Rating:  Summary: abandoned for over 50 years Review: Abandoned for over 50 years, who was in the window? Richie Tankersley Cusick One day Emma and her best friend Val were in Emma's room messing around doing girl stuff Emma look at the window to the creepy old house next door and there was some body in the window! No ones lived in that house for over 50 years! AAAAHHHHH Emma's brother Charlie comes running in and scars them ...! When they looked back at the house the guys wasn't there any more. Val was in love with Charlie she wanted to go to the dance with him so bed! Emma couldn't stop thinking about the guy next door who was he? Were did he come from? So Emma spent most of her time in he room or just looking at the house. So Charlie know that Val liked him and tolled Emma that if she would stay one hole night in the old Farmington house that he would ask Val to the dance. Well Emma knows how much Val liked Charlie so she said yes! After school Emma got her stuff ready. A couple of house latter Emma and Charlie were standing on the front deck of the house. Be for you leave Charlie could you look in side and make sure its safe? Please for me? After that Charlie left. The next thing that Emma could remember was walking up in the cellar and some body was shouting her name. Than Daniel came running in. he said we have to go now or your father's gone [hurt] us! So she tucks his hand and they ran out of the house and kept going until they came to a barn. Daniel said we have to live now or your father's gone. Slam the barn door swings open and there's Emma's dad! ...
Rating:  Summary: Quite the novela!! Review: Admit it! I'm sure you can think of at least one time in your life that you wish you could relive. You know,so that you could maybe change what happened and therefore change the reprecussions. Personally I can think up several occasions. In "The House Next Door" there lies a story within in a story (one of the many aspects that make this book such a good one), the inner most story is one of an undenying love and a tragic occurance. While the outer story is of a girl who some how gets entangled into this web of affairs. There is so much to be said about this book, but I won't summarize it for fear of giving away too much about the book. But Emma and her brother Charlie are twins that share this physic connection. Emma winds up spending the night at the house next door (which has been deserted for awhile)and while there she falls into the cellar. After falling into the cellar she wakes up only to find herslef as a girl named Emma but she knows it's not herself. To keep a long story short she wakes up from this mysterious but very real dream to find herself back in the cellar. Her brother Charlie comes running and finds her, but while in that dream Emma discovers part of a tragic event that took place almost a hundred years ago, dealing with a girl her age whose name was Emma too. Emma goes on a search to find out exactly what happened those hundred years ago, and because of their connection Charlie decideds to help out Emma. From there the story takes many twists and turns so that just when they thought they've figured it out they realize their wrong. The story leaves you guessing even until the very end. And it is written in such a way that you just want to keep reading, I mean you just won't be able to put down the book. In my opinion this was a book with an excellent plot and written in an excellent way. I hope I've convinced you to pick up this book, and see for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Unique Ghost Story! Review: Although I am an adult reader I picked this book up from the library because I was drawn to the neat cover. Come to find out this was one of the best ghost story books I ever read, eventhought it really wasn't scary. The story centers around the main characters who are boy and girl twins, the girl twins best friend, and an abanded house next door that is haunted. One day when the girl twin, Emma decides to go over there on and travels back to the last century somehow. From that point on the story gets really interesting, and will keep even the adult reader glued to it's pages!
Rating:  Summary: The Most Unique Ghost Story! Review: Although I am an adult reader I picked this book up from the library because I was drawn to the neat cover. Come to find out this was one of the best ghost story books I ever read, eventhought it really wasn't scary. The story centers around the main characters who are boy and girl twins, the girl twins best friend, and an abanded house next door that is haunted. One day when the girl twin, Emma decides to go over there on and travels back to the last century somehow. From that point on the story gets really interesting, and will keep even the adult reader glued to it's pages!
Rating:  Summary: Richie, what happened? Review: Being a long-time fan of Richie Tankersley Cusick (I picked up "Teacher's Pet" a short time after it was first published and was hooked after that), I was extremely excited to hear she had written a new one after such a long break. I picked it up the day it came out -- that's how excited I was -- and read it all in one sitting. Now, this is a good book, don't get me wrong. Definitely worth the read. What made me feel the urge to write this review (my first) was that I felt the need to talk about how Richie's writing has changed. This book is not like her other books. For one, it's supernatural. I mean *actually* supernatural, which she hasn't done before (if you've read her other stuff, you know what I mean by *actually*). Okay, I have no problem with that. But one of the things I loved about her books was her writing style. She didn't write, she flowed. She connected with you. She made you *feel* for the characters, and a lot of times she made you laugh. And she never, ever left you disappointed with the ending. This book is well written, but I found by the end that I wasn't as attached to it as I had with her previous books. I liked Emma, but somehow I couldn't bring myself to care about her to the extent I did, say, Robin in "Help Wanted" or Jenny in "Silent Stalker." The *feel* of it was different. Maybe it was the few years she took off from writing, I don't know. And when I got to the end, I very disappointingly found myself disappointed. Knowing what I do about how she ends things, I even know exactly the ending I would have thought she'd written. But she didn't. Maybe that's what keeps me from giving this five stars. My point is, if you're looking for something to read, this is good. It's not a waste of time. However, if you're looking for something to *live through* while you're reading, I would point you in the direction of Richie's other books, particularly her older ones, although I liked "Summer of Secrets" and "Starstruck" a lot too. And if you're a fan of Richie Tankersley Cusick, don't be surprised if you find yourself a little disappointed that this one doesn't quite measure up.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting But Lacking Review: Emma and Charlie Donovan share a lot of things. Their birthday for one, CD's, and dreams. On a dare, Emma bets Charlie that she can spend a night alone in the house next door. Which is, supposedly haunted. After one night in the house Emma begins having strange dreams, and living the life of a girl who lived in the house, who had the same name and age as Emma. Now her life is spinning out of control. While other girls her age are planning their outfits for the school dance, Emma is trying to rid her mind of a spirit and a love from 100 years ago. While this book was very good at times it lacked in certain areas. I recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of the Buffy the Vampire slayer book series. Or anyone interested in the paranormal.
