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A Matter of Conscience (The Moral Vampire Series, Book 2)

A Matter of Conscience (The Moral Vampire Series, Book 2)

List Price: $32.99
Your Price: $32.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Series
Review: After reading all three books in the Moral Vampire series, I have to say that they are all excellent books. The books are well written and offer a variety of scenes to keep you laughing, crying, and on the edge of you seat waiting to find out what will happen next. While reading these books, I found it very hard to put them down and finished reading them fairly quickly. And I also came away having felt that I learned something from all of the life's lesson that are taught throughout the books, something I can't say everything I read. I highly recommend these books to anyone in their teenage and adult years.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Series
Review: After reading all three books in the Moral Vampire series, I have to say that they are all excellent books. The books are well written and offer a variety of scenes to keep you laughing, crying, and on the edge of you seat waiting to find out what will happen next. While reading these books, I found it very hard to put them down and finished reading them fairly quickly. And I also came away having felt that I learned something from all of the life's lesson that are taught throughout the books, something I can't say everything I read. I highly recommend these books to anyone in their teenage and adult years.

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