Rating:  Summary: King Censors self, ridding us of His Best Work Review: I am very upset that King censored himself by having Rage taken out of print. It is the first of the Bachman Books, and what I feel to be the best King has ever written. In the process, two of the other Bachman Books--The Long Walk and Roadwork--also exceptional King works, have fallen out of print. Rage is the most touching, gripping, and well written thing King has ever produced. Early in the story,a disturbed student kills his mathteacher and holds his class hostage at gunpoint. In the beginning you can only feel that this boy is seriously disturbed, but by the end you--the reader--and his entire class feel sorry for HIM. King allowed himself to be convinced to take it off of the market, however, due to the rise of high school shootings; as a horror writer, he should not fear subject matter. He should also realize that his book is NOT the reason kids do such things. These things happened before King ever thought to write about them and will continue to happen weather or not they are written about. And perhaps if we are presented with more novels like King's which show the perpetrator in a sympathetic light we may be able to understand these people better and do more to help them BEFORE matters get that far along. Unfortunately, the only piece of this fabulous collection that remains in print now is The Running Man--while this is a good work, it is the weakest in the collection. I advise you all to track this title down in your local used book store before it becomes impossible to find.
Rating:  Summary: Bachman -- King in overdrive Review: Richard Bachman was a much more concise writer than Stephen King, an that's a good thing. The four "Bachman Books" read like the superb King novella collection "Four Past Midnight." "The Running Man," not to be confused with the campy over-the-top sci-fi movie it became and which it bears little resemblance to, is chilling. As are the "The Rage" (precurser of Columbine High School?) and "The Long Walk," which is a King horror story at its most basic. "Roadwork," is not quite as good as the rest, but it is still worth a read. Overall, this is one of King's best collections of stories. Thank you, Mr. Bachman.
Rating:  Summary: Bachman Books Review: These four early novels by Stephen King, for the most are quite good. For me the, the book's high point is the second story featured, The Long Walk. A futuristic story about a game where its contestants walk, and walk, until there is only one survivor. The concept sounds simple, but the character development here is what makes this story a great one. The first selection Rage is also quite good, about a high school student taking his class hostage. Real good character development here as well, particular with the main character. The final two selections failed to hold my interest as much, Roadwork and The Running Man. Many people will probably be familiar with the latter's motion picture version. But overall, I would recommend this book. I think most of King's best writing is his earlier work. This book shows King's story telling talent, before he became a household name.
Rating:  Summary: True Horror Review: I like horror, of course, and my favorite type of monster is unrealistic and irrational, such as a werewolf or the aliens of the Alien movie series, but I would have to say that the most horrifying story I have ever read is The Long Walk. The other novellas are also of merit and worth reading, but The Long Walk - well, it is an experience that is hard to forget. From the moment the first walker got given his ticket, I read in a state of absorbed horrified fascination and could not stop. Could not. Read this story deep into the night and bawled my eyes out when it ended, because it was so horrible. The whole story - well, it's one of the best future-horror stories ever written - like 1984 but a lot more pointed and horrific. This set of novellas helped me look at game shows in a whole different way and showed me that horror surrounds us and is potentially everywhere. I love Stephen King's novellas and short stories - it is in these areas that he shows his mastery. I think the whole novel a year thing ruins his money-making writing - heaps of it is trite compared to this!
Rating:  Summary: 2 really good books, two lesser books. Review: These are 4 books that range in quality from moderately good to great. I heard SK (or RB) wrote running man in two days. It was so action - packed, it took me about as long to read it. That's gotta be my favorite(and if you saw that Swarzeneggar movie and think you know the story, you're wrong, the book is totallydifferent). Its also got some good ideas about class distinctions between rich and poor and is good Sci - Fi, futuristic tale. - - - - - "The Long Walk" is really good too, disturbing also. "Rage" and "Roadwork" are OK, luckily they end before they get too boring.
Rating:  Summary: If I could, I would ( I had to choose at least 1 star) Review: Republish "Rage" and get it done with! I hope the man does not believe he has that much influence on our grand society.
Rating:  Summary: 4 of the best books I have ever read Review: I have read this book 10 years ago.And when I found it again last week I just knew I had to get it. If you have ever seen the movie The Running Man forget it and read the book. There is no comparision. Rage really makes you think what the youth of today must be going through. I hope it is just a rumor about King pulling this book. I believe if your a parent you need to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Read it, loved it, except Roadwork Review: Couldn't get into Roadwork. The rest of the novellas are unforgettable. ALSO: In case it is not just rumor, I am outraged King wants the story RAGE no longer printed because of Columbine. That is a cowardly move for the horror genius.
Rating:  Summary: this book was unforgetable..esp THE LONG WALK Review: i will never forget the last pages..The emotional pressure was intens
Rating:  Summary: waited a long time to read it- it was WELL worth it Review: I picked this book up when it first came out, about 8-10 years ago I think. I was of course a full-fledged King fan but I never got around to reading any of the stories (don't ask me why, I did the same thing with The Stand, which is one of my favorites; I guess I just have to be ready for it). This summer I decided to take the mammoth paperback off the shelf & delve in. What can I say?? RAGE, in light of the recent tragedies at schools, seems almost prophetic. THE LONG WALK kept me awake at nights and, by the end of the story, I felt absolutely exhausted. I wonder if anyone else had the thought that the plot was an analogy to war, sending our best youth off to die. ROADWORK was an extremely disturbing exploration of insanity but, at the same time, I felt intense sympathy & admiration for Bart; in his mind he was justified in his actions. THE RUNNING MAN, as everyone has stated, has nothing to do with the Arnie movie; would have been much better if it had. I loved the final last 2 paragraphs. Again, this is a volume I will be rereading over & over again; I have always been amazed at Mr. King's ability to take a normal, everyday situation, tweak it, & stand the world on its ear. Bravo!