Rating:  Summary: Watch Princess Meredith pull another power out of a hat... Review: Okay, I think I have got the elements of a Laurell K. Hamilton novel down now. We have (1) a female heroine, (2) who investigates crimes, (3) which the police do not like her doing, (4) pays attention to both her wardrobe and weaponry, (5) has very detailed sex, (6) with a lot of different guys, (7) none of whom are really human, (8) which has political ramifications for the world in which she lives, (9) complicates her life by insisting on protecting those within her circle, (10) fights a terrible monster, (11) hates other people fighting her battles, and (12) manifests a new power when she most needs it to kill the terrible monster, (13) thereby reaching a new level in her continuing evolution.Those elements certainly defines Hamilton's latest novel, ________ (You can put "A Caress of Twilight" in there, as well as the previous volume in the saga of Princess Meredith of the fey, or any one of the Anita Blake novels). We certainly have to admit that Hamilton has her formula down, but this is really becoming too redundant and repetitive. At her best, as in the early Anita Blake novels, Hamilton is a superb horror writer who comes up with some of the best climaxes I have ever read in the genre. I always figured if her novels were adapted to the screen they would be rated "X", not for the sex, but for the violence. Now we not only have this formula, we also have Hamilton's annoying habit of revealing new information about the characters and their powers just as they are needed. There is no sense of anticipating what happens because the resolution of most crises involves the application of something new and hitherto unknown. In the old days, we would have dismissed a book like this as a potboiler. For those who have been becoming more and more distressed by Hamilton's apparent attempt to to be a best-selling author of soft porn, there is more sex in this tale than "A Kiss of Shadows," but the details are toned down. I think. But then please take into account that Princess Meredith is having all sex for reasons of procreation and alliance building, not lust and love. Then again, the dedication mentions that this is the first novel that Hamilton's husband has read from start to finish, and perhaps there is a connection. Of course, the titles of these books certainly emphasize the sex and sensuality and I shudder to think what might be down the road as we get beyond kisses and caresses. I leave such potential titles to your own imaginations. Have fun.
Rating:  Summary: the modern fae Review: This book is an excellent tale of the fae in modern america. Laurell K Hamilton, as usual, writes with great imagination and her unique style makes any story a spell binder. We have a modern Fae princess, the fairy court, all the old fairy tale characters come to life. If you like mythology, a bit of sex, and alternate universes you will love this book. Adult content but all lots of fun.
Rating:  Summary: Did I order a trashy sex novel? Review: Is it me or is Laurel Hamilton now more obsessed with writing about the sexual exploits of her characters than writing a GOOD book? The first book was ok. It had a decent plot with highly descriptive situations. This book has neither. This was a horrible disappointment that has continued from the Anita Blake series. After reading this I do not want to continue reading either series. In short, had I known this when I bought the book, I never would have purchased it.
Rating:  Summary: Worth reading Review: A Kiss of Shadows, and was anxiously awaiting the next in the series. I was disappointed in this book because, while it explained the plot very well, its sexual scenes were more forced and without the sensuality that was so fascinating in the previous novel. It wasn't magical, and the long awaited moment with Doyle was bland, something that Hamilton cut and paste from a romance novel. Hopefully, the next book will be better. A MUST READ is The Price of Immortality by C.M. Whitlock, it is a uniquely awesome story
Rating:  Summary: Princess Meredith is maturing as a character--good stuff Review: Princess Meredith is now an heir to the Unseelie Court--but will inherit only if she becomes pregnant and bears young. Given that the fair folk have become remarkably infertile lately, this isn't exactly a slam dunk despite Meredith's prodigious and kinky sexual appetites. When she is contacted by an exiled member of the Seelie Court, Meredith learns that there is a reason for the infertility that affects the lands of magic--a reason that the King of the Seelie Court will gladly kill--or worse--to prevent from becoming public. Meredith is under attack both from her cousin and rival Cor in the Unseelie Court and from King Taranis of the Seelie Court. Her alliance with the Goblins is halfway toward its expiration and may expire a lot more quickly if Meredith doesn't take action to preserve it. Worse, the ancient and evil magics that have been suppressed by both Seelie and Unseelie Courts is once again awake and walking in the human world. For Meredith to survive long enough to have a chance at fertility, she must gather her alliances, make her bodyguards truly members of her court rather than rivals for power, and walk the tightrope between weakness and a lust for control. Author Laurell K. Hamilton deepens the character of Meredith (who first appeared in her novel A KISS OF SHADOWS) as well as the complex political struggle between the humans, Seelie, Unseelie, Meredith, and the darker forces of magic. A CARESS OF TWILIGHT delivers plenty of the kinky sex that Hamilton novels are known for, but also reveals interesting and compelling characters. Hamilton fans will be overjoyed at this fine novel. Although the enjoyment of TWILIGHT will be enhanced by reading SHADOWS, the novel stands on its own. Hamilton's writing style continues to mature and TWILIGHT is compelling and hard to put down.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic read! Review: Laurell Hamilton has created an intelligent, sensual, and exciting new world. Faerie princess Merideth Gentry is a very well-drawn heroine, surrounded by incredible sexy faery body guards. The story line is evolving beautifully, and I can't wait for the next volume!
