Rating:  Summary: First time reader of Koontz, VERY IMPRESSED!! Review: The face unfolds to be a great story for those who like excitment and mystery. This is a must read!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Killer plot twists with a sense of the otherworld Review: I just finished reading The Face and let me tell you, wow. I have read other works by Mr. Koontz and none have left me with a feeling that someone is actually watching over me like The Face did. Just the fact that your guardian angel has the power to turn back time and let you choose a different path is amazing. I can't say enough about this book. Ehtan Truman was a trooper as well as little Aelfric. Dunny contacting Aelfric is an aspect of the supernatural that just makes you want to root for him to survive this ordeal.
Rating:  Summary: Still the great Koontz, brilliant, magic Review: The Face was in my possession one week before The New Harry Potter so there was no moment of indecision - i shall not spoil the story by discribing it - know only it is typical Koontz, evil, magic, supernatural, loyalty and friendship from beyond the grave, and different from many novels, a super ending.
Rating:  Summary: Best in a While Review: Koontz's best since False Memory. Utterly disturbing, Koontz paints a masterful canvas with his words and style. Highly recommend if you're an older Koontz fan.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic story! 4 1/2 stars!!! Review: I can see how some reviewers dislike the length of the novel and how Koontz uses language to the extreme.However, the story is so wonderful that it outshines any flaws in writing (which I personally had no problems with). Koontz creates a plethora of characters in this book that are all interesting, even the side characters who take up only a few pages of the story. Ethan, Fric, Hazard, and Corky are all people that will stick in my memory for some time. Even Channing, who never really makes an appearance in the novel, is a strong and memorable character. The story is powerful and uplifting. The ending, which I will not spoil, is as inspirational, thrilling, and satisfying as any other of Koontz' great works. I recommed this to any Koontz fan. And like many of Koontz' books, you don't even have to be a fan of his to enjoy them. The Face is no exception.
Rating:  Summary: Why all the bad reviews? Review: I have to admit that when I read the reviews here which said the book was impossible to follow because of its large cast of characters, I almost regretted buying it and was hesitant to start reading. I'm glad I decided to think for myself and press on! 300 pages (halfway) into it, I was still wondering where that huge, impossible to keep straight, will-make-you-put-down-the-book-and-never-pick-it-up-again cast of characters was lurking. True, there are several characters, but certainly not enough to confuse most readers - this is no "War & Peace" by any stretch. True, almost every new chapter brings a scene change, so focus shifts from one character's story to another, but each plotline is exciting enough that this shifting of scenes (which the best authors always employ) only adds tension and suspense to the novel. A little suspension of disbelief may be necessary to fully appreciate the storyline, but rest assured that anyone with a little imagination will be able to follow the plot as it builds with no problem.
In most of Koontz's recent novels, one could easily accuse him of overusing metaphors - indeed, the use of poetic metaphors could be said to be his trademark. No other contemporary writer displays a superior command of the English language as lyrically (try reading a few of his descriptive passages aloud sometime). The best thing about "The Face" is that the utilization of metaphor, while quite present, is not overdone. The result: when metaphors do appear, they are more poetic and effective because they are concise and relatively (compared to his other works) scarce.
Don't let negative, frustrated reviews discourage you from reading "The Face" - it is definitely one of Koontz's recent best!
Rating:  Summary: Refreshinging Change of Pace Review: As always with a DK, you can enter the pages of his book, and have a master artist paint with his words a new slightly different reality that comes to life in your mind. For this reason alone, I will always love his books. The images are so vivid, that while I may not always like where he takes me, I always "see" the destination.
The other reason I love DK, is that you do not get the same book re-packaged time after time. So many of the books he has written will remain my favorites, Watchers, Lightning, Phantoms, Dragon Tears, and the list goes on, because each one is so very unique. I will say, I really prefer his earlier ones, but now that I am an adult, I appreciate his newer works. He is always willing to stretch out and try new things to stretch our minds and expand our thinking. Like I said previously, I don't always like where it goes, but the ride is usually so well done, that I will traverse it whether I like the book or not. That said, I did like this book. It took me awhile to get used to Dunny, and the way the chapters flipped back and forth. For a little while, it seemed like you were almost reading two or three seperate storylines, that only came together at the end. If you read those storylines carefully, and do not skim, you will see that they weave together seamlessly from the start. This book did not have his typical romance interest, instead it has the love of a boy searching for a father, and a man searching for his soul, who ends up with a surrogate son. So the guy still gets what he needs, it is just not a girl. The friendship between Hazard and Truman are great, I like the banter back and forth. I was glad DK pointed out the way Fric looked @ Truman, because had he not told me they were going to be the way they were, I might have missed it, it was a little too subtle for me. Overall, I gave this book 5 stars because he was willing to do something different with the whole "guardian angel" thing, and it was such a departure from previous works, but I did not "love" the storyline. I could wait for paperback for this book, and unless you are a huge fan of his writing style, I would. Otherwise, go back and read "Watchers" again, while you wait for paperback. So, worth the read, but depends on you whether is worth hard back price or not.
Rating:  Summary: Great page turner Review: I think I've read just about every one of Dean Koontz books, and this is by far one of the best. It has great humour sprinkled around, lots of interesting characters, an all around wonderful book. I can see how some of the folks stopped reading it, since there are many characters involved in the story. But, as I suspected when I started reading it, they all tie in together into a wonderful story line and concludes with one of the best book endings I've read.
Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining Review: I was surprised to find Koontz publishing another novel shortly after By Light of the Moon, but it was not a disappointment. Although I found the beginning to be a bit slow and he tended to be very wordy with the adjectives I found the plot to be great. There was suspense and mystery and the paranormal all in one, and it was well done. Koontz really gets into the characters heads that really helps to make the story feel a bit more real. You can get an idea of what it is about from other reviews the from above but I would definitely read this if you like Koontz, and if you haven't read him try with this book. I also highly recommend BY Light of the Moon, Watchers, and Tick Tock if you are looking for a shorter more humorous read.
Rating:  Summary: Dean has done it again! Review: Anything by Dean Koontz is a good read. But this one is also good (of course) this is a guaranteed page turner. Dean hasn't done anything else like this before, but he did an awesome job doing it. I would also recommend The voice of the night by Koontz