Rating:  Summary: BORING Review: I work at a bookstore and read a lot of books but this book made me fight to stay awake. It was BORING! Read 666,The Revelation, or Green Eggs and Ham, they are all more entertainig!
Rating:  Summary: Other Clegg novels Review: I had never heard of Douglas Clegg until Halloween Man and Nightmare Chronicles. I started these books for fun but found them to be moving, serious, funny in parts, but over all pretty great books to read.Now my big problem is tracking down his books Goat Dance, Never Land and Childrens Hour. Halloween Man is one of those novels where you can't recommend it to people who like slasher stories, even though there's a little slashing. You can't recommend it to people who like serious fiction because they all seem to believe that horror stories can't be serious. So who do I recommend this to? People who like Straub, Koontz, King, Little, and maybe Barker. This is a fascinating story, but not for people who don't demand a lot from their horror fiction. Yet it's also very entertaining. I can't wait to read Clegg's upcoming magnum opus, You Come When I Call You. I have no idea what it's about, but if it's anything like Halloween Man, it will be amazing reading.
Rating:  Summary: Upon further research Review: This review is an update of a review previously reported and included below: Stop reading at the introduction January 10, 2000 The introduction of this book is well written, spooky, and exciting. You should stop reading there. The remainder is bland, slow, and doesn't really accomplish much of worth, and someone did more than a little "borrowing" of the character of Nora Bonesteel from Sharyn McCrumb's novels. After the beginning, the remainder of this book is a huge let down, disappointing more and more to a boring ending. After all the hype, I was pretty let down by this one. Post Script... **Recently I had the good forune to have contact with Mr. Clegg, and he swears to have never read any of McCrumb's novels. Due to this conversation, I must add to my previous review that it (the character of Nora Bonesteel) could be just one of those strange coincidences.**
Rating:  Summary: Great horror novel Review: This one should be a movie I recently finally got around to reading Halloween Man. I bought it here about six months ago maybe a year. Im glad I did. Halloween Man is one page turner and from the opening through the story about Stonehaven and all the wild things that go on there, this is a gripping story. The way the story goes is there's a guy who is kidnapping this kid, but it may be that the kid has a dark power. Then we get the guy's life. He was brought up in this quiet town that had kind of a seamy underbelly. Then when he finds out that he and his girlfriend need to get out of town as teenagers, all hell breaks loose. There are thing about his own birth he never knew and now he's finding out just who he is and what his place in this town means. Im not good at describing it. Halloween Man is really great. Its definitely a read you have to stick with because it all builds up to this one really shocking part. But the story about what lives ina cave in Europe is really interesting, too. There's a wild character in here called Fairclough who may just be the most diabolicly interesting villain I've ever read. I recommend this as one of the best horror books of the year
Rating:  Summary: Stop reading at the introduction Review: The introduction of this book is well written, spooky, and exciting. You should stop reading there. The remainder is bland, slow, and doesn't really accomplish much of worth, and someone did more than a little "borrowing" of the character of Nora Bonesteel from Sharyn McCrumb's novels. After the beginning, the remainder of this book is a huge let down, disappointing more and more to a boring ending. After all the hype, I was pretty let down by this one.
Rating:  Summary: Coulnd't Put This One Down! Review: I've been reading horror novels since the age of seven. I'm now 30, and the only author that I've enjoyed more than Clegg is Stephen King. HALLOWEEN MAN is a definite must have for every horror fan's bookshelf.
Rating:  Summary: Best Horror Review: I loved Halloween Man. From the opening to the very end, the suspense was great. I read three other Clegg books, but this is the best so far. A guy takes a boy who may or may not be some sort of monster child back to the coastal town where he grew up to possibly kill him. But the story grows into this entire history of the town and just how dark the kid's nature may be. the horror just built and built and built, and then it explodes so that the last 100 pages flew by. You bet this story has heart, which makes it great. It's not just scares and shocks, although its full of those too. Halloween Man is about finding out how to be human in the midst of horror and fear. I look forward to the authors next novel, You Come When I Call.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Darn Good Review: I picked this book up browsing the horror section at the local Crown Books. Intrigued more by the title than anything else. At first the story was somewhat confusing but if you have any brain activity everything will make sense in the end. The depiction of gore was refreshingly unabashed, although the depth of thought in the protagonist at 15 years of age is questionable (Aaah, fiction). My only major complaint was the very formulaic ending. I have issues with horror stories ending in a not-so-horrific way. Ending is somewhat of an anti-climax and almost of relief. That bothers me. I don't think a reader should feel too good at the end of a horror story. Alas, even horror writers have hearts. A good read, bad ending.
Rating:  Summary: Horror fiction at its best! Review: Doug Clegg fails to dissappoint this long time lover of all things horror. Clegg's meditations on the duality of love vs evil is a powerful notion. Highly reccommended.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but no Salems Lot Review: After reading The Halloween Man, I put it down with a bit of disapointment. It is a fast paced story, but it did not grip me as did Salems Lot, which is a great horror story. Mr.Clegg is a good writer no doubt, however, King and Koontz need not be listening to foot steps from behind. The vampier story line has been done over and over to the point that it would really take a hard, fresh approach to pump new BLOOD into it. Maybe some other time Mr. Clegg.