Rating:  Summary: The best fantasy I've ever read Review: ...maybe even one of the best books I've ever read. I could go on for pages raving about this, but I'll keep it short and sweet.Everything about this series is good. The story, characters, setting, pace, perspective, mood, etc... All fit together very well. Characters do die. Unlike so many other fantasy authors that seem almost afraid to let a character die (Mr Jordan, are you listening), Martin lets everything from accident, assassination, war, or murder act on everyone involved. He doesn't pump up a select few hero characters that you know will survive no matter what the odds. This uncertainty is what makes it so fun to read. You really do have to keep reading to know what will happen next.
Rating:  Summary: Go George! Review: One of the best writers I have ever had the grace to read in a long, long time! Anyone who thinks this book is too violent doesn't have any place in reading these types of books in the first place. Go read Ed Greenwood if you want to read books about the good guys always winning. Yes alot of awesome charactors die but thats what makes these books so great since it gives the good guys a chance to avenge themselves on the injustices of this realistic fantasy world. I hope the Starks win for once and crush the Lanistars. I know alot of people probably like Dany but I don't really wan't her to win. One I think her charactor is very arrogant and thinks the world of herself, which actualy makes me hate her all the more. Two I don't like what she did to the man that truely loves her while going for a man that probably could care less about her, accept for her status that is. From what I gathered I don't think she is going to survive this series just for the simple fact that she places her trust in the wrong sort of people... As for other parts of the book another charactor I hope gets killed off is the red woman and her fire god. Personaly I am starting to think she and her god are hardly good at all. I meen she burns people alive, destroys and disrespects the old religions, etc. Also something near the end of a "Storm Of Swords" interested me, on what a Measter said about no heat comming from Stannis's sword, what was ment by that exactly? I doubt that she is ment to be a good charactor if you can actualy indeed state that any of the charactors are actualy "good" or "bad." My favorites has to be Bran and Arya oh and Davos, since he seems to be catching on with Stannis being seduced by promises and falsehoods from the Red Woman. Anyway I could go on and on but I won't I just hope the next book comes out soon!
Rating:  Summary: dissapointing after 2 great books Review: I would rate the previous volumes in this series very highly, and while this one has its moments ultimately it's a dissapointment. It feels as though Martin lost his way and couldn't work out what to do with his characters so ends up killing off a large number in the last hundred or so pages, or leaving them in limbo. I don't understand why the Danerys thread was in there if she never gets to actually challenge for the throne! The whole valar morgulis thread of arys' story (which I loved) never went anywhere either. And who was the black rider with cold hands who rescued Sam? Another intriguing sub-plot (well the whole book feels like subplots) that disappears. It feels like their should be a fourth volume to explain everything properly. Much of the first half of the book is gripping, but definitely loses its way in the second half. In the end just too many characters and plots which never came together.
Rating:  Summary: Best Ever!!! Review: I mean that!!! This book is the third book in a series that grabs and doesn't let go. It is a dark fantasy that is only dark because of its gritty realism. I've read many other authors and find Martin to be the best. Enjoy...
Rating:  Summary: Martin keeps getting better and better....... Review: The best (and worst) thing about reading a lengthy book (or a SERIES of lengthy books) is that you spend so much time with the characters that you feel like you really know them; it's as if they really exist. That's good, if good things happen to them. If BAD things happen, though..... A storm of Swords, Book Three in George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series, is pretty much an endless parade of horror and misery, as characters I have grown to know and love are subjected to some pretty nasty plot twists. I read A LOT, so this next statement, coming from someone who can smell a plot twist coming a mile away, is really saying something: This book has a twist that just knocked me right the hell out. I was so stunned that I put the book down and didn't touch it again for a few days. I needed time to recover. And the end is a shocker! (Don't peek!!!) In the space of 925 pages, Martin took all of the assumptions I had about how this series would end, and threw them out the window...the only complaint I could possibly have is that I wish the rest of the series were available NOW. I can't wait to see what happens next! Martin is an incredibly skilled writer, juggling literally hundreds of characters (There is an index in the back to help us keep track of who's who and whose side they're on), a HUGE landscape (The book has 4 maps to help the reader), and a whole score of plots and counter-plots. He also manages to take someone who had been one of the prime villains of the series, and turn him into someone vaguely likeable. I was very angry at Mr. Martin for what he did to my favorite characters in this book, but I'll have to forgive him, because I can't wait to see what he does next. (Don't keep us waiting too long, please!)
Rating:  Summary: Excellent read! Review: The series just seems to be getting better and better with each book. I love the intricate plots and subplots as well as the colorfully detailed characters (good and bad). I can't wait for the next installment!
Rating:  Summary: Same book as book 2 Review: I am surprised that people loved this book so much. Not because the author and the story are fantastic and wonderfully wrought with enough twists to keep your head spinning, but the third book is nothing but a repackaged version of the second book. I was extremely dissappointed to find that out. Read the excerpt pages and you will find out that you have read those words before.
Rating:  Summary: a great ride Review: this book is a solid a+. The plot is perfectly meshed with the story. Mr. Martin does what so few writers of any gendre can do. After convincing you after several hundred pages that you know for sure whats white and whats black he changes your mind. Not in the classic style of pulling the rug out from under your feet,but building his characters to be more than 2 dimensional. He performs this feat with style and a skill thats pretty hard to find. He defintely is the king of anti-hero. Does the book answer every question posed in the first two books? nope. Who cares? not me .
Rating:  Summary: Wow... this is probably one of the best series I've read... Review: I've read a lot of books over time, this series is contending with the Wheel of time series in my honest opinion. After countless dissapointing books from terry goodkind, and other such authors starting off with good books but then giving out sad sequels in the rest of the series, George Martin has yet to dissapoint. I've believe I've finally found my niche. =P
Rating:  Summary: If You Had One Series On A Deserted Island: This Is It Review: as the title states. I am not here to bad mouth Tolkien, Jordan, Feist, Eddings, Goodkind, or anyone else who writes major fantasy epics. They all have their place in the genre. But when it comes down to the PURE, BASE elements of a rousing good tale, that both stimulates intellectually, as well as tickling your action bone- A Song of Ice and Fire is it. I have been reading fantasy for over 20 years,and I can unequivocally say that Martin's epic is by far the best...