Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: When I first heard about "The Exocist" it was from a friends mom. She told me that the movie she saw as a teenager was different then the one we were about to see. She was telling me all these gory parts that they had to cut out of the movie. When the movie first started I thought it would be cheesey or something. But I started to get really scared by the end I was just like shaken. Just seeing a 12 year old girls head spinning was horrific! My friend and I went to the libary the next weekend. While I was looking at some books, a book feel from they shelf behind me. It was "The Exorcist". I sat down and started to read it soon I couldn't stop. I took it out and read about a little more than half before my mother found it. She told me it wasn't meant for people my age (13). She took it back and I haven't really thought about the movie or the book since. But now I'm always scared the devil will come after me. I can't even close my eyes in the shower anymore.....
Rating:  Summary: No sleep Review: I read THE EXORCIST in 4 hours 'cause I couldn't get my eyes off it. It's an amazing and disturbing story about a 14 girl possessed by an antic demon. Many scary details not mentionned in the 1973 blockbuster movie!
Rating:  Summary: This century's definitive horror novel Review: "The Exorcist" is to horror fiction what "Ulysses" is to modernist literature. The horror of the novel isn't a snarling monster or homicidal killer, but the idea that evil is real, tangible, merciless, and powerful. The sense that anyone can fall into it's clutches, no matter what... that is truly frightening.
Rating:  Summary: I am still sweating Review: I have to say that the book was ONLY scarier than the movie if you read the book after seeing the movie. Once you have those twisted demonic images of Linda Blairs possessed face and contortions, the book takes on a whole new meaning. I mean I still can't eat or sleep. I need psychological help NOW!!! When I sleep at night, I feel that she is under my bed ready to haunt me. The big problem is that I am 32 years old. Bloody nightgowns and contortions, bloody nightgowns and contortions, bloody nightgowns and contortions...
Rating:  Summary: SIMPLY GREAT Review: Let me say that the book is much better than the movie. Don't get me wrong the movie disturbed me,(i saw it when i was 12). Now I am 23 and I still can not watch it without seeing that face that Dick Smith created. But back to the book, ive read Stephen King and he's good but not scary, the book actually scared me and yet intrigued me. The forshadowing in the book is wonderful. When Blatty refers to the Saint who worked with the lepers and finally contracted the disease, fit Karras so snug. Also, when you get to really know what Karras is thinking, it makes you feel that you are Karras, is she possesed or is'nt she. In the movie there was no doubt. And finally in the book when Reagan is following Sharon around with her feet touching her head,(that was not in the book), it sent goosebumps up my spine. In closing, you always here "there is a reason for everything", i believe the reason for Reagan being possesed (other than the Weja board), is so Father Karras can regain his faith.GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Undercurrent of chill from page 1. Review: The best horror stories aren't the" goon jumping-out-of-the-dark" tales like Friday the 13th, but those featuring a hard-to-pinpoint chill that gets you early and builds throughout the story. The Exorcist is such a tale. Book and movie are utterly top notch, intelligent terror.
Rating:  Summary: The Exorcist is one of a kind. Review: After The Exorcist, everything else is The Three Little Pigs. The demon in this book comes right off the page and taunts you to your face while it sneaks around behind you. The foreshadowing is the best I've ever seen, and this is one of the finest groups of characters in any kind of fiction.
Rating:  Summary: This an excellent book on demonic possession. Review: I am 15 years old and I do not believe in the paranormal. In order to read this book, you must have beliefs of demons and the devil or otherwise it is not a good scare. I read the book several years ago and saw the movie soon after. The book was much more difficult to follow because of the advanced medical terms used throughout. I would not recommend this book to anyone under the age of 18 because of the profanity and vulgarity.
Rating:  Summary: More frightening in its implications than anything else. Review: I've read a lot of horror fiction and most of it doesn't scare me. This one did. The thing I liked most was that you weren't ever really sure if Reagan was possesed. In the movie it was obvious but in the book it gives the perspective of the modern world: there has got to be a rational explanation. The skepticism makes it. When the climax comes, one wonders how they would deal with it: Keep saying it can't exsist or trust the wisdom from a more superstitous time?
Rating:  Summary: Wicked!!! Review: Now I'm just 13. And I get scared very easily. I went to me friend Alison's house for a party. I saw 2 movies on her table "Dolls" and then "The Exorcist". I had heard from my friend that it was gross as hell. So I sat and watched in horror! I covered my eyes for the whole thing!!! I called up my parents cause I refused to walk home. The second I stepped into the car I started to cry. I told him how scared I was of that happening to me!! A month later I couldn't help it I went to the libary and grab a copy I had to know how it ended. I read bit by bit...getting scarder and scarder. But I had to know if Reghan died or not....well now I'm still scared of the movie. But my faith in my religon has grown!! Amamzingly!! So this book kick's!! Just if you have an uneasy stomach don't see the movie