Amazon.com are accurate in their analysis of insufficient character development, multiple thematic retreads and in the thinness of plot development, I would suggest that such simplicity and repetition is by design and imitates the best of storytelling for the masses. If it seems 'preachy' and 'chalk full of bible-thumping,' then re-consider its structural foundation and initial premise; the authors are doing exactly as they intend. The rapid scene shifts tire me out also. And I could agree that the series has become 'long on wind and short of substance,' at times but I recommend that the reader (including myself) remain patient. I found the reviewed work a considerable improvement over the several preceding volumes. Perhaps it's the terse storylines or the increased use of Scripture to support the accelerating plot. Maybe it was a 'guy thing' with the battle-lines in the valley of Megiddo now drawn and the several lead characters choosing actions even leading toward death. It may be that I, too, am looking with anticipation to the coming of the Expected One. Are Armageddon and the Left Behind series great literature? No. Have they enriched my sense of spiritually? I think so. Have they been entertaining, enlightening and worth my time? Absolutely! And though I remain uncertain regarding this literalist viewpoint and the interpretation of its authors, I take their intent to be faithful, instructive and well-meaning and for that I'm grateful. If one wants to engage in something more "meaty," then I recommend the New American Commentary on Revelation for its exhaustive theology. If you prefer classical literature you could hardly do better than Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. For excellent fantasy with heroic themes, Tolkien seems to be the current front-runner. I've remained steadfast and dedicated to continuing the series and look forward to the last book(s) offered.
Rating:  Summary: APPROACHING THE RETURN OF THE CHRIST! Review: With "Armageddon," Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins continue to write better and better novels in their "Left Behind" series. This one is the most exciting and the most emotional of the books to date. Love and faith are tested as the forces of good and evil prepare for the climactic battle. At the end of this novel, the greatest battle of all time begins as everyone, both good and evil, await the return of THE King, Jesus the Christ! Fans and non-fans alike will not be disappointed! Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: Great series of books Review: What a wonderful series of books. I just wish they would write at least one each year instead of making us wait so long between books. Everyone should read these books, they will make you want to look to the bible for answers!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!!!! Review: I first picked up "Are we living in the End Times?". That was the most amazing book I ever read. I cross referenced it with the Bible. I have always been interested in Revelations. I am a Christian as of about a year ago and wanted to learn more about the Bible, I tried to read it but didn't understand that much of it. I picked up are we living in the end times and BAM. That helped so much. I then looked in the back of the book and saw that they had a Left Behind series and I have been hooked ever since. I am now on Armageddon. I read these so fast and I dont want this series to ever end...but I know the Lord is comming after these people so it has to end....but I love them all and it's so great to share this with them...I wonder if it's really going to be like the book...but I wont know...because I am going to be one of those that left others behind...I'm going in the rapture so I'll watch it from heaven.....I also sometimes get to hear Tim on my Christian radio station.Jerry and Tim keep up the great work...your books have helped me be a better Christian, Thank you so much for that!!! Pam... From Texas.
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon was great! Review: Everything! From the epic battle sequences to the explicit love scenes! I never felt so hot for religion. Tim LaHaye has made me consider straying from my marriage and having an affair with my best friend. He and I just love the whole Left Behind series. Christians Unite! And make love! All Night long!