Rating:  Summary: Just really really good Review: Ok, new at reviewing so here I'll go... This book was good. I rarely have time to read at all, though I began the book over the summer when I did have time, I didn't get totally into it right away. Unfortunately (for my grades, that is, as school started), as I got farther into it I gradually couldn't put it down for longer and longer periods of time. I think I finished it around 3 AM one morning, and still had to go back and read favorite parts. I recommend it to anyone - just be sure you don't have any important deadlines, because hopefully you won't be putting it down for a while.
Rating:  Summary: this is one of the best books i've ever read Review: it was well written and fun to read. for the price it's worth a try even if you don't like it. this is the first of his books i've read but now i am looking into his outher books.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Entertainment Review: I thoroughly enjoyed "Wizard's First Rule". It is the first book I've read in the fantasy genre in a while and I found it really engrossing. I couldn't wait to get home every night just to read.The story: Richard and Kahlan must stop the evil Darken Rahl from overtaking the world with magic. Along the way, they run into the Mud People and the witch, Shota, who help them find the last box of Orden before Rahl gets it. I liked the "surprise" ending where we discover Richard's true roots and also how he figured out how to love Kahlan in spite of her powers. I find that I can't stop thinking about the story and I'm anxious to read the next in the series. The only thing in this book that really annoyed me was Rahl's constant licking of his fingertips and touching his eyebrows. That just bugged me.
Rating:  Summary: After 50 more pages, I do one more review Review: I was thinking that perhaps the book would pick up it's pace, but found that when it was supposed to, and the main characters are being followed and chaced by the villain's minions, I really don't care. Kill them! take over Goodkind's boring world! they can have it! And how long did it take Goodkind to come up with this world anyways? one review I read guessed 15 minutes. that might by pushing it. I am currently working on a fantasy novel and I spent hours working on the world, making maps, histories, calendars, even attempting to make a language. All Goodkind did was take a blank piece of paper, drew three sets of mountains going down the middle and put some cities here and there, then talked about a history that only goes back some hundred years, if that and only talks about one single event. YEAH! just look at Tolkien's Middle Earth and Jordan's world to see what a real map should look like . TIME was put into them. and what about the characters in this story? they are boring! can they even stay mad at each other for more then a few sentances without hugging to make up? well, anways I feel like I have wasted 2 days of prescious reading time by picking up this novel. while I wait for my friend to finish the first Wheel of Time so I can read that again, I will start the second book in the Otherland series, the first of which was truely excellent. Tad Williams, like Robert Jordan, knows how to weave a good story with believeable characters. Goodkind does not. hey Terry, if you read my review here, send me and e-mail and I'll give ya some pointers. if you don't like this series, like me. try reading Robert Jordan, TolKien, Williams, any number of others. don't waste your time with this.
Rating:  Summary: can we say, Been there done that? and done it again? Review: ok, I have to admit that I have not yet finished this book, which I will do, even if I mg I suppose that I might have enjoyed this book if I had never read ANY other fantasy before. but it would be a poor introduction to the genre. I suppose that being a Wheel of Time fan reduces my liking of this book, but I had also read the whole Shaannara series, which is also not the best fantasy, but at least Terry Brooks started out with SOME original ideas. The Sword of Truth might as well be the freaking Sword of Shannara! what it was meant for and the outcome of using it are exactly the same as Brook's invention. sorry Goodkind, but your plot has been done! after reading the Wheel of Time, I realized that characters in fantasy can be believable and act as someone might put into their situation, and that when given certain personality traits, they can actually hold to them. (wizard's should know more then simple woodsmen, things like that) but Goodkind does not seem to realize this. his characters' personality traits instead of clinging to their assigned individual, blend with others around them to form a mess. a character will say one thing, and later contradict themselves by acting the opposite. it'd really annoying. and couold Richard become Kahlan's best friend after just two pages? come on! this is a huge series, where's some buildup? well, I'm gonna go finish the book and see if it gets any better, the plot is fast paced and it keeps you semi interested. perhaps these traits can redeem the book. perhaps Goodkind will show some originality as well.