Rating:  Summary: The Stand By Stephen King Review: Stephen King beyond any doubt is the best writer I have read. The Stand Has to Be the best book ever written by King. When You Sit down and read this book you will be stuck there reading it until it is finished. By the time you are done reading it you will feel you have been there. So read the stand and be amazed... M-O-O-N that spells The Stand....
Rating:  Summary: An Amazing Novel of Depth and Scope Review: The Stand is truly an amazing novel with its large cast of characters and scope of setting. Don't let the large cast of characters scare you or lead you to believe the characterizations are shallow, because they are not. The depth of each character rings true throughout the novel; each one is realistic-they could be you or your next door neighbor. The plot is like a finely-woven tapestry, the threads weaving together to an exciting and satisfying finale. It is not horror in the typical or classic sense. Instead it is dark fantasy that, especially now, has a basis in reality. What would happen if most of the people you knew died and you were left alone? What would this strange new world be like? How would people react and cope? Stephen King is said to be the Master of the Macabre, but he is really the Master of the English language. Don't miss the opportunity to get lost in this enthralling masterpiece. Some references are dated since the book came out in 1978, but these are easy to overlook. It is by far one of the best and most engrossing books I have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Completely awesome Review: The master storyteller has blown me completely away. I stayed away from this one at first because of the length, but once I opened the cover...that was it. A completely awesome read. Look into new novelist Christine Hilger's "A Force of Habit" Imagine suspense in a nursing home for aged nuns-this author pulled it off (must have been a student of King!)
Rating:  Summary: this book was a letdown! Review: i had read quite a bit of stephen king's stuff before this - in fact, i was just coming off IT when i got this. it's king's Epic (although It and the Dark Tower series might also make that claim), and is definitely his most popular book. almost everyone i know who reads a lot of "popular fiction" loved this book, as did most king fans.so what's my problem? well... the first 300 pages or so are amazing - king gets the ball rolling on some promising characters and beautifully describes the collapse of american and world civilization under the superflu. the beginning is the most gripping part of the book, oddly enough - it doesn't drag like the beginning of McCammon's Swan Song. king's beginnings are always great, this one's no exception - the disease gets out on page 1, people start dying on page 5, anarchy has taken over by page 200, the world is emptied out by page 300. but then the book starts to trip up! i can see how king set the book aside half way through -- the middle and final portion of the book begins to get very muddled and preachy. flagg is suitably creepy, but not one of king's best villians. and the absurd Magic Negro stereotype of the Good Guys' leader bothered me a lot, as did the deus ex machina of the dreams bringing everyone together -- it strains credulity, as does King's trite theologizing (which he never seems to buy himself). just as the plot starts going bad, the characters go completely to (...). the good guy's roles become completely predictable - The Elderly Saint, The Quiet Kid With Strong Intuition, The Arrogant Man Who Learns a Lesson, The Tough But Tender Southerner, The Anxious Expecting Mother, The Wise Idiot, The Prideful Outcast (who of course turns evil) and The Bride of Darkness (again, we know exactly where she's going almost as soon as we meet her). although king's brief character sketches early in the book were fantastically vivid, the good guys are a complete waste by at least the half-way point. Not to say every character is lame - the bad guys are great. Lloyd, the escaped con that Flagg corrupts, and the twitchy lunatic pyromaniac Trashcan Man are a lot of fun to follow. Heck, even the charmingly written Wise Idiot on the good guys side (M-O-O-N spells Tom Cullen) is fun. But then comes the Quest (i was rolling my eyes by this point) into the enemy's heartland with only God on their side. This was campy, but still enjoyable - king is a great writer, even when stuck with a turkey plot like this one. but the end! how stupid! i won't blow it, suffice to say there's not really any final confrontation, just an absurd, unbelievable deus ex machina. now, a duel to the death between Stu and Flagg, *that* would have been cool. looking back on this review, it seems pretty harsh. but dammit, the book is 1200 pages long! it could have been good at 700 (just leave out the teary recitations of the national anthem, some of the (...)christian content, and a weak character or two). too bad.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: I'm a fairly new King fan, and I was ordered to read this by about five people, one of which, amazingly enough, was my mother. she rarely reads anything but the Harry Potter series and Romance novels. Anyways, the book started out great! It was fascinating how he explained Captain Trips like a chain letter. The middle was gettting you to know the many characters, and the people who could have had important roles if they hadn't died meaninglessly. And the end is Good against Evil, sure its been done, but that doesnt mean its not great in this book! My only qualm was that my favorite character died. Even if this book is long, its worth it, very much so.
Rating:  Summary: The Stand-The best of Stephen King Review: I have read a lot of King's novels but this one is the best.The first time I read it I got chills.I have read this book 5 times and it gets better every time.Even if you are not a King fan go and buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Stephen King's Best Novel Review: This book takes the classic story of good vs. evil and puts a new and terrifying spin on it. In light of the Anthrax outbreaks in the United States and the other threats (however overexaggerated) of bioterrorism, I find the idea of a "superflu" particularly mortifying. Once most of the world has died, we join the journeys of several survivors as they converge from around the country onto one of two locations in the West. One in Colorado (the good) and one in Vegas (the evil). The ensuing struggle creates a gripping plot that will not soon be forgotten by the reader. This book came out years ago, but its message rings true even today. Even non-King fans will love this one. It's atypical horror. The only monster is a personification of Satan. It's fiction, yet it could happen. The best kind of fiction there is. A must read for anyone!
Rating:  Summary: The Best of Mr. King's Works Review: I make it a point to read this book every summer, I love it that much. The concept of good versus evil, God versus the Devil, appeals to us all, I think. Count me as one of the "cult followers" of this book. Exceptional! This is the very best of Mr. King's long list of books.
Rating:  Summary: The Best King Book By Far Review: I first read The Stand earlier this year, and I have to say, it blew me away! Ive never read a book as lengthy as this one, and ive never read a book as remarkable either. It is a whopper of a novel, but youll barely notice. The characters could all be your neighbors, theyre so realistic. Stephen King isnt just a horror writer, he writes about everyday people like you and me and combines supernatural elements into their world. The Stand is an apocalyptic tale of a group of people, the survivors of a terrible plague, traveling across the world to ban together to stop evil forces and find a new way of life again. Its a good vs. evil type of story that is fast paced and packed with beautiful writing. Its scary, romantic, and chillingly real, when compared to religious beliefs. Reality is frightening at times, and The Stand is about an epic struggle to work together, and stay strong; to make the final stand. Excellent, excellent book.
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars, you believe that happy (...)? Review: I became a Stephen King fan the moment I finished The Green Mile. I had read 6 of his books before I began The Stand, and I can safely say that The Stand is his best book so far. The whole mess begins when a US government made superflu kills 99.4% of the world's population. This would leave about 36 million people left on the world, not too many considering how large the Earth is. This story just tells about what happens in the US, so the fates of the global human race is unknown to the reader. The survivors have dreams about two very different individuals. The benevolent Mother Abagail Freemantle and the malevolent Randall Flagg. The remaining people work their way across the country to either one or the other. The ending is not as bad as people say. At first I thought "what was the point of people from the Free Zone going over there if that happened", but then I figured they weakened Flagg to allow the ending to happen the way it did. Even if the ending isn't on par with the rest of the story this book is still Stephen King's masterpiece. Definately in the top 100 of the best fiction books ever. My favorite character...Tom Cullen. M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen.