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Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Love Story Review: Gabrielle Warwick decided that she needed some human contact. She decided to go to the bar. While she's sitting there pretending to drink her beer, her preternatural senses tell her that someone is watching her. It's time for her to leave.She manages to make it to the parking lot, but no farther. The man watching her followed her. He tells her that he has to talk to her and that her life is in danger, a fact that she is aware of. The Adams Clan have been hunting down her kind for quite some time now. The man introduces himself as Preston Adams, one of the hated Adams Clan! He manages to get her in his car and she gives him directions to her sanctuary in the mountains. Preston has been seeing Gabrielle in his dreams. He knew when his grandfather sent him afer Gabrielle that he wouldn't be able to kill her. He also knows that when he doesn't report in, his grandfather will send someone else after them. Gabrielle is having a hard time accepting that an Adams would help her. She senses something familiar about him. When he touches her, her body reacts the same way that it did to Damon's touch. Damon was killed in the blood wars. After Damon's death Gabrielle vowed never to kill another human. She lives by killing some game and it has affected her. She's lost most of her vampiric powers. The next morning, they manage to make it to the coast. Preston is going to his grandfather and see if he can make a deal to leave Gabrielle alone. When he gets there, he runs into his cousin Cece. Cece is about the only one of his family that he can stand to be around. His grandfather refuses his request and they get into a big fight. Preston tells his grandfather that either call off the hit on Gabrielle, or he will leave and never come back. His grandfather says goodbye. Now Preston knows that his brother will be coming after them and he is a target as well as Gabrielle. This is a fantastic love story. As Preston and Gabrielle face one danger after another, they also begin to realize that Preston is the reincarnation of Damon. Damon and Gabrielle promised eternal love to each other. Gabrielle has never gotten over Damon's death and knows that she will love no other. This is a great look into the Vampiric Society, as well as the Vampire Hunters. The characters are all very well rounded. If you like Vamp stories, this is definitely the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: a love that survives death Review: Preston Adams comes from a long line of vampire hunters. Raised to believe that they are soul-less creatures bent only on drinking the blood of mortals, then killing them, he finds when the moment to destroy his first prey arrives, he can't [do away with] her. She is the woman he has been dreaming about. For Gabrielle, life is merely surviving. Ever since the loss of her beloved, she has suffered through her existence, only her strong will to survive keeping her from joining him in the afterlife. When Preston kidnaps her, she finds that things are not always as they seem, for here is a hunter helping the prey escape. When the Adams clan finds out that Preston is helping a vampire, they are determined to crush her, and him if need be. On the other side, the vampire council doesn't care why Gabrielle is keeping company with one of the hunter clan. Either she kills him, or they will both be destroyed. Running for their lives, with the help of Gabrielle's off the wall friends, Gabrielle and Preston find that dreams sometimes shadow reality, that old love's can be found again, and that things are never quite what they seem to be. Vampires have always held a fascination for me; be they the bad boys of Bram Stoker or Anne Rice's books, the devilishly delightful ... objects of erotica, or the attempting to reform and loving creatures of romance. They are capable of such delightful things, able to be molded into the quintessential misunderstood being, capable of pouring so much love and passion into a relationship. Jewel Dartt does well with capturing the emotions, the doubts, the yearning of the female heart magnified by a vampire's age. ENEMY MINE is a heart-warming, passionate novel of a love that survives death, and a testament to not judging by preconceived notions. © Michelle Houston, 2003
Rating:  Summary: Enemy Mine - Reviewed by In the Library Reviews Review: She's a vampire. He's a hunter. Enemies. Gabrielle Warlick is an undead, a vampire. For years the Adams clan has hunted her kind. Gabrielle is lonely, despises what she is, and has already become different than her own kind. She is incredibly intelligent, with a quest for knowledge. Has she finally been trapped by Preston Adams? Preston has been having dreams of Gabrielle for quite some time. Even though he's been sent to kill her, as he is from a family of vampire hunters, he just can't do it. He schemes a way to save her life. Is it fate that brings them together, especially because of Preston'? Preston doesn't know what drives him to protect Gabrielle, but once he devotes himself to her, his loyalty is unwavering. Preston avoided the family "business" for as long as possible. His research has shown that vampires like Gabrielle are harmless to humans, and he will try to do anything in his power to save them from the hunters in his family. What is so different with Gabrielle? Will Preston succeed? Preston and Gabrielle are enemies. It is disconcerting to them both that they have such a strong attraction to each other. How long will they be able to ignore it? The connection between Preston and Gabrielle is deeper than he'd ever thought. What is it about Preston that makes this so? It is amazing and unexpected! One of the things that impressed me about ENEMY MINE is the tribunal. This was a very touching part of the book, with the differing vampires - the ones that partake of human blood, the peacekeepers and the rogue vampires - very intriguing. When you pick up ENEMY MINE, you will read of love, honor, loyalty and a strong belief in fate. The story was not as I imagined it would be. It certainly is not just another vampire story. ENEMY MINE is a vampire story of soul mates, with a lot more. Journey to safety and discovery is filled with terror and expectation. ENEMY MINE has a conclusion that I never imagined, even though I flew through the pages expecting things to turn out a certain way.
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