Rating:  Summary: Wolfs Hour rekindled my passion for reading fiction. Review: I have read only two McCammon books. Swan song and Wolf's hour. Wolf's hour is an extrordinary tale. A ww2 spy with teeth? Lover, fighter, philosopher,.....Wolf? This book is great, even after the third time. Thank you Robert McCammon
Rating:  Summary: The best fiction book I've ever read ... Review: The book came into my hands by a friend who had liked it (it was
a gift). The moment I started reading it grabbed me so much
that despite it's volume I couldn't let it go. I ended up
losing sleep hours to read it.
It's about a werewolf spy in WWII, who fights the Nazis. The
book moves efficiently back and forth in time to describe his
past and present. Much live action, strong emotions, beautiful descriptions, are presented so real and instense
that you can't let go ...
It was so alive that I will never forget it ... I strongly recommend it to anyone who likes fiction.
Rating:  Summary: All-time favourite Review: The first McCammon I read was Stinger, and he immediately went to the top of my list of favourite authors. I couldn't get enough of him. And then I found The Wolf's Hour - the most engrossing story I have ever read. I devoured the book in just under 14 hours - God knows how many times I have read it since. The story of a werewolf tearing the heart out of the Nazis combined with McCammon's extraordinary ability for developing characters that emotionally tie you to the book totally enamoured me. I'd give the book an 11 but there's no button for that
Rating:  Summary: The Wolf's Hour is the greatest book I've ever read!!!! Review: I had never heard of Robert R. McCammon until my junior year
of high school. I read BOY'S LIFE and wondered if there could ever be a better, more engripping book. Well I found the better book. It is THE WOLF'S HOUR and it is the best book I've ever read. It grabs hold of you from the start and
never lets go. It is the story of a werewolf that is a member of the British Secret Service in World War II. This wolf-man is used for only the most urgent missions and that makes for always exciting adventures. I don't want to say anymore because I don't want to ruin the book for anyone. Just make sure to get this book and read till your eyes pop out!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: An epic, unforgettable thriller! Review: Michael Gallatin is a British spy. Handsome, intelligent, cunning, seductive, he is everything James Bond could ever hope to be...except Gallatin is a werewolf.
Caught up in the troubles of WWII, desperately trying to uncover and stop a top-secret Nazi experiment, Gallatin meets a wide array of interesting and quirky characters, some of them friendly, some of them deadly. He must also come to grips with what he is, and face his own inner enemies...before time runs out.
Okay, so a werewolf solider in WWII doesn't sound like a great idea for a book; or, at least, not a good book. But Robert McCammon pulls it off--he has written a top-notch, gripping, emotional thriller that defies logic and critics' expectations. Indeed, it has such emotional power--especially in the flashback sequences of Gallatin's troubled childhood--that it even wrenched a few tears from me...and that's not an easy thing to do.
"The Wolf's Hour" is certainly one of my top-five favorite books of all time (and I've read a lot, people!). Robert McCammon has written some doozies in his time, but this one surpasses all of them. Gripping, thrilling, intoxicating...everything a good suspense novel should be. You want a war story? Romance? Horror novel? Action-adventure? This is it.
Rating:  Summary: Lame Review: This book is pretty weak. It reads like a list of cliches taken from James Bond and every other cheapo action book you could imagine. The women are all beautiful and mainly interested in sex with the hero; the Nazis (of course) wear big boots and are psychotic; the head of the secret government agency has to come to beg the hero to come out of retirement for one more job; there are shoot-outs and fist fights galore..... I think you get the point. The language is at its worst during the romantic scenes, which are barely one step above Romance novel cliches. I will give the book the following. There is a ton of action from stop to start. But generally, this is a weak thriller.
