Rating:  Summary: Did someone rush you? Review: After reading Hannibal, I couldn`t shake the feeling that there was some kind of deadline in place here. After a great beginning,it seemed that the further along you got into the story, it felt as if Mr Harris was just in a hurry to get it over with. And that, to me , robs both Dr.Lecter and Clarice Starling of much of the qualities given to them in Silence of the Lambs.I would have loved to have seen a completely different ending than what was seemingly tossed out here.
Rating:  Summary: What? Review: I looked forward to this book for a long time, expecting the care, depth of character, and attention to detail that characterizes other books by this author, but was sadly disappointed. It is sloppy and frequently goes for the cheap shot. If you're going to keep characters and prolong a story it would be nice if they maintained integrity. Although Krendler sure got his. I wonder who actually wrote this book, 'cause it sure doesn't sound like Mr. Harris. I'll stick with Silence of the Lambs. Save yourself time and trouble and read something else.
Rating:  Summary: I Want An Apology! Review: I recieved this book as a Christmas Present and after a throughly exciting beginning and development of the characters. It wandered and meandered like the Snake River, doing it so badly that I finally had to put the book away, where it sat for the past 3 months. One day here recently, I ran across "Hannibal" again while going through my book collection, and apparently during the interim I had developed a case of amnesia, so I picked it up and started reading it again. Somehow I was able to get past the point where I initally stopped, don't ask me how, and was able to continue reading, what a total and complete waste of time. When I reached the ending I remember saying to myself, "I am damn glad that I did not pay for this piece of junk". The ending while surprising was nevertheless beyond the bounds of good taste, and utterly beyond belief, for me to even fathom it. I actually found myself feeling sorry for "fictional characters" not because of any great storytelling on Mr. Harris's part, rather I felt sorry for them because they were trapped in a hackneyed, and stupid story. This book was so bad I felt the urge to go wash myself off after finishing it, because I felt soiled some how. I am so glad to hear that no one associated with the original cast let alone the director and screenwriter, is even going to take part in bringing this utterly pointless and banal piece of trash to the screen. In order for a movie adaptation to work in my opinion, the ending is going to have to be completely redone since it is far to sickening to even contemplate. Wait a minute I do not even think a movie could be made, since none of the fans of the first one would even be willing to see a sequel without all the original characters reprising their roles, here here! In closing Mr. Harris I would like for you to write a apology for giving your readers such a complete and utter piece of trash as this "so-called sequel". I know "Hannibal" was meant to be the conclusion to the Dr. Lecter trilogy, but there is no way you can leave it like this. Well I guess maybe you can however, I for one will never buy another one of your books, even if it wins a Pulitzer Prize.
Rating:  Summary: hanibal the 3rd and the best Review: Absolutely as suspensefull as the other three with a twist. Get through the Italian portion and you have got it made. From there your imagination is taken on a world wind tour of the FBI, and the characters associated with them. You practically get an overview of the first three novels. At times it seems a bit wordy if you know what I mean, but if you stick with it to the end, you will not be dissapointed. THUMBS UP! TIM
Rating:  Summary: Disturbed, deeply disturbed Review: Yes, some beautiful prose! Yes, some interesting new characters! But why did we have to resort to horror and gore? The beauty of the previous novels was that blood was only "local colour" so to speak. Here, it screams for attention in itself. Overall, I was very disappointed - horror fans and students of Italian art will both find enjoyable bits (not the same ones) but crime fans like me will probably want to go back to the previous books (although they get a bit spoiled by the character development in this one).
Rating:  Summary: Let's write a new ending... Review: because this one was VERY disappointing. While the bulk of novel was well-written and intriguing in its plot, it leads to an ending that will at first confuse you based on its style, then on how Harris thought he could get away with such a menial performance. It doesn't fit the rest of the book, series, and ESPECIALLY the characters. BOO HISS!
Rating:  Summary: Can I give it less than one star? Review: Tsk, tsk....Who could imagine that Hannibal Lecter would be *gasp* boring and silly? I've long admired Harris for his character development and knack for nail-biting suspense. He seems to take his time between novels which leads to rich, frightening reads. HANNIBAL, to me, seemed rushed and juvenile. So unlike you, Mr. Harris! From the very beginning, favorite characters from SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and RED DRAGON do not behave consistently with the way they were originally written. I think Starling must have suffered several blows to the head to act as she did in this one. The entire sequence with her and Hannibal alone together is just not believable. And the scenes in Italy are uninteresting at best. Several times I wanted to put this novel away for good but kept reading in hopes that it would improve. Unfortunately, it just got worse and worse. If you have to read it, save some money and buy the paperback. I rushed out to buy it in hardback when it was released, and that hardback is now sitting in my "to be donated" box. I'm very disappointed, Mr. Harris. I'm a hardcore horror fan, and reading this novel took up time I could have used to read something worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: A slow waltz through the mind of a serial killer. Review: If readers are expecting a terse writing style, they won't getit in "Hannibal". Comparing Hannibal to his previous work islike comparing a Monet with a Lichtenstein. You have to take a step back, relax your mind and languish in the mood and flow of the novel, nibbling on the references to Italian history and art. If you enjoy books that serve you the tidbits of the author's research, you will enjoy this. Hannibal contained very precise references to places were curiously intriguing on travel to Florence or Paris. END
Rating:  Summary: Hannibal Bites! Review: This is a book which started off with and consequently, maintained a high level of intensity. But, apparently the author got tired of writing it and decided it was time to go to bed. So...after ten years of working on a sequel to two excellent books, we are left with the most pathetic ending I've ever read. Hannibal is a complete waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Meet Dr. Lecter... Again! Review: In this sequel to the famous and historical Silence of the Lambs, Thomas Harris presents us another exquisitely written novel. With his upscale writing style he brings us back our long time friends Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter. The novel itself is fast pacing, interesting and worth reading. Those pages will keep on turning, I guarantee you. I thing (and its very personal) that the downside to this novel, is the fact that Hannibal Lecter himself is now the main character of the book, loosing some of the mystery upon which his style was built in past novels. Looking from the bright side, this is the chance to step into one of the most intriguing and complex minds I am familiar with.