Rating:  Summary: Same thing, different book title Review: I found this book to be very predictable. It seemed to have borrowed almost directly from other fantasy books. Samual was a Smeagol clone etc. I did finish it, which says something for it. There was one twist I didn't see coming. The reader of this book on tape sometimes seemed to have come from the Captain Kirk school of acting. All in all, not great.
Rating:  Summary: I kept hoping for a huge plot twist to squeeze the cliches Review: I think that sometimes a book sells well because it came along at the right place at the right time with the right cover art. That must be the case with Wizard's First Rule, because nothing inside justifies it's apparently immense popularity. I'm not saying it was trash, just that anyone who has read more than 5 or so fantasy novels will keep having deja vu, and that more experienced readers will feel patronized by the overly-simplified style.As other reviewers have pointed out before me, the writing is undersophisticated. I would guess the appropriate reading level to be 13 years old, which is actually inappropriate if you assume that the average scifi/fantasy reader is probably quite a bit older than that. If the awkward sentences were supposed to be from the point of view of a kid, then perhaps I could understand, but the hero is a full-grown adult. Even more than the bad dialog and prose, the author seems to have hit every cliche in the genre. The love interest established in the first chapter, starting on a quest to stop an evil lord with a ragtag band that somehow includes a wizard, the enchanted sword, the sorceress they meet along the way who speaks in riddles. A villian named Darken Rahl (Star Wars, anyone?) I could go on, but if this sounds familiar so far, you've had enough to get the picture. Yes, Goodkind has a few smatterings of original ideas, but they're not enough to pull the book off. I only made myself finish it because based on this series' success, I kept hoping that it would get better, and because I have a rule that if it's worth starting, it's worth finishing...but now I'm not so sure. Bottom line: if you're new to fantasy, and/or under 13, this book will be just your speed.
Rating:  Summary: Excellant Story Review: This book was totally awsome. When I first looked at how thick the book was with it 800+ pages I thought it would take a few months to read it. I was drawn in to the book in the first few pages and had a hard time putting it down. I found myself reading every chance I could throughout the day and late into the night. What I liked most about the book, was that it kept drawing me into the story and I could easily identify with the main characters, Richard, Kahlan & Zedd. I felt as if I was walking right along side them throught the adventure. This has been the best fantasy book I have read in years. The pages flew by and I ended up finishing the book in a few weeks.
Rating:  Summary: Just Plain Good Review: This is an all around good book. Just what a fantasy should be. A MUST read for everyone. This review is coming from someone who is in love with Marion Zimmer Bradleys work, and this is just as good! A prefect start to what should be a wonderful series.
Rating:  Summary: fresh and wonderful fantasy Review: Goodkind can spin a fine tale. With this novel, his first in a wonderful series, Terry Goodkind has invented new magic, introduced us to a captivating world, and shown us his amazing ability to keep his reader biting his or her nails. I couldn't put this book down. I became obsessed with reading the rest of the series, to the point my wife wondered about my sanity. A joke. However, Goodkind has created extremely believable characters that the reader can care about. His story lines are outstanding. Sometimes you wonder why Richard seems to be so thick here and there, and that is the only detraction I have! I recommend this book to anyone who loves good reading.
Rating:  Summary: Okay Review: This book was a bit too much of the typical fantasy novel with the all powerful bad guy and the band of merry men who have to find a way to stop him. Despite it's 800 or so pages, I finished it very quickly, not because I couldn't put it down, but because it was so simple that I didn't have to think about what I was reading. That isn't too say it didn't have any redeeming qualities. It was entertaining enough for me to want to finish it, but was definately along the lines of easy summer reading.
Rating:  Summary: A fabulouse book Review: I think this is a great book. the others in the series are just as good. Usually with long fantasy series with the same charictor the author runs out of ideas and the books are boing but with Goodkind he keeps you hanging on his every word. A book has to be good if an elenven year old girl can read it in a day. I know that some people don't like all the violence but I think without it you woldn't be able to see how bad Darken Rahl really is. If you don't like that kind of thing then don't buy the book.
Rating:  Summary: Different Review: You may think that my title is weird, but I'm only 11. Yes, 11. The reason is that I've never found a book like this so thick and interesting. Yes, it has......not good things in it, for my age, I acfcept all charges of not supoosed to read this book. BUT IT ROCKED! This is the best book! Yiou MUST read this! Kahlan is so awesome, the way she handles things rock! I don't care about sexual things, I only care about good literature, and this WAS good literature! You absolutely MUST read this!
Rating:  Summary: Gripping plot, lousy writing style Review: I really wanted to enjoy this book because it came to me highly recommended, as a gift from a dear friend. Unfortunately, getting through its bulk was torture (in some portions, literally). Goodkind did have some interesting ideas about magic and plot twists that kept me reading doggedly on to find out "what happens next?" - unfortunately, his writing style was so puerile, sappy, and heavy-handed that every other sentence made me wince. The dialogue, particularly between Richard and Kahlan, was especially atrocious: "Oh Richard, I don't think I've ever had a real friend before." "Oh Kahlan, I'll teach you all about what it means to be a friend." Not the exact words, but close enough for discomfort! I've read the first sequel as well, which was just as compelling a story but no better written. Bottom line: If you appreciate well-crafted sentences in your fantasy novels, you're much better off with Tolkien, Robin Hobb, or Stephen R. Donaldson. If all you care about is plot, go ahead and give this behemoth a ride.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Read ! Review: This was the very first of many to come, fantasy novels I have read. I didn't buy this book out of my own interest, a good friend told me it was a great book and I am glad to say he was correct! If you can not handle adult content (sex, language, torture, love, truth and honor) well, no this book will not be for you. But without any of that this book would have been one I would have in my childrens bedroom and would have held no intrest to me! The Wizards First Rule had me from the begining, putting it down only when I must. This book is about a forbidden love, the serch of the truth and to bring down the reign of A evil Wizard named Darken Rahl. The love portion of the story was about Kahlan and Richard and there heart warming and yet very hopeless love. Richard is the only real friend that Kahlan has ever met and the start of love inflames at a great risk to them both. Terry Goodkind does a great job making you feel as if you are right there wishing you could do something to change the fates! Almost every one knows that seeking the truth at times almost never seems easy. This book makes a point of showing how trust at bay is taken very lightly, and to many believe what they see and hear, and tend to forget or look past the facts. Richard must learn to believe in himself and look in his heart, his mind, his love and his hate for the facts. Now to the objective of the story, bringing down the reign of Darken Rahl. This portion of the story was well written, and had many odd turns that kept my full attention! Darken Rahl is a wizard with a whole lot of magic! His main goal is to retrieve the a box of orden so he will have the set of all three boxes of orden. Also to find a very important book on which box he should open due to the fact only one will do him any good, so he can rule the world with his evil magic. But Kahlan, Richard, Zedd and some of there friends stand in Darken Rahls way, finding the missing box first and try hiding it from him. There is much I haven't said ... the book is over 800 pages long! But I assure you every page was well worth reading! And while I wait for the sequel: Stone of tears, to get here I may just read The wizards first rule again! This was a great book ... read it and prove me right !