Rating:  Summary: Good Investigative Trail--Fast Moving Review: This was basically a good book. I wonder about the tecnical accuracy, since Michael Crichton is a doctor (isn't he?) and not an engineer. Anyway, it was an enterntaining fast read. I thought the Richman character was a clever way to expain the technical stuff--how else would you do it? The most interesting part for me is that the aircraft manufacturer was in a catch-22 with the airlines. They were the customer and the customer is always right, but you don't want to take the blame either, right? The other interesting part was the power struggle, which was similar to disclosure. I didn't like the clues though (disclosure did it better) and the solution to the problem was easily guessed. The second part of the book delved into the news media, which was right-on. The media don't seem to care about the real story, just as long as it's a shocking story. I read Sphere, and I found it boring, but it had better character development than this book.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable and flat Review: This book is a trite mystery written by a bad mystery writer. Facts emerge that the reader never knows about, and in the end the conclusion to the mystery is absurd! Flat characters, unexplained events, and sterotypes make this a poor work of fiction. Some humor though. Newsline (Nightline?) and Reardon (Koppel?) are humorously portrayed, but alas they too are mere stereotypes. Save your money. This book has little; kids might like it though.
Rating:  Summary: CRICHTON DOES IT AGAIN! A GREAT READ! Review: No surprise here. All of Crichton's books are so interesting and unique, Airframe is hardly a surprise. It's a reallllly good book! Crichton fans, you won't be disappointed. I don't care what people say about MC's writing being based on movie deals or that his writing has terrible characters. It's just great, read it.
Rating:  Summary: M.C. is getting stuck in a formula Review: Airframe was an OK book. Chricton is best when he uses his extensive research to ignite the imagination of the reader as in Jurassic Park, Congo, Sphere. While Airframe contains a great deal of research, it does nothing to inspire the reader. Additionally, his charactarizations are stuck in a rut. He must be convinced that evil MBA's are going to ruin the Earth. Airframe, Disclosure and Rising Sun all contain characters whose chief goal is to sell out all the honest working people in order to make a quick buck for themselves. Inspire me Mike!, don't beat me over the head with the evils of financial markets and the press. At least let's have some new villains.
Rating:  Summary: An Exciting Book All The Way To The End. Review: This book is so much better than Jurassic Park and The Lost World. Both of them were soooo boring at the beginning. Airframe had me turning the page constantly. I am only 14 and I usually don't enjoy reading that much, but this book was soooo exciting. I recommend this book to anyone who loves exciting books or any Michael Crichton fan.
Rating:  Summary: Slow to the start, but a smash, bang ending. Review: Definatly not his best. I suggest starting with Andromeda Strain if you want to read Crichton.
Rating:  Summary: Well, it was a quick read Review: If you pay attention to the first 50 pages then you've figured it out. Pretty good until that point. Then when the main character (Casey) figures it out Mr. Crichton still drags the story out another 100 pages so that Casey can convince the media during a test flight. Richman was a boring and worthless character. I believe the character insults Yale graduates. The vocabulary of this character was limited to - Jesus. What? Wow! etc. Other than his little connection to Korea he was nothing more than someone for Casey to dispense a lot of technical information to the reader. Mr. Crichton is a better writer than this and he could have used another method to deliver that. He was able to do it in Jurassic Park. (the book NOT the movie) If you have never read Mr. Crichton's work and you like a mystery then this one is okay. Get the paperback and buy it at a used bookstore. Lastly, I hate over used swear words and intentionally misspelling words to make us hear how the speaker speaks. The teenage girl. That enough was all I needed instead of reading, "I was rully rully scared."
Rating:  Summary: Suspenseful, captivating, good people power plays! Review: From the first few pages, this book drew me in. The characters, especially Casey, Randall and Marder were well developed. The intrigue mounted, the suspense element was always there, except when the technical airplane talk took over, but even that didn't stop me from putting it down. In fact, if all the techie info is on the up and up, it's partly an education on airplanes and flying. I'm an average reader, finishing 350-450 pages in 2-3 weeks. I finished this in about 10 days. It definitely kept my interest. The inclusion of TV woman Malone, half way through, gave this book a resurgence of suspense. You knew she'd get squashed, but you wanted to find out how. The ending (somewhat predictable)was still exciting. It was a hard book to put down. This was my first Crichton-read. Possibly not my last, although I'm not a sci-fi fan, which is the majority of his work.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Review: This is defionetly one of Chrichtons best books I've read (I've read them all). The book is non-stop suspence from the first page to the last. The most excitng scene was the Hanger scene. I couldn't stop reading it. The reason for the 9 was that some of the book was boring, in-depth description of some of the characters description. Over-all I love it and don't regret buying it one bit.
Rating:  Summary: Great book, but for other reasons Review: I really enjoyed this book, simply because it was written in Crichton's compelling style and had an intriguing story-line. The technical material was interesting, but no matter the calibre or credentiala of an author, I never treat a novel as a textbook. Besides, whether the airframe material was authentic or not is irrelevant to what I saw as the main theme of the book: the industry's struggles with its popular image. This is, I think, typical for Crichton -- to encase what is essentially a story about human responsibility in a technical and dramatic framework. *Terminal Man* and *Jurassic Park* deal with the question of whether scientists *should* do something, simply because they *can*. *Lost World* deals with the idea of responsibility in the area of extinction. *Congo* is essentially a study of three different approaches to exploration, asking the question of which is more responsible. *Sphere* is riddled with "Should he (or she) have done such and such" questions. The only Crichton work that pops to mind which which is different in this regard is *Eaters of the Dead*. Does *Airframe* deal with this issue well? I think it does. Aside from any technical or literary quibbles, I found the questions of corporate responbility to their customers and employees, of press responsibility to the people they cover and to those to whom they report, and of personal responsibility in the face of crisis situations (positively in Casey Singleton, negatively in Captain John Zheng Chang) fascinating.