Rating:  Summary: A book for the gullible, the partisan fanatic, and the idle. Review: This is a sad, self-revealing portrait of a young man who suffered a mental breakdown while trying to be a part of Washington politics. Those who believe that this is a valid account of President Clinton's administration will believe anything from any source that suits them.
Rating:  Summary: Proof that of what we all knew all along... Review: Clinton is no democrat. He takes the popular road. Although he claims to be a democrat, as Stephanopolous says in the book, most of Clintons programs were popular republican programs that Bush could not get passed by a democratic congress. Bush was not good at foreign policy and bad at domestic policy. He was great at both, it was the democratic congress that nearly drove this country into the ground with costly government programs. This book reaffirms who should have won in 92. Bush. Mr Stephanopolous is a brilliant mind, but I think this book was another attempt by him and the president to make Clinton look like a great guy just doing his job, when in actuallity this guy has brought more scandal and disgust to the American government than any other president. Too bad Americans care more about their wallet than accountability and integrity. SPIN GEORGE SPIN
Rating:  Summary: An excellent, entertaining and well written memoir. Review: From the moment I picked it up I could not put George's memoir down. It is full of intelligent and candid accounts of his days on the campaign trail to behind the scenes in the White House and the men and women who populate this world. He writes honestly about his own failures as well as triumphs as he tries to follow his liberal ideals and "do the right thing." A fascinating read for all Americans interested in how the process really works.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but is George really that great? Review: I enjoyed this book as I do every "insider" book I can get my hands on. As someone who does not the Pres I was ready to be open minded. What struck me most was a feeling that I have had since the '92 election: Clinton and his gang were a bunch of semi-idealists who thought that they were RIGHT and the rest of the world was wrong, if you don't agree you are WRONG. George finds early that great hair and a square jaw is not enough to run an entire nation. Constantly he discusses how he wants to be in the front and have the POWER. I know that being a presidential aide is about influencing the president, but Goerge flip flops between what he call "passing meaningful legislation" and spinning ANYHTING that BC does to protect the president. I found myself disliking Clinton less ( He isn't too bright to have Dick Morris advising him) and finding George to be a self-promoting, arrogant, liberal intellectual. He is exactly what we DO NOT need in Washington. Dislike George Bush, but can you imagine any of his staff acting in the manner of Clinton's or can you see Bob Dole haveing the lack of INTELLIGENCE that Clinton constantly displays. Republicans are not free of the evils that are seen in the book, spin etc, but the real dumb mistakes could only happen in the backwater Whitehouse of the Arkansas Hillbilly and his equally arrogant wife. Not a bad book, but I harly find it great or George S. to be a hero as stated in some earlier reviews.
Rating:  Summary: Frightening Cast in the White House Drama Review: This book confirms all my greatest fears about the Clinton presidency and politics in general. One can only imagine what the framers of the constitution would have to say about the group of naive and immature pollsters running our White House! The most frightening element was the amount of direction President Clinton takes from people like Stephanopoulas and Dick Morris. It is enough to raise the hair on the back of my neck to think that the leader of the free world would put this much weight on the opinion of a very young political adviser and a pollster when there are so many other credible people from whom to draw insight. While George seemed to revel in Hillary's involvement in her husbands decisions, I found it to be appalling. Americans should demand that spouses remain just that - unelected companions who are there for emotional and political support, but certainly not for policy forming and major political sheming. After reading this insider's account, even the most ardent Clinton supporter should wonder how we let this man and his entourage get elected a second time.
Rating:  Summary: This is a self-serving bunch of subtle lies and half truths. Review: True to my perception of this little weasel as seen on TV, this book is a totally self-serving, ill-disguised pro-Clinton tome. Every Clinton (Bill and Hillary) crime is an "inadvertant" error by mid-level staffers. The impeachment was an out-of-control prosecutor who caused it all. He is so pro Hillary that she should send him a bouquet as she tries to pull the wool over NY's eyes.The greatest outrage is that Georgie-boy becomes an ABC "analyst." I fear for America.
Rating:  Summary: Frightening look behind closed doors of a sitting president Review: After reading this book, the spin control and presidency by popular opinion polls made a great deal of sense to me. I could not believe I was reading about "the stuff" that has gone on and continues to go on with our president while he is still in office. Mr. Stephanopoulos was very brave to release this information while Mr. Clinton continues as president. I hope and pray that our president has turned around and folks such as Mr. Morris no longer have their hooks in him. Doing what is morally and ethically right in any situation is not always going to be the popular thing to do. I believe this book revealed the author's desire to be honest about the Clinton White House, and I look forward to the day when we get the honest truth w/o spin from Mr. Clinton himself. I respected the restraint Mr. Stephanopoulos used in his writing because it was very clear to me that he could have written so much more about the many "gates" that have occurred since 1992. The White House needs a good spring-cleaning and a new era of truthfulness. The last line of the book was very sobering indeed!
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Stephanopoulos is much more than just a Spin Doctor Review: When I first saw the book I thought is was going to be a lot more about how President Clinton was all too human. Much to my surprise and delight George Stephanopoulos told a tale about himself and what the White House is like from within. You start the book with a very dedicated and hard working person who wants to make a diffrence in the working person's life. He got caught up in Clinton's stories as much as the nation did. We wanted to believe that President Clinton was telling the truth and slowly as the truth started to present itself Mr. Stephanopoulos had to face the facts as we all did. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in what happens behind the doors at the White House no matter what party you belong to or believe in. I know, I will never look at the days Headlines the same way again.
Rating:  Summary: Enlightening! Review: I thoroughly enjoyed reading George's book. It not only gave insight into the political workings of the Clinton administration, but into politics as a whole. Frightening and intriguing all at once, it's a great read.
Rating:  Summary: Light reading, Easy on the Analysis Review: If you are interested in intellectual and political analysis concerning the Clinton preseidency, skip this book and read Dick Morris' Behind the Oval Office. Yes, Stephanopoulus is a smart guy with strong background in political theory and tactics. Nevertheless, his sense of strategy and the big picture are lacking. This is a light book and if you are looking for easy summer reading this may be just for you. There's lots of tidbits from behind the scenes.