Rating:  Summary: A Love Story That Ended in Tragedy - Relived Review: Emma Donovan and her twin brother Charlie had a normal sibling relationship, they fight, made fun of each other in front of their friends and he has a crush on her friend Val. You know normal, but ever since birth they had a connection with each other. They can sense each other's feelings if their really strong or the other's thought. Through time they learned to put up mental walls and block each other from sensing anything but once again Charlie has more control. Upon confirming her suspicion that her brother have a crush on her best friend Val one morning, she took the privilege of teasing her brother about Val. Charlie was not to be messed with. He himself knowing that his sister was scared of ghosts made a deal that if she spend the night in the house next door ( having to be said to be haunted ) he would take Val to the dance. Being the good friend she was ( and to prove that she wan't scared of ghosts ) she said yes. Not know that that weekend was going to chanage her life forever. ( Used a lot yes but it was the only thing I could think of ) Meeting a ghost and reliving the past will she be able to chanage what is already written down in history and free him from the misery of being without his love?
Rating:  Summary: An Interesting Twist Review: Emma Donovan and her twin Charlie are often at odds with one another. One morning Emma and her mother tease Charlie and come too close to Charlie's denied feelings for Emma's best friend Val. Charlie must retaliate. He bets his sister that if she can spend a night in the old Farmington house alone he'll ask Val to the Homecoming Dance at school. The large Victorian sits abandoned and is rumored to be haunted. At one time, the whole neighborhood belonged to the Farmington estate. Emma's bedroom faces the eerie hulk she even thought she saw someone in the window once. To Charlie's surprise, she takes him up on it. While there, Emma has an accident and meets the ghost of a man she recognizes from another life. She loves him and realizes that he's the one she's been searching for all along. But love seldom ever goes smoothly.... The House Next Door harbors a tragic love story that ended in murder and left a grieving soul trapped in the Farmington house. The novel should be called The House of Tension and Suspense. I simply couldn't put it down completing it in one evening! The love story is Romeo and Juliet set in very different circumstances. It's intense! No romantic reader could not fall for Daniel and agonize over his plight. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: An Interesting Twist Review: Emma Donovan and her twin Charlie are often at odds with one another. One morning Emma and her mother tease Charlie and come too close to Charlie's denied feelings for Emma's best friend Val. Charlie must retaliate. He bets his sister that if she can spend a night in the old Farmington house alone he'll ask Val to the Homecoming Dance at school. The large Victorian sits abandoned and is rumored to be haunted. At one time, the whole neighborhood belonged to the Farmington estate. Emma's bedroom faces the eerie hulk she even thought she saw someone in the window once. To Charlie's surprise, she takes him up on it. While there, Emma has an accident and meets the ghost of a man she recognizes from another life. She loves him and realizes that he's the one she's been searching for all along. But love seldom ever goes smoothly.... The House Next Door harbors a tragic love story that ended in murder and left a grieving soul trapped in the Farmington house. The novel should be called The House of Tension and Suspense. I simply couldn't put it down completing it in one evening! The love story is Romeo and Juliet set in very different circumstances. It's intense! No romantic reader could not fall for Daniel and agonize over his plight. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Candice English book review Review: Emma Donovan wants the best for her brother Charlie and her best friend Val, so when her brother says that he will ask Val to the dance if she spends one night in the creepy and haunted house next door. With some reluctence she agreed. While she is there, she falls in love with a dead man and has to figure out how to save him. I choose this book because it looked very interesting. I read the first chapter and I was hooked. The best thing was that it kept you in suspence till the very end, it kept you thinking, it's not who you suspect. The worst thing was that it had some sexul content and swearing. I think the author intended this book for 9th grade and up because you need to be mature enuff to read some of the things that are in this book. The thing I learned from this book was that you should act as if every day was your last day because you never know when it is going to end. "As Daniel pressed his lips against hers, the fire didn't matter anymore, nor the pain, not the life that was sadly ending. In the midst of tragedy, there was only love." I think I would recommend this book mainly to my girl-friends because it is a mystery story about a love story. I would only recommend it to one of my guy-friends if I knew they enjoyed romance novels. But really, anyone can read it if they want to because it is a wonderful book!