Rating:  Summary: Quite enjoyable, but very familiar... Review: This was the first book of Terry Goodkind's that I read, and I have to admit that I picked it up because of the cool cover art. On the whole, I was very impressed with the book. From the first page I was completely sucked in to the story and it only took me about three days to finish reading it. However, I think that Mr. Goodkind must have read Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series just before he started putting pen to paper for "Wizard". But, by the same token, the fact that I have since bought (and very much enjoyed) the ensuing three books in The Sword of Truth saga is testament to Goodkind's writing ability and the reason why I rated this book with four stars. I think that had I not read anything by Robert Jordan, I would have given this book five stars, but that's just my opinion. Overall, this was a kick-ass read, and I highly recomend it.
Rating:  Summary: Quite simply the best Review: This has got to be the greatset fantasy book I have ever read, and belive me, I've read a few. Terry Goodkind is imaginative, resourceful, and just an increadible author. Not to mention that the rest of his series in better even that this. His writing makes one feel as if the characters are family. I actually began to CARE what happened to the characters. At every barrier to Kahlan and Richards romance, I found myself hoping that they would find a way to resolve it. This is an exquisit series and all I can say is...Terry, keep up the good work. I hope this series never ends.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, riveting, a wonderful new world Review: Wizard's First Rule a book that makes you want to read more. This is the first book of a series. Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, Blood of the Fold, Temple of the Winds and one that is coming out but the title hasn't been announced yet. This book catches your attention and makes you want to learn more about the new friends you have just met. Similiar in style to Weis and Hickman's Death Gate series. A must read for scifi-fantasy fans. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: A Fantasy Masterpiece Review: "Wizard's First Rule", which was hailed as an epic by a lot of people when it first came out, is just that: A towering achievement in the Fantasy genre, a great story with epic bloodlines. The prose at times is curt. Goodkind doesn't spend any time dancing around descriptions, nor does he spend pages and pages talking about how a character is getting out of bed, or how a character feels..or..or...He didn't waste any time cutting into the meat of his story, which is at times graphic, bluntly violent, and cruel. And I loved every minute of it. The situations in WFR were real. The way the people treated each other was real. This isn't watered down, high-prose, "classic" fantasy, ala Robert Jordan. This story was dirty, and Goodkind was not afraid to put some startling descriptions and scenes in this book. I love "Wizard's First Rule" as a great book, and recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable bad ! Review: This is without a doubt the worst fantasy book I have ever read. Giving this book even one star is a joke - amazon.com should allow us to give ZERO stars to a book ! There is nothing even remotely original about this book and most of all it is absoultely boring. Goodkind never managed to make me care about any character. So go and read Williams, Jordan, Feist, Martin, Pratchett ... anyone (even Brooks is better than this), but do not waste any money on this trash !
Rating:  Summary: One of the best fantasy writers today Review: I can't believe that everyone is comparing Robert Jorden to Terry Goodkind.Sure, Goodkinds books aren't as in depth or as boringly long as Jordans,they are by far better then any book in the wheel of time series.Goodkind has a simplistc way to give characteristics to his characters on the other hand Jordan has a Tolkien Boringness of dragging on his story lines just to take up space on paper.Theres no way that you can even compare Tolkien or Jordan to Terry Goodkind.Goodkinds books are far better then The Wheel Of Time Serious Or The Lord Of The Rings.In My opinion Goodkind has re-written fantasy itself.
Rating:  Summary: The first good fantasy book in a long while. Review: A freshing, well-paced book. If you are tired of Robert Jordan's seemingly endless storylines with little plot or originality, if you're tired of other Tolkien rewrites, this is the series for you.Terry Goodkind is not afraid of venturing into the dark recesses of the soul. We see brutality and pain, and suffering. We see a world that is not always a smiling one. We see villans we hate bitterly and then feel sorry for later on. If you would like to read a refreshing fantasy story, of a quality far above certain books that have been out lately, I would strongly reccomend this one.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, terrific,astounding book Review: This book was like a wake-up call for me. It is a new viewpoint in terms of fantasy, and Terry Goodkind did an excellent job. Richard is a likable, understandable hero and his friend Kahlan invokes sympathy very well. I didn't want to put this book down, and immediately read it again as soon as possible. Richard,Kahlan and the other characters find themselves in some pretty rough situations, but through brainpower, and some muscles, they figure out how to keep going.This book sometimes relies on mystical powers, but they are not totally out of reach, like some technical things that right now are scientifically impossible. I loved how this book had it's hero find some very commonplace solutions for some uncommon problems, instead of killing first and asking questions later. I recommend this awesome book to anyone who is totally sick of fantasy that relies on awesome gadjets and out of the ordinary heroes.
Rating:  Summary: This series includes my first favourite four books Review: This series is written by an author who didn't need a fancy map of a world or pre used ideas. Terry Goodkind uses his excellence writing style to create a fascinating series. He practically writes the book on magic in this series and anyone writing on wizards will obviously will have to refer to Goodkind. This man is a genuis and if Tolkien is the first fantasy author Goodkind is without doubt the best.
Rating:  Summary: A standard fantasy with simplistic, heavyhanded writing Review: While readable, "The Sword of Truth" was plagued by overly simplistic dialogue, and a writer who apparently feels the need to spell out each moral dilemna, conflict, and solution/resolution in the same simplistic manner, as if his readers were children of not great intelligence. The premise is fairly standard - unremarkable young man discovers that the fate of his world depends on his actions,etc. etc., with the also-standard wizard, dragon, evil magician, etc. secondary characters. I did like the fact that Goodkind does not end his books with a cliffhanger, and he does have some interesting plot twists/developments. Overall, I find Goodkind's writing to be mediocre, but his story development is slightly above average in imaginativeness. I will probably end up finishing off the series, but not enthusiastically.