Rating:  Summary: !!!! HEART STOPPING, EERIE, CHILLING !!!! Review: !!!WARNING!!! Pet Semetary, you won't be able to put this book down. By far Stephen King at his best. The way King keeps you on the edge of the seat is amazing. After reading this book, you will see just how important it is to keep the dead, dead.
Rating:  Summary: WOW!! A SUPER BOOK!! Review: Although I am only 12, I have read this great book. To me, Stephen King is a genius. (I wish I could have written this book!) I really felt the families pain when Gage died, and I was horrified when Louis decided to dig Gage up and bury him in The MicMac buring grounds. This book was so damn good, I couldn't put it down. I rate this book 10 stars instead of five!~
Rating:  Summary: Pet Semetary is the worst. Review: As far as Carrie and Nightshift are concerned they are true King horror. Then there is Pet Semetary which should have been a novella, NOT a novel! Movie script maybe, novel NO! Worst King Novel I have EVER read!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent!! Thanks for another sleepless night!! Review: Damn good book as usual. If you need an enema, this is the book that will do it. This book shows that sometimes, death is good.
Rating:  Summary: Pet Semetary Review: Did your goldfish recently die? If so bring it to the Pet Semetary. It will be as good as new the next day.....only a bit dead. Written by Stephen King, Pet Semetary is a horror novel that mixes the living with the dead. Set in present day Ludlow,Maine, Pet Semetary features Louis Creed, and his wife Rachel with their two kids Ellie and Gage. Along with their wise, old neighbor Jud. This book is mainly about Louis's decisions and how they will eventually turn on him. I like this book, and how Stephen King always makes everything focused on the Pet Semetary. People who like horror books or are fans of Stephen King should definitely read this. I would rate this book a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10 because the book starts out slow but gains speed near the end and you can't put it down.Overall I would say this is a great book for any Stephen King fans and you should defin itely read it.
Rating:  Summary: Pet Semetary Review: Did your goldfish recently die? If so bring it to the Pet Semetary. It will be as good as new the next day.....only a bit dead. Written by Stephen King, Pet Semetary is a horror novel that mixes the living with the dead. Set in present day Ludlow,Maine, Pet Semetary features Louis Creed, and his wife Rachel with their two kids Ellie and Gage. Along with their wise, old neighbor Jud. This book is mainly about Louis's decisions and how they will eventually turn on him. I like this book, and how Stephen King always makes everything focused on the Pet Semetary. People who like horror books or are fans of Stephen King should definitely read this. I would rate this book a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10 because the book starts out slow but gains speed near the end and you can't put it down.Overall I would say this is a great book for any Stephen King fans and you should defin itely read it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Review: For the first time in my SK career I have been really scared of what he has written! I was just more and more scared up until the end, but then the epilogue! It really freaked me out! When Gage died I'm sitting there reading and saying "WAIT! Gage didn't die! He was just imagining it! He grows up to win a gold medal! wait wait,no he did die......" I think one of the best parts of this book were the quotes from the Bible before each part, and all the references to Lazerus, and Job. Anyway, Stephen King has done it again!
Rating:  Summary: Whew! Review: For the first time in my SK career I have been really scared of what he has written! I was just more and more scared up until the end, but then the epilogue! It really freaked me out! When Gage died I'm sitting there reading and saying "WAIT! Gage didn't die! He was just imagining it! He grows up to win a gold medal! wait wait,no he did die......" I think one of the best parts of this book were the quotes from the Bible before each part, and all the references to Lazerus, and Job. Anyway, Stephen King has done it again!
