Rating:  Summary: This is brilliant Review: My favorite of Barker's books. Fun, wierd, wonderful. I wish I could go there....
Rating:  Summary: A dark and shiny diamond Review: No fantasy writer has trangressed the genre as Clive Barker. His fabulous writing style includes horror, sci-fi, bizarre twisted sex&religion. Mr. Barker is also a very good analyst of ALL of humanity's flaws and merits. He knows how to show love,despair and obsession to a point rarely seen in fantasy. Imajica is his best novel like a refined diamond. Multi-facetted, beautiful and intringuing. It basically talks about a guy (Charles) who, to murder his ex-lover (Judith) sends a creature from another world. This creature transforms to accommode it's lover's feelings. And it brings our hero Gentle, Judiths last lover (a true tragic hero with a main flaw : women.) to this other world. Because Gentle is the Satori the one who will reunite the earth with the other kingdoms. But the story is more complex than any account should describe. Read it, love it and it will be with you forever
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: I've loved this book.This was the strangest book I was to read before I became a Wraeththu's reader. Hey,maybe even Pie Oh Pah was a Wraeththu. Androgynous, ermaphroditic,beautiful...The exquisite darkness of the first chapter of the novel is too good for words. Gentle is a fusion of hero and anti-hero,and the weird dark magic that permeate the novel is absolutely delightful.
Rating:  Summary: The Great Horror Writer Takes Us On His Fantasy Trip Review: Who Would've Thought Barker Would End up using his imagination torwads writing fantasy novels after "Books of blood".I must admit,going into imjamica my hopes were high,obvisouly too high.Imjamica is about a man "Gentle" a woman "Judith" And A guy/girl/who knows!?"pie-oh-piah",Who find themselves in the middle of a plot more enormous than they knew.The story is based on the 5 imjamicas(planets),Where Gentle must travel through them and find out who he was/is,and along the way he is joined by Judith and pie-oh-pah and together they fight to bring all the jamicas together as one..Well that sounds ok,right?.The problem with this story is...it and its characters are amazinly stupid(I had to force myself to finish this book).first off the book is way too long,barker seems to go on and on about how every little thing feels or looks to the characters,at first this is refreshing,at last it's just boring and mind-rapping.... Gentle the Big manly man,son of god,warrior,blah,blah,is Bi-sexual??C'mon gimme a break. thirdly,Clive just got lost in himself about the middle of it,it feels like hes trying to go somewhere and you are about to be knocked off your seat,but no,he and the story go nowhere.I was really dissapointed..This the same Guy whom wrote "Weaveworld","Books Of Blood"?? Maybe not,maybe hes left us and now hes just wanting to push his personal agendas instead of writing someting with an ounce of depth
Rating:  Summary: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Five Dominions Review: As the characters travel through the Dominions, their experiences happen very quickly, leaving unanswered questions. The characters themselves experience significant personality changes which are also unexplained. Finally, other than the 5th Dominion, there are few facts or trends described which establish distinctions between the other four Dominions. The story and plot are interesting, but this book hardly seems to be the huge, thought-provoking adventure that others have praised so lavishly. In short, rent a copy at your library before you buy.
Rating:  Summary: An unbelievable undertaking Review: This was the first Barker novel I ever read and it is indeed a novel of epic proportions! I really liked this story, it is so far from anything I could ever imagine. There are so many worlds and peoples that sometimes it wasn't always easy reading, but it is well worth the effort. I was turned on to Clive Barker through this book and have been a fan ever since. But this is no light, summer reading, this book takes work and thought. If you stay with it I'm sure you won't be dissappointed. Debbi
Rating:  Summary: Girl Alert! A Surprisingly Great Read for Women! Review: The level of adoration given to womanhood in this book is the most surpising aspect of "Imagica". Barker explores controversial subjects such as womanzing and worship of a male God in a way that gripped me for good. These are the basis for the wonderful tale of the "Imagica".Surprising at every turn, "Imagica"'s characters are true to life no matter how strange and foreign. And, one's ideas of our everyday religions will change for good upon reading his rendition of an 'Almighty God'. Hate them or love them, his characters feel like the real thing. Not for the prudent or sexually uptight. Be prepared to be stimulated or disgusted at turns, inspired or outright offended. One will never think the same again. "Imagica" is full of mysteries I hope to find resolved in the sequel (if there will be one). A long thorough read, the way I like them!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: After reading all the glowing reviews posted here, I immediately bought this book and started reading. Unfortunately, I don't rate this book as highly as most of the other reviewers. Imajica is an epic story, on a grand, ambitious scale. In that, it succeeds admirably. But the story is told through characters who I feel never achieve any more depth than their decriptions in the summary at the inside of the book. This lack of humanity in the main characters, as they journey through Imajica, makes it difficult to connect, or empathize with them. Characters triumph, characters fall, but I couldn't relate to their emotions or their action. Gentle's love for the Mystif, for example, was such a driving force for his actions, but like many relationships in the story, it sort of just "was", and the reader was supposed to believe it because it was stated, rather than built. I've also read "The Great and Secret Show", and I was slightly disappointed by that work as well. Maybe Barker's style is just not for me. I don't want to dissuade anyone from giving the book a try, I just don't think it rates 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: THE BIBLE Review: If you've ever been searching for a means to rekindle your spirituality, or a means to inspire a tired soul, then you must devote some time to this incredible book. I've read it so many times, I've worn the thing out completely. I've found the answers to many mysteries in this book and got back in touch with the word "hope". The story concerns three major characters: The womanizer and master forger John "Gentle" Zacharias, Pie O'Pah the alien assassin and the beguiling and beautiful Jude. Gentle and Jude are former lovers thrust back together by one man's deceit and the interception of the mysterious Pie. Pie is known as a mystif, a shapeshifter of sorts. He materializes into the object of another's sexual desire, which quickly intrigues Gentle. Imajica is the name given to four Reconciled Dominions whose very existance is known only to a precious few. The Earth is known as The Fifth Dominion...the Unreconciled Dominion. But there is a great time of change coming for our three main characters, for it is the end of a two-hundred year waiting period when Earth will have the chance to re-unite with her Reconciled sisters and become part of the Imajica. Naturally, forces have aligned against this great Reconciliation. Gentle, Pie and Jude are pulled into a warped world of religion, politics, war, sex, love, prejudice, sexism, and hatred. Imajica itself is like a mirror of social problems existing today. One must read it to understand. As our brave heros strive to heal Imajica and Reconcile Earth, you will find yourself being healed and reconciled as well.
Rating:  Summary: Enchanting! Review: This book is probably one of the best I have ever read. Despite it's length, it is a really enjoyable read. The characters and landscapes Barker describes are so vivid and enchanting. I fell in love with this book not because of the descriptions and the story but because of the existentialist nature of the book. I often find myself wondering about our purpose in life and why we were born. This book touched me in countless ways and I am sure I will be reading it over and over again in the time to come. My only query is: what is the difference between the European and US versions of this book? I having read the former am wondering if the latter has left out parts of the story.