Rating:  Summary: High adventure set in nazi Germany Review: In the minds of many horror novel fans, Robert McCammon was the 80�s best genre writer not named Stephen King. The late 80�s and early 90�s were particularly impressive as he released a trio of amazing novels such as Swan Song, Stinger and The Wolf�s Hour. Mccammon has never written a sequel to one of his novels but if you ask most of his fans they would tell you that The Wolf�s Hour is the most likely to have one since the story ends before the end of the second world war therefore leaving Michael Gallatin with many other potential missions. Of course, McCammon has been retired from publishing for upwards of ten years(Speaks the Nightbird is not a comeback novel as it was written several years ago but only published recently) so it doesn�t look like there will ever be a sequel to The Wolf�s Hour which is sad news for anyone who enjoyed this novel as much as I did.Michael Gallatin is a transplanted Russian who's a top agent for Britain during WWII. In 1942, he overtook Rommel in North Africa and foiled the Nazis� plan to control the Suez Canal, a vital waterway that would ensure that Nazi Germany could choke off Allied shipping and continue their march east into the underbelly of Russia. Fast forward to 1944: the war still rages on and the Nazis are being forced toward Berlin by a vengeful Soviet tide but Western Europe is still in Hitler�s grip. Gallatin, in seclusion since 1942, is called back for a vital mission: The first part of the mission has him being parachuted into Nazi-occupied France to retrieve vital information from an informant in Paris who is under tight security from the Gestapo. Once the information�s retrieved Gallatin must make his way east to Berlin, the poisoned heart of the Nazis� lair, in an attempt to foil a top-secret Nazi invasion plan that goes by the code name of �Iron Fist�. But Michael Gallatin holds a secret that no one, foes or allies, know. He is a lycanthrope, able to change into a werewolf at will. A werewolf battling Nazi Germany seems on the surface to be a ludicrous concept but McCammon spends so much time and detail on Gallatin�s background and upbringing as a young boy raised by a pack of wolves in Russia that the werewolf concept does become believable in the context of this fictional tale. Aside from Gallatin being a lycanthrope there are no other major fantastical elements to the story and McCammon�s careful research and vivid descriptions really made me feel that I was myself fighting for my own life in the throes of World War II in a way that non-fictional accounts I�ve read were never able to do as well. Although most of the characters are fictional, there are a few real ones such as Erwin Rommel, Martin Borman and of course Hitler himself who�s portrayal is effectively chilling. Really the only complaint I have of this novel are concerning the flashback chapters about Gallatin�s upbringing within the pack of wolves in Russia. I would have preferred McCammon spent a little bit less time on this. As these flashback chapters are scattered throughout the novel, I often found myself wanting to skip them so I could return to the war story. Many have made comparisons between this novel and the Indiana Jones films which I would have to agree is an apt comparison. This is a high-octane adventure thriller of the first order with several action scenes that would certainly translate very well to the silver screen. Nobody should let themselves be intimidated by the size of this novel as the pages fly by at a brisk pace. Nor would a reader need in-depth historical knowledge of WWII or be a history buff to enjoy it since McCammon summarizes factual events in a clear and understandable way. All in all I would consider this an essential read for Robert McCammon fans and I�m glad I finally read it after years of passing it by.
Rating:  Summary: Gripping entertainment! Review: Robert R. McCammon's best-selling novel follows Michael Gallatin, British spy and werewolf, on a mission to Nazi Germany to foil a plot against the Allies. While the premise sounds like an episode of The Twilight Zone, in reality The Wolf's Hour is a fast-paced action and horror story that breaks the traditional werewolf rules. Silver is no longer like wolf-kryptonite, and Michael Gallatin may change into a wolf at will, making his ability more of a blessing than a curse. The Wolf's Hour switches between a war story and Gallatin's adolescence as a young werewolf in uncharted Russian outlands. As beast and man, Gallatin experiences the eternal struggles of the human condition: love and hate, pleasure and pain, salvation and damnation, peace and war. McCammon has created a hero stuck between angels, demons, and his will to "Live Free" (31). Gallatin's story is sometimes tragic, others triumphant, and always violent. McCammon's smooth flowing prose is both vivid and gripping-sharpened with a gritty edge of realism. The descriptions and dialogue are so well written, the reader feels right there. There is a power to The Wolf's Hour that is unforgiving but extremely satisfying. Highly recommended.