Rating:  Summary: One of King's Finest Review: I am embarrased to admit how many times I have read this book! I first stumbled upon it in November of 1997 while I was going through a particularly rough time in my life. Believe me, reading this book did nothing to cheer me up to say the very least! The story begins as an "everyman" from the midwest, Lou Creed, brings his family to their new home...a beautiful New England colonial on a sprawling peaceful acreage. Lou seems to have it all: a darling daughter Ellie, a caring wife Rachel and an adorable son Gage, who Lou loves to utter distraction. Right away Lou meets "the man who should have been his father": Judd Crandell. Judd is strongly painted by King as a man who seen a lot, done a lot; having been "born in the very year 1900". He fills our anxious newcomer Lou with strangly "familar" comfort at a time when Lou stresses that moving his clan from the bustle of Chicago to this Maine "wilderness" may not have been the brightest idea. Lou is even pondering jumping into his car and high tailing it to the delightfully sugared fantasy world he holds dearly in his mind and brings out now and again to console himself: Disney World. Lou quickly finds himself drawn to the aging man, who at 83 strangly seems as spry and quick as any 60 year old. Judd, who has lived in the Maine woods nearly his entire life, warns Lou of the sinister danger lurking nearby: "the rud" or rather infamous Route 15. Route 15 has claimed the lives of countless animals and pets over the many years. Here is where King begins the story which gradually and surely leads to the most frightening bazaar terrors that our fine "everyman" Lou will soon encounter much to his own startling surprise. Lou soon learns of the Pet Semetary which is practically in his back yard: a mysterious and perfectly mowed lawn of grass where spirals of graves honor dead pets; most which have been maimed on RT 15. Rachel immediatly is replused by the idea of a grave site dedicated to pets, but Lou is intriqued. After tragically losing a patient, at the college where he works as a doctor, Lou finds strange things happening to him. He recieves a visit by the "ghost" of the dead patient in his dreams which leads him to the Pet Semetary and displays a hint of what is "beyond". What is beyond is the ancient and mystic Indian Mimac Burial ground, a place that Judd knows all too well. When Lou's daughter's cat is killed in "the rud" on Thanksgiving night Judd knows just what to do. He takes his good friend Lou to the Mimac Burial Ground beyond the thorny dead fall of the Pet Semetary to bury the animal. Little does the unsuspecting Lou know that the Mimac Burial Ground is well...special. Judd has decided to do his friend a favor: bring his cat back from the dead. The Mimac Burial ground has the power to "awaken" anything...or anybody that rests there. King does a magnificent job of showing Lou's disbelief and then gradually acceptance of such a strange and unwordly event...his cat emerging from the hands of death. Lou tries and tries to convince himself throughout the story that everything will be ok and he has the power to work everything out. For instance he also reassures himself that his ghostly visitor occured from a night of sleepwalking. Little does Lou know that the power is not is his control at all but rather out to engulf in him in a "spiral" of fear, depression and terror very much beyond his comprehension. Lou's life begins to a downward spiral as his family discovers the cat is much different than "before". The worst, however, is yet to come. On a beautiful May day RT 15 "decides" to claim Lou's beloved and precious Gage. After a mourning period, artfully and lovingly crafted by King, Lou decides yet again to make things ok. After all the is a way out of his grief: the Mimac Buriel ground. It is at his disposal and he can use it. After all, what can go wrong he wonders. So what if Gage turns out mentally stunted or even demon come to life? Lou will take care of that and make it "ok". He will simply put his son "down" if it does in fact come to that. King then tells a story, as told by Judd to Lou, that a Man named Bill Baterman lost his beloved son in WWII and decided to use the Mimac Burial ground to his OWN advantage... however his son Timmy awakened an "all knowing dameon". Lou does not listen and takes his own chance...fueling on pure, outragous grief of losing his 2 year old son he buries Gage in the burial ground and awaits the consquences. Judd has told him "a soil of a man's heart is stonier, a man grows what he can and he tends it". Now Lou must tend to what he has grown is his "garden" of secrets. Lou learns throughout the story that he cannot always make everything ok. The burial ground is a power much bigger than he is or ever was and like the spirals the graves create in both cemetaries, Lou is spiraling to the point of pure insanity. An insanity he cannot help. A string of terror also spirals intensly which claims the lives of nearly everyone Lou holds dearest. All the while his mind goes back to Disney World, that magical place where "Oz the Gweat and Tewwible" still lurks in the sweet magic. Lou is now aware that Oz is out to get you, everywhere you go. There is no safe hiding place. Oz is not his bitter aging father law or the boss you love to hate. Oz is death; the coming misfortune, the anxiety and terror that await you in every breath. One cannot control one's fate, Lou realizes. Only our friend Oz has the power to give and take what he wants, when he desires to. King uses a dynamite string of powerful diction and free stream thought to show Lou's half waking mind coming to realization of his friend Oz who is there and has always been there. Lou is going crazy and the spiral is nearly complete. This book chilled me. Not just based on King's "scare tatics" of misty graveyards and monsters in the forest. But of the loses Lou goes through, especially the adoring relationship he has with Gage which is taken away by "Oz" in a mere second on RT 15. The thought processes in Lou's mind are also amazingly written by King...going from a moment of intense and anxious thought, of how he will get into the cemetary to get Gage out of his coffin, to blurting out a lyric of a Ramone's song. I totally suggest this book to anyone who wants a disturbing, but well crafted read!
Rating:  Summary: Awesomely scary Review: I read this book for the first time I couldn't put it down. Stephen King keeps you on the edgeof your seat. When you read this book you won't be able to tell what's going to happen. Most of the time you can. I really suggest this to any one who likes scary books.