Rating:  Summary: You told me you had crystal knees and couldn't stop thinking Review: ...I will state again for the record that Mortensen's workconcerning his poetry is very good. His ability to craft a small story from a few stark and glib lines of language is commendable. However, the photography is non-impressive and is heavily reminiscent of a high school photo class, but lacking the variety of standard student submission. On the other side of the critical arena however, the montage's and art work that he included are wonderful. Red Minerva is one that definately will catch your eye.I recently took this book with me on vacation to Altoona, Pennsylvania and had the oppertunity to ingest it over a long, graduated period of abandon. Several people who knew not of Mortensen also relished it for the montage work and the prose. I will give fair warning though about the CD that was enclosed on the back cover. Much of his reading is engrossing. The man's voice is worthy of CNN commercials. His guitar playing/reading though is something entirely different. I have the feeling that pretension is no stranger to this man, but I love him all the same. The acoustic journey was a detraction to the ear, rendering some of the last few tracks almost unlistenable. Should I mention the hand-edited typo toward the back of the book? Was this the mad scribbling of Mortensen himself? I gave the book 4 stars, but with the actor included, it makes 5.
Rating:  Summary: Telephone call from . . . . . Review: ...In the first 44 pages there are some GREAT pieices of Montage. This is where his talent shows as an artist. My favourite one is on page 9 titled 'Sun losing it's yellow'. It's absorbing and striking to say the least. Reading the poetry, I found some great words drifting by in the copius landscape of this mans dream. 'Cuttings'is an out and out masterpiece of modern poetry. The writing alone was worth the price of the book...
Rating:  Summary: Viggo is an original person Review: Getting past the photography (simple yet complex) the poetry is what I truly love about this book. The CD that is included is nicely put together, and the meaning of the poetry comes to life when you hear his voice. My favorite poem in the book, and on the CD is "Cuttings" everytime I'm outside my own home (in the garden)I seem to resite it to myself. If I had one sugguestion, it would be that the CD came with more of a protective case to prevent possible damage.
Rating:  Summary: Convincing "Forgeries" Review: He's a poet, he's a painter, he's a photographer. Don't think Viggo Mortensen is just an actor, as talented as he is in that. "Recent Forgeries" is a collage of his works of all kinds, with poetry woven together with pictures and paintings... not to mention the CD. Pieced together but never patchy, this is a must-have. Mortensen offers a display of poetry, often melancholy and thoughtful ("I taste the blood/that shimmered/on your lips/Lingering, like guilt does"). There's also a selection of what seem like short stories woven in, like the slice-of-life "Relay" or the charming "Bedtime Story For Henry." And of course, paintings and photographs: the vivid "Sun Losing Its Yellow," soothingly surreal "Mute," and the quiet still photographs like "School." (A mildly decayed stone gate) Accompanying the "Recent Forgeries" book is a CD, in which Mortensen reads his poetry out loud, including "Bedtime Story For Henry," "Clear," and a handful that are not included in the book itself. Mortensen's smooth voice is accompanied by Buckethead, DJ Bonebrake and others. Most people who act don't have a lot of artistic dimension beyond that. Chalk one up for the eclectic bohemian: Mortensen has mastered self-expression in different ways, and shows it well in "Recent Forgeries." There's a little of everything -- everything, that is, that can be pressed between book covers. Along the way, the photos, paint and words seem to run together into a sweeping, colorful landscape. Mortensen's assorted artwork can evoke anything -- his poetry ranges from funny (like the quirky "Home") to poignant to ironic, and his artwork can be soft or angular, usually filled with great waves of color. At first some of them look random, but closer inspection shows just how careful and deliberate they are. His photographs are about the only thing that stay the same -- Mortensen focuses on little things that most people would miss, like signs, trees, empty stone gates with overgrown roads, and so on. A rich, well-rounded look into the mind of a talented artist. Viggo Mortensen's "Recent Forgeries" is a treat for anyone who appreciates art in all its forms. A rare creation, well worth having.
