Rating:  Summary: A story patched together from previous works Review: I've read nearly every King book written, and when I read this one, it was as if he cut and pasted old books together to build this story. There's aliens, like Tommyknockers; there's childhood friends who reunite as adults, like IT, et al; there's a child with disabilities who has an extraordinary mind, like Desperation; even the ending is eerily reminiscent of the ending to Needful Things. The list just goes on and on. If you like Stephen King and you don't mind that the utter lack of originality, go for it. But be warned: I bought it in hardcover and was left unsatisfied. If you need a King "fix," I recommend one of his books from the 1970s - Firestarter, The Shining, Christine... they were original, interesting and eerie stories.
Rating:  Summary: A riveting guilty pleasure Review: What a great read! I could not put this book down. I'm a 40-year old working mom, and I don't have time to read much anymore, but with this book, I found the time. I've been a Stephen King fan from the beginning. I read Carrie before Stephen became a household word, but I had to stop reading him after Salem's Lot because I just got too darn scared. I picked up Dreamcatcher after reading an intriguing review in the local paper, and what a delight to be back into Stephen's easy-to-read, everyman style. It was like reuniting with an old friend! I hate self-indulgent writers, and Stephen is the opposite; his characters are down-to-earth, real people with faults we can all relate to. A riveting guilty pleasure! I'm reading "On Writing" next.
Rating:  Summary: king at his best Review: i started reading king's books by mistake actually. the first one i ever picked up was IT. clowns have always scared me and i saw the movie and i knew the book had to be good. no other book has scared the [heck] out of me more than It. i've read everyone of his books ranging from his fantasy to his horror and i recently picked up Dreamcatcher. i loved every word of it. if you want to see how King can take everyday life and turn it around and scare the hell out of a reader, then pick up this book and read it. you'll end up asking yourself how a man can take a normal man with a normal life and create horror at its' best...
Rating:  Summary: Not one of Stephen King's best efforts... Review: I bought this book hoping that it would be similar to "It" or "The Tommyknockers." Unfortunately, it was very disappointing. The story started out well enough, and the flashbacks to youth were very Stephen King-esqe. Even the 4 adults were somewhat likeable, even with their flaws. The middle of the book was muddled, confused, and meandering. I can't explain why, or I'll be giving away too much. With the weak middle, weak overall plot, and basic confusing premise, the climax of the book ended up being unsatisfing as well... Skip this one unless you are a die hard Stephen King fan. This book will not make you a fan!!
Rating:  Summary: Novel or Hypothesis? Review: Dreamcatcher is a book that has finally arrived. Like a breath held too long released in a long awaited exhale. The subject that was eye candy was the exploration of telepathy. Stephen King brushed telepathy in "Hearts in Atlantis"; really nicked it in "The Green Mile"; and took telepathy out and played with it in "Insomnia". Now, telepathy's potential was examined in this captivating tale that makes you feel that you are everywhere in the story at once. The overuse of the F-key was somewhat distracting but I did find it interesting, the use of writing tenses, past and present. The main story was written in past tense while the back story, in the beginning, was written in present tense which really set it apart. Way to go Stephen.
Rating:  Summary: Not Stephen King¿s Best Review: Dreamcatcher is an average or slightly above average science fiction novel, but it doesn't even compare to Stephen King's classics. This is the story of four childhood friends who reunite for their annual hunting trip, and are confronted with an extraterrestrial nightmare. Their hunting spot is in the middle of an area that is infested with disgusting alien creatures that grow inside a person's stomach and then burrow out of their bowels when they are fully developed. The four friends must use psychic powers that they gained through their close relationship with a Down's-syndrome kid in order to fight off the invasion. The characters in this book are excellent, but the story could have been told in far less time. The book is almost 900 pages. Still, the length isn't the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that the story is far more disgusting than it is scary or even interesting. If you don't like hearing about bloody bowel movements, stay far away from this book. If that's not a problem for you, go ahead and give it a try.
Rating:  Summary: King's back in form!!! Review: I wouldn't say I've been dissapointed in King's post-Insomnia work, I've loved just about everything I've read from him (Which is about 75% of his works), Although I have noticed that he has toned down much of the twisted murderous gore of his previous novels and added alot more heart in his recent novels (Bag of Bones, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Green Mile, Hearts In Atlantis...) I think Dreamcatcher is one of his best! Definitely the best of the post-Insomnia novels. His character development is in top-notch form! Duddits is a trip! Gotta love The Beav! Dreamcatcher is hands down the goriest king novel I've read!
Rating:  Summary: best book i've ever read! Review: i can honestly say this is the best book i have ever read.i am only 15 and have read many books for school and on the side but this is the longest (879 pages) and most detailed book i've ever read. i did not get bored with this book once. i became attached to all the characters in the book and was upset when one of them would die. all the characters have different quirks about them that make you like them. Henry is a great character for his thoughts and views on things. Jonesy is great because of his feelings when he is being controlled by Mr.Gray. Beaver,because of his likable persona and sense of humor. Pete,with his cocky attitude and strange view on life. Owen,who is trying to figure out what's going on with the world around him. And of course Duddits,who is a very likable and fun character. after i finished the first part i was worried that the book wouldn't hold my interest. boy was i wrong. everything from Jonesy's struggle with Mr.Gray to Henry and Owen trying escape Kurtz,the insane military leader. in fact one of the most intense parts is the last chapter.while i was reading this i couldn't put it down. in closing this is a great book that everyone should give a try. this was the first stephen king book i read and i plan on reading much more of his. in fact i just started thinner last night and am already loving it.
Rating:  Summary: Worth a read. Review: Dreamcatcher is the very first book by Stephen King that I have read, but I must tell you, I was not disappointed, Dreamcatcher has great pacing, not slow but good enough for you to actually understand what is going on. The plot of Dreamcatcher is one in which there is a young boy (and to make it depressing, a mentally retarded one) with some sort of "special powers" almost. Dreamcatcher soon becomes so addicting that daily tasks/ errands / whatever will soon be forgotten. Although Stephen King's Dreamcatcher is nothing like William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist, this is one of the greatest horror novels of all time ( in my opinion obviously, that's what reviews are. Nothing more. ) Contains pervasive language and some sexual references.
Rating:  Summary: Not science fiction Review: Although Dreamcatcher's antigonist was alien, personified as "mr.gray", i didn't see this as a sci-fi novel. What made Dreamcatcher such a good read was the development of the characters. The background and flashbacks kept me interested. I was also impressed with the way King explaned the human mind and the concept of memory. I usually stay away from science fiction, and I only read this because it was Stephen King, but I was pleasantly suprised. Anyone thinking of passing this one up should reconsider.