Rating:  Summary: It needs work Review: Okay, I read the first four books twice, and it took me the second time through to realize how predictable these books are. They are not as bad as the Brooks Shanarra novels but still obviously. In every book they have some problem only Richard can solve, and at the end they have solved it while accidentally causing the next book to exist. Each book ends in a nice little package. After reading Jordan i can see way too many mirrorred idea ; The sister of the dark, the black ajah, sword of truth, callandor, richard must save world, Rand must save world. The big difference is Goodkinds lack of world. The world is so vacant, there are never any villages unless one is needed and i can only remember one in the entire Goodkind series. Jordan has created and entire world, with cultures and everything. I will admit that i can see goodkind's philosophy throughout the series, but he caould have just written a book on philosophy and saved us the trouble of his pathetic world. The characters are all very shallow, there is no grey area with these people. They are good or bad. I am tired of the constant, "should i sacrifice my life or save the world", i mean come on cant these people be selfish just once, its almost disgusting. Its a good read just dont expect much.
Rating:  Summary: Good with some really bad parts Review: I am a 11 year old boy who is a good reader. I read this book and the only reason I didn't put it down when the Mord-Smith was torching Robert was becouse I told my teaacher I would read it. This book was good over all. If you read it beware of the Mean things that happon.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but unnecessarily brutal Review: This has been said before, but maybe I'll still add my voice to the choir: Goodkind really could do with a lesser amount of sadism. I'm not the kind of person that's easily offended by violence and brutality, I understand those things exist in the real world, so why not in a fantasy world too? What disturbs me is the fact that Goodkind uses so many pages to detail torture and violence that it almost seems he enjoys it. The chapters about Denna trying to break Richard were heavy to read and absolutely unnecessary. The point could have been made in 5 pages, Goodkind used 50. And how does this mix with his black-and-white morality? Goodkind's characters keep thinking: "Hmm, if I choose A I will save my life and my friends' lives, but then again, if I choose B I will die and my friends will die but 5.000 people on the other side of the world will survive." And you can rest assured that they always choose B. Nice thoughts, but if he's being SO realistic, why does he promote ideals that have practically nothing to do with the real world?So, ideologically this is quite shallow, but also pretty entertaining; I read this faster than many books half the length of it. Since English is not my mother tongue, I can't really estimate Goodkind's technical talents, though he seems to have a habit of repeating himself. The characters were quite believable despite what I said before. The love story was.. hmm, quite straight-forward if nothing else. But it's still better than the everlasting fantasy cliché of girl and boy circling for 7000 pages around each other before they get into the point.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Compares Review: Goodkind is a brilliant author who has finally given me a fantasy novel I've always desired. He's very vivid, but never gets into too much detail about insignificant details (*ahem* Tolkien). He keeps just enough of the fantasy aspect in this book without overdosing and making it all out silly. This has been the greatest fantasy novel that I have ever read (and I've read a lot of them), and I owe it all to Goodkind.
Rating:  Summary: Started off good, but what's with this whole S&M thing? Review: I really liked this book at the start, but then Goodkind's plot ventured into that whole dominance-submission-mistress-slave thing, and I wondered what the hell was going on! I finished this book, but was highly disappointed with what I considered to be a totally inappropriate plot-twist. It was just weird!
Rating:  Summary: A penchant for sadistic brutality makes it repulsive Review: It is not uncommon to count more than five rapes or attempted rapes in the first 100 pages of a fantasy-book. Goodkind's prose is vivid in descriptions of decapitations, of murdered children, burning bodies and slime. One of the central themes of the book, in fact, is the tendency Goodkind apparently recognizes as universally human, to violent and sadistic outbursts. The sword of truth deals with the problem of a true and mighty hero, whose wonderful anger at untruth and at evil is on the brink of becoming an excuse for whatever atrocities you can think of. The book would have been better if it had not mixed sadistic descriptions of violence and pain with a dumbly sympathetic hero: the kind of guy that every momma wants her daugther to marry. The stupid American tradition of making heroes broad-shouldered and beautyful, of making them unambiguous in their strength and self-righteousness, makes me want to puke. I'd compare this book with the science fiction of the deplorable Battle Earth decalogue of the scientology "priest" Ron Hubbard, but I have to admit it: at least Goodkind has a way with words. If you like books which describe the most violent scenes in slow-motion, with a cheap TV-series cliché adapted to a literary form, this trilogy is a must for you. Lots of children butchered and lots of pain enjoyed.
Rating:  Summary: I love this book Review: This book was the book that made me a hardcore fantasy fan the way it was written is awesome and the story is incredibly inventive and put together very well with surprises throughout. Undoubtably the best series I have ever read or will ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, I loved it! Review: I only discoverd how spellbinding books can be since last summer, and I have read a multitude of books since, my favorite being, Wizard's First Rule. I read it in two weeks, amazing since I read really slowly. I was so captivated by the story, and the drama of the plot that I couldn't even stop to do my school work. Terry Goodkind has a way of writing books that will not allow you to put them down. I sat reading for hours, enchanted and sometimes horrified. Even my brother, who claims he didn't like it that much, couldn't put it down. Richard and Kahlan are now a vivid part of my imagination, and nothing will stop me from entering their world through their books, or simply my own mind.
Rating:  Summary: GOODKIND IS REAL. JORDAN IS A FAIRY TALE. Review: Listen up Jordan fans I have heard you call Goodkind and his readers stupid for to long.Just becuse you are stuck in your little fairy tale and can't handle a real life book. Okay Ill give you one thing, Jordan is more imagenitive and a better FANTASY writer. Fine. Goodkind is still a great writer.But Goodkind is simply useing Jordan's shell to make a fantasy about stuff that happens in OUR world. Goodkind writes like REAL authors he dosen't go into deital about stupid creatures of magic that I could give a s**t about. Fantasy dosent have to be for people who need to escape reality. It dosent need to be Unrealistic. Jordan started his first book talking about all kinds of stupid stuff. Okay maby some people enjoy that kind of stuff. But you don't have to be critical about Goodkind becuse his story dosent mesure up in the fantasy aspesct. Goodkind himself said he only turned to fantasy so he could express his phylosophys. Goodkind creatated the first ever realistic fantasy. Something Jordan could never do. His brutal writing offends some...but it is real.If you like fantasy fine, so do I. If you like Jordan fine, he is a wounderful author.If you want to play in fantasy land and read for escape,great. If you want to laugh,cry, and have a life and want to LEARN something that may put insight in it read Goodkind. He may not be perfect...im not...your not...Jordans not...but thats not the point. In REALITY Goodkind is the better writer. If you agree or disagree, write me.
Rating:  Summary: A must for any fantasy reader!!!! Review: This book was the best I have read in a long time. I just finished, I am looking forward to reading the Stone of Tears. Read this book, you will not regret it.