Rating:  Summary: Did anything actually happen in this book? Review: The previous novel in the series, Kiss of Shadows, establishd a scheming-court-politics set-up which was the backbone of its plot. Here the scheming is still mentioned and occasionally trotted out but it's overshadowed by the dozens and dozens of sex scenes. What thin continued-story/murder mystery there is is almost lost. Which is a shame, because that was the most engadging part of the book for me when it was there. The mass murder scene was eerily effective, especially coupled with the creepy reaction of one of Merry's guards. Unfortunately the murder and its culprit was essentially forgotten until the very end of the book. Arg. Prince Cel was a much more compelling villain in KoS, or at least a more constant threat. I would have welcomed his return since there's no real sense of danger in this book, spread out and resolved too rapidly as it is. About the multiple gorgeous sex partners Merry has - if this was a series with a *man* being serviced by this many gorgeous women would I even bother with it? Maybe, if it was done with skill and wit. But not if they were written the way Merry's ravens are. Most of Merry's partners run together in my head after a while during any intimate scene, regardless of the painsaking lengths the author goes to describe them. Lots. Just in case you missed how beautiful they were the first time. After a while my reaction to any character description was "Yeah yeah, he has luscious locks running down to his waist and he has real funky eyes. You done yet?" Merry's interaction with her guards is always more interesting outside of the bedroom. Of course the series is billed as an "erotic thriller" and I'm not surprised that there's a good dose of eroticism in it. It's just tedious after a while. There's still some good things in the book. As mentioned above, anytime the plot really does surface I found myself paying attention. The author's also done some neat things with her fey's world - the goblin culture, some of the more bizzare creatures, etc... Unfortuantely there's not enough to make buying the book in hard cover worth it, especially in light of the ending, where - Holy scha-*moly* do they ever get loaded up with powers. If you boil it down, basically Merry's guards reclaim god-like powers they had back when some of them were, well, Gods. The ones who weren't still get impressive new magic to call on (Even Kitto) and who knows what'll happen to Merry herself. It makes me wary because a common (and well founded) complaint about the Anita Blake series is Anita's stacking up of powers like there's no tomorrow. Is Merry's series going to dive down that road only 2 books in? The first book's story had a lot of potential and this ending coupled with the fact nothing really changed worries me. Sure some other personal character developments popped up but nothing that couldn't have been done in a meatier story. If the next book is more plot intensive, you could probably skip this one and not have missed anything. Get it from the library if you can.
Rating:  Summary: Well done!!! Review: Laurell K. Hamilton is still rocking. I loved this story and all the characters. Meredith is coming into her own, her powers are increasing and she's definitely one smart cookie. What a negotiator!!! Can't wait for the next release as I know I won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Continuing her trend into soft core porn.... Review: Laurell Hamilton, if you haven't heard, has created a new heroine, so she can write about something besides Anita Blake and vamps. Of course, Merry Gentry pretty much IS Anita Blake. She talks tough. SHe's short. She's cold-hearted, so they say. She even uses the EXACT same lines like "Never ask anyone to do anything you wouldn't do yourself." The focus is just a bit more on magic. Oh yeah--she also has this obsession with kinky and rather incessant, promiscuous sex, just like Anita. While Anita came slowly into sleeping around, Hamilton solves this problem for Gentry by a simple device: Her Queen orders Gentry to sleep around. Therefore, the whole book becomes Gentry's amorous adventures. And it has to be deemed plot related because the whole plot is basically how many studs she can sleep with. Oh, yeah. As with Anita, all the studs are very studly, with washboard abs, incredibly handsome and, um, well hung, which Hamilton usually makes graphically clear. The shame of it is that Hamilton is a compelling, page turning prose stylist. She's never boring. Yet, sometimes you look up and wonder, "Hmmm. Did I really want porn today?" Her books are increasingly kinky and non-stop, rather graphic, blow-by-blow sex. Not romance. Sex. I'm no prude. I'd even enjoy one or two such scenes. But when they dominate the whole book, they cause the book to lose focus. They become the book--somewhere in here, there was the makings of a plot. It gets kinda derailed. I hope Laura isn't too frustrated at home. :)
Rating:  Summary: Great Read Review: This Book was great. I do agree it was not as jam packed full of action as I wanted (I am spoiled and will not ever find a series as good as her Anita Blake series.) but the sex part was wonderful. Laurell Hamillton is a fantanstic author and all of her books even the ones that are still in the developing stage are better then the normal author's books you just pick up. And as for other reviews so what if she writes about her fantasies we all wish we could and we all enjoy reading about them. As for her charecters being of her body size it is easier for her because as she told me at a signing where I meet Mrs. Hamillton it is easier to write about your body size because you can just stand up and see if certain moves are pysically possible or not. I also think it is about time we had some petite dark women instead of the tall blondes, I am a tall brunette and I still love the charecter of Merry and also Anita Blake they are not perfect women but no one is and I would rather see these strong characxters fighting for their lives and what they believe and being loved and adored than the other perfect princess types other authors dwell on. I love these books and I feel everyone is welcome to their own opinion but be sure to pick them up and read them for yourself and decide because if you don't you may miss some of the most exciting and erotic books out there.