Rating:  Summary: A glimpse inside the mind of a killer! Review: "The Event" by Donald Silverman is a drama like none I have read before. The killer is exposed from the beginning but the story has just begun!A real page turning suspense thriller had had me swiftly turning the pages!
Rating:  Summary: revenge of the nerd with a twist Review: "The Event" by Donald Silverman is a drama like none I have read before. The killer is exposed from the beginning but the story has just begun! A real page turning suspense thriller had had me swiftly turning the pages!
Rating:  Summary: A glimpse inside the mind of a killer! Review: "The Event" by Donald Silverman is a drama like none I have read before. The killer is exposed from the beginning but the story has just begun! A real page turning suspense thriller had had me swiftly turning the pages!
Rating:  Summary: A Change of Pace Review: "The Event" is an event--a page turner from start to finish. A well written, unusual concept. You will empathize with the protagonist until his true character surfaces and you hate him. A different,innovative plot in this world of sameness.
Rating:  Summary: The Event Review: A young man is subjected to the unmerciful bullying by his prep school roommate--this is the setting for The Event, one of the ten or twelve best novels I have ever read. The tone and style of this Donald Silverman story is reminiscent of Holden Caufield's misadventures in Cather in the Rye. I found The Event engaging--I felt the main character's pain and frustration as a boy and as a man. As Henry David Thoreau once wrote: Most men live their lives in quiet desperation. Our protagonist can certainly attest to this. I loved this main character and was rooting for him on every page. I give this novel an A+.
Rating:  Summary: An inside view into the normal appearance of the dark side Review: As a psychologist, before moving into consulting on organizational dynamics and competitive strategy in corporate settings, I consulted on diverse terrain including teaching at Dartmouth Medical School and clocking over fifteen years working with juvenile and adult offenders. In that setting, I had the opportunity to learn more about the psyches of sociopaths, people who inflicted terror on others without blinking an eye or shedding a tear, than most people can imagine. I can reassure you that Donald Silverman has captured the psyche of the sociopath living a normal life in Albert Townsend, the main character in The Event. If you want to develop your understanding of minds that can inflict terror without guilt or haunting dreams, you should read this book. Given our current collective history, I would suggest that you read it today. It's more timely than ever. I have seen the faces and looked directly into their eyes of evil, into the eyes of people accused of terrorizing others including, their own children, in ways beyond the imagination of most of us. The mysterious thing is that when those eyes looked back, they usually appeared remarkably normal-just like Albert Townsend's unflinching gaze. There was no clearcut evidence of aberrant behaviors, malicious intentions, or horrific history, of "events" of inflicting pain and harm on others. What looked back at me was simply another human face with eyes that challenged my suspicions and even challenged the sharp memories that their victims held long after the "events". To most of these terrorists, "the event" was just another day, something to literally sweep under the rug or, as in Albert's case, to store in the freezer or bury under a tree. That was the most amazing part of it. For most of these "terrorists" who had inflicted harm on others without guilt or remorse, the memory was gone. It was a fleeting "event" to them that their victims carried with them as traumatic memories that haunted them forever. Lifechanging for their victims, it was just part of a day for the "terrorists". Few can understand this, and that is why The Event is more timely than ever. It provides a realistic view into the workings of a terrorist's mind, the mind of someone who can inflict harm, even take the life of another, and just keep on moving forward, even enjoy driving their victim's car. Donald Silverman has captured the appearance of normalcy that can accompany the dark side. By making it so normal, so mundane, with his descriptions, his pacing, and his superb descriptions of New Hampshire, he describes a truth that many will never see firsthand-the dark side can look as normal as the light. And to those who live on the dark side, it feels normal and logically makes sense to do whatever it takes-even if that means murder. An extra-ordinary storyteller who has spent his share of time in mundane New Hampshire, Donald Silverman is a master at spinning a tale. He is as much a master at creating a realistic sociopathic character as his character Albert is at living the role of a sociopath in a life of middle class normalcy. Even in his most desperate moments, Albert has the presence of mind to hold on to his favorite ice cream and to consider whether to take the Cadillac or not! A murderer, an opportunist, a psychopath/sociopath, yes he is. But he is also human, fighting to get his needs met so that he too can live the good life-recognition, a worthy automobile, and a wife who idolizes him. There is no green face or forked tongue to those who operate without a conscience, to those who are so disconnected from their human nature that they are disenfranchised from life. Read The Event now to understand the full impact of the terrorist's mind and why it's imperative that we comprehend it as we remain a nation on alert. Once you see the world through Albert's eyes, you'll understand the criminal mind. And you'll appreciate the brilliance and craft of the author, Donald Silverman. I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Rating:  Summary: Captivating... Review: Donald Silverman keeps the reader on the edge of their seat with this deep character study. As the story unfolds through flashbacks, you are taken into the mind of Albert Townsend, that you actually feel sorry for him. He's your typical 'plain Joe' bullied in High School and on through adulthood. It's scary how he justifies his actions. The book is very readable and a page turner... I recommend it...
Rating:  Summary: A must for mystery lovers Review: Donald Silverman's first book is a winner. He should be enjoyed by both Grisholm and Steven King fans. Don't miss out on this one.
Rating:  Summary: a fast read Review: I enjoyed thebook immensly,and found it diffcult to put down. The characters were interesting and the ending surprising. Anyone who enjoys a good suspense novel should buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Amazon sells my book. Review: I like to buy my books on Amazon. So I find it most grarifying to see my novel on their web site. The Event was a finalist in the Hemingway First Novel Contest. The novel tells the story of a 14 year old boy trapped in a private school with a sexually and physically abusive roommate. As an adult, Albert Townsend leads a boring life. His wife walks all over him, he has a dull job at his mother-in-law's boutique and he rarely speaks to his children. But while his acquiescence may be construed as simplicity and compliance, he is anything but. Albert is a murderer. I hope you enjoy reading my work as much as I did writing it. It sure beats actually commiting murder.