Rating:  Summary: Convincing "Forgeries" Review: He's a poet, he's a painter, he's a photographer. Don't think Viggo Mortensen is just an actor, as talented as he is in that. "Recent Forgeries" is a collage of his works of all kinds, with poetry woven together with pictures and paintings... not to mention the CD. Pieced together but never patchy, this is a must-have. Mortensen offers a display of poetry, often melancholy and thoughtful ("I taste the blood/that shimmered/on your lips/Lingering, like guilt does"). There's also a selection of what seem like short stories woven in, like the slice-of-life "Relay" or the charming "Bedtime Story For Henry." And of course, paintings and photographs: the vivid "Sun Losing Its Yellow," soothingly surreal "Mute," and the quiet still photographs like "School." (A mildly decayed stone gate) Accompanying the "Recent Forgeries" book is a CD, in which Mortensen reads his poetry out loud, including "Bedtime Story For Henry," "Clear," and a handful that are not included in the book itself. Mortensen's smooth voice is accompanied by Buckethead, DJ Bonebrake and others. Most people who act don't have a lot of artistic dimension beyond that. Chalk one up for the eclectic bohemian: Mortensen has mastered self-expression in different ways, and shows it well in "Recent Forgeries." There's a little of everything -- everything, that is, that can be pressed between book covers. Along the way, the photos, paint and words seem to run together into a sweeping, colorful landscape. Mortensen's assorted artwork can evoke anything -- his poetry ranges from funny (like the quirky "Home") to poignant to ironic, and his artwork can be soft or angular, usually filled with great waves of color. At first some of them look random, but closer inspection shows just how careful and deliberate they are. His photographs are about the only thing that stay the same -- Mortensen focuses on little things that most people would miss, like signs, trees, empty stone gates with overgrown roads, and so on. A rich, well-rounded look into the mind of a talented artist. Viggo Mortensen's "Recent Forgeries" is a treat for anyone who appreciates art in all its forms. A rare creation, well worth having.
Rating:  Summary: speechless Review: I found his poems fascinating. I have always enjoyed his work as an actor and these poems just add another interesting layer to his being!
Rating:  Summary: Hear Viggo Review: I found this book and CD to be very interesting. The photos and paintings are incredicle, the poetry was facinating, but the best part was the CD. Since Viggo isn't your normal rhyming, lyrical pose writer, hearing him actually read his poetry was great. It was like he was givng you your own personal reading. Wonderful! I highly reccommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Not out of print!!!!! Review: I had been searching for my own copy of Recent Forgeries, which is loaded with vibrant photographs and mysterious paintings, accompanied by thoughtful poetry. There is also a bonus- a spoken word and music cd. This book is worth owning on many levels and can now be found through Perceval Press! ...
Rating:  Summary: Curiosity Review: I had never heard of Viggo until Lord of the Rings. I was delighted there was more to the man than the Aragorn I had seen on the screen. The CD was a bonus. I had forgotten how nice and comforting it is to have poetry spoken. The music different, but am waiting for more. If you appreciate this book you must have Sign Language, you will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Knowledge increased Review: I had seen some of the pictures provided online that Viggo had taken and some of those have been displayed in galleries I found some of them to be provoking and others made me wonder why would someone do that? Such is art. The reviews that I have read about the books that Viggo has written made me decided to seek some of them out. I am looking forward to more. Thanks to all of you who left the wonderful reviews and to Viggo for sharing his talent and insights.This has encouraged me to not only view more of Viggos works but more art and poetry altogether.BR>I must be honest in the fact that until I saw the Tolkien movies I never knew Viggo Mortensen by name or the fact that he is a poet,artist,photographer ect..I hope that eventually I would have found my way to his work as sometimes seems to happen.Suddenly things seem to throw themselves into our paths and influence us. We either seek more out and/or rediscover something that we once loved and lost sight of or we turn a blind eye and mind. I have ordered and recently received Recent Forgeries.I have read and reread it a few times in the past 2 days since I have had it.I of coarse have a few pieces that I really like and could spend alot of time looking at. These are Red Minerva,Offerings,Cul,Pope's Apology,Saxon Morning, and What Have You Heard for the artwork. The writings, I absolutely adore Bedtime Story for Henry and Kids Are God;Pay Attention,so very very true.The CD was a wonderful addition to this book as well,it is one thing to read the writings and quite another to hear them read from the author himself.I would recommend this book,and possibly others as well.I have been intrigued and now I must seek more......