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book. Review: This book started slow and I almost didn't finish it. Don't make this mistake. It picks up in the middle and then it never slows down. It is a very good read. In Wizard's First Rule, we are introduce to Richard, a ranger. His father was recently murdered, and it was gruesome. While off the in the forest, he encounters a beautiful women fleeing for her life. Is there a connection? From these earlier scenes, we encounter Wizards, Witches, Friendly Spirits and Deadly Ghosts. There are also talking dragons and flying, fierce winged warrior beasts. The whole world may be destroyed, if Richard makes the wrong choice. The writer has a good sense of style, and good sense of humor, and an interesting sense of morality. At one point a Wizard says that he did the worst thing possible, he let the people suffer from the consequences of their actions. Of all this is an excellent book and I think most fantasy lovers will enjoy it. A good start in a great series.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing.... Review: Terry Goodkind is brilliant. I have read many novels and for the first time I found an author that described so well, I actually had a face for each character. Some authors I don't even know if it is a he or she it is so confusing. I challenged myself with such a large book, and actually almost didn't buy it because of the dragon on the front, (I don't like dragon stories) but it hardly had anything to do with dragons. I loved the story of Richard and Kahlan. Their relationship through good in bad was so interesting. And who could forget the hungry Zedd? He's the coolest wizard. I'm reading Stone of Tears now that follows up a day after this book. It is worth your while. This is the first fantasy book I have ever liked. Goodkind has such a creative mind. Everything felt so new, yet you could relate to it all and imagine. THANK YOU GOODKIND FOR WRITING IT. I hope others enjoy it as well as I have. I could hardly put it down. It's a big book, don't get me wrong. I got a lot of crap about it since it was so big, but I just told them off about how good it really was for such a large book. I recommend to read it!
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT, ENGAGING Review: This book was a true masterpeice, Richard Cypher comes from a land of no magic and is thrust into a ferocious battle with an unimaginable evil: Darken Rahl. The only weapon he has is the magical Sword Of Truth that his wizard friend gives to him. His companions are Zedd and the Mother Confesser: Kahlan Amnell. Richard follows Kahlan blindly into the midlands to fight Darken Rahl. This book was excellent and anybody who critizes it is out of their mind. By pure chance i got this book of the shelf of a librarby in a pick-and-choose mood.
Rating:  Summary: Different, yet truly engaging Review: My mother bought the book at a garage sale and gave it to me, since she knows I like sci-fi and fantasy books. Ive had the book for serveral years, but never read it. Im not sure if I never picked it up because I had never heard of the author - or just to spite my mother. It sat on a bookshelf collecting dust. One day, due to boredom, I decided to read it. I have grown a bit cynical after years of readng more or less the same plot: a nobody rises to defeat an all-powerful enemy. I truly wish for some originality in these books, but that is a different story. Once started I was engrossed. Goodkind has a different style of writing than others I have read. There were many times when I _had_ to keep reading to find out what happens next, and a few times where I was bored, where the story stagnated. Overall, the book was excellent. I came to Amazon to purchase the next book. I was overwhelmed, there were 5 sequels. And the first book was not short. I looked at reviews for the second book, and was surprised to see a large mix. So I decided to write this one. I will get the second book... We will go from there.
Rating:  Summary: Great, but not quite excellent Review: I confess to be one of those insanely bored people that picks the biggest book off the shelf just so it will take forever to get through it. Despite its imposing size, this one didn't take that long, because the plot is absolutely riveting. Some parts of it were transparent (such as Zedd's true occupation), but most of it was a surprise. The way Goodkind tied it all together at the end was particularly fascinating. He didn't leave any ends unraveled, and the novel as a whole was very satisfying. I'm now reading the sequel to it. This is one of those books, however, that come very close to perfect but don't quite make it there. It's a pity, because for the lack of a few minor points, it could have been. The script somehow lacks flow, with a few too many too-short sentences that make you stop at periods too often. Conversation is rather lackluster and flat, oftentimes unrealistic. It would also have been nice if the story didn't center so specifically on Richard and Kahlan, as well. The other characters in the novel are poorly developed compared to them, and are often left out for huge tracts in the plot progression. Despite the petty failings, I was highly impressed by this novel. Definitely recommendable for anyone who enjoys fantasy.