Rating:  Summary: Take Harris's advice Review: I read Hannibal the day it first came out, so this pot's been simmering for a looong time. When I first read it, I felt the way I had when I first saw the movie "Seven". Disappointed, disgusted, and slightly in shock, almost as if I'd actually experienced the events. Then I went back and read it again. I wonder if Harris wanted to just put an end to these characters and shut us up, but there are some great aspects to the book. There's a lot of whining about his tense changing device--as if he didn't use it "Silence." It makes everything more immediate, and pulls the reader right into the scene. 'Clarice walked down the corridor'--yeah yeah, I can visualize that, big deal, she's already done it,but--'Dr. Lecter stands in the middle of the cell...'--and oh no!, I'm right there in the room LOOKING at him RIGHT NOW, protected only because he doesn't want to escape....yet. Very effective, at least to a reader with an overactive, and suggestible imagination. Regarding the end, you need to pay attention to Lecter's 'cocktail-hour' advice to Clarice. That's Harris, speaking to us, telling us to get a proper sense of perspective, to relax and view what's about to happen with a sense of humour. I don't know about the movie, I'd prefer the book's ending, now that I've gotten used to it. If you haven't read it yet, hope you enjoy it. If you have, and hated it, stop a minute. Think about how a truffle might taste, find out what a 'memory palace' is, gather your sense of humour (helps if you favor the macabre) and give "Hannibal" another go.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: Sometimes you read a book because you love the style of the writer and see what he/she has to offer. I really wanted to see what happened to Clarice and Hannibal. Unfortunately, I found the style of Harris' writing to be very disappointing. He has replaced an "edge of the seat" style with a over the top and extraordinarily unnecessarily grossness that ends up bringing attention to him, rather than his characters. On many occasions I could not help think "why has Harris written this in this manner". The only reason why I finished this book is that it gave me something to read on the train on the way to work, and in the hope that Harris' style would get better. Unfortunately it didn't. I'm surprised his publishers let this through. I will be very less interested in reading anything more that Harris writes. There are much better deserving writers out there that deserve sales rather than this ... .
Rating:  Summary: Hannibal Craves on Mediocrity Review: While moviegoers will undoubtedly flock to see Hannibal in theatres when it's released this February, I'll lack the enthusiasm that I might of had if I did not read this book. Thomas Harris starts off Hannibal with a gun-ho shoot-out scence that leads to an intriguing, yet somewhat unplausible downfall of Clarice Starling. Her actions spark a media frenzy, grabbing the attention of Hannibal Lechter, who now resides in Florence. The affiliation between Lechter and Starling blurs as the book procedes, their relationship grows even more blurry. It is never truly clear what Hannibal feels about Starling and vice-versa. I picked up this book and read Stephen King's synopsis. He called it one of the two top scariest modern books, along with The Exorcist. Well, Mr. King, I hate to break it to you, but this book is definitely not scary. In fact, it oftentimes borders on ridiculous. The ending is two-faced, while it does bring the book full-circle, it is a bit ridiculous and leaves the reader unfulfilled. A decent read, I recommend it for those who are curious about what happens.
Rating:  Summary: Beyond preposterous Review: I can offer up no plausible reason why I finished this silly, over-the-top, wretched book but I did so I'll give it a single star. Assail me with gratuitous grossness, assault me with a ludicrous plot, but woe betide the author who insults my intelligence the way Harris did with his final outlandish chapters. Puh-leeze. People, wake up! Like Harold Robbins, a bestselling author of schlocky novels a generation before him, Harris in fact despises his audience and despises himself for catering to them. Ugh.
Rating:  Summary: Thriller is not the word. Review: You who are reading this have most likely read other reviews for this book. Many of such refer to this book as a "thriller" or "frightening" or something of the sort. I disagree. It is much, much more than this. Red Dragon was a thriller. Red Dragon kept me looking out my window before I went to sleep. This book is different. It is scary, but in a way quite different from that of Mr. Harris' previous novels. It seems to have been written in an almost entirely different style, with shorter chapters, much more description, and longer periods spent with each character at a time. Gruesome, gory at times as it may be, this book would not be the same, not be as enchanting, so to speak, without its grisly detail. The characters are delightfully developed, as is the plot. It is not hard to believe that one actually could become smarter, or possibly more cultured, from having read this book. Wonderful reading.
Rating:  Summary: Well Done! Review: Unlike some of the more scathing reviews presented on this page, I was very happy with Hannibal. Its not a book for the weak of stomach, that much is certain!I was not too suprised in the turnaround of Clarice's character, nor with the development of Lecter. I suggest you re-read Silence before tackling this one, and pay attention to what you read: my guess is those most disappointed by it only watched the movie or skimmed through Silence. I have no need to defend this book, I think it is an excellent piece of work. Not often you find characters growing or changing, as they do with Thomas Harris.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Lector's mind Review: I've never been one for mysteries, but I picked up this one, because I had seen Silence of the Lambs. I loved the character's. Here we see the insight of the Doctor's mind. All I can say is Wow! This is a quick read, with scenes and action on every page. Despite the sometimes gruesome parts, it keeps the reader breathless throughout. And the ending was . . . well, I really don't want to say how it ended. It just wouldn't be fair. This book is not for everone. Some will call it gross....Even Jodi Foster refused to play Clairce in the sequel....
Rating:  Summary: One of the sickest books ever written Review: If it were possible to give minus stars to a review, I would give this book -100. When I finished this piece of TRASH, I wanted to grab Thomas Harris, shake him and ask what the hell he was trying to do. There is NOT ONE likable character in this awful book. Even Clarise Starling turns evil, wicked, mean, bad and nasty. It is full of evil lesbians, horrible mutations of humans, a character who loves to make children cry so he can collect their tears, and unrepetant monsters. It is no wonder that the screenplay will have major revisions in the plot and characters. Jody Foster was absolutely right in refusing to participate in it. The only reason I finished this thing was because I could not believe that it could get any more depraved as it progressed. I was wrong. The ending will make you sick.
Rating:  Summary: Elegant, stylish, powerful. Review: I must wonder what this book would seem like without having seen Silence of the lambs as a movie. The first chapter unfolds like a movie script, and images of Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster fill the places of Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling as the story progresses. So be it. I am not about to spoil your reading experience by revealing crucial plot details, but can (and will) say that this is a masterpiece of modern suspense writing. The gripping plot, the wonderfully elaborate characters, and the chance to look inside Hannibal Lecter's twisted genius mind are treats not to be missed.
Rating:  Summary: The Best in the Hannibal Lector Series Review: I picked up this book because I had already read Red Dragon and The Silence of the Lambs. I wanted to read more of the famous Dr. Hannibal Lector. Let me just say that he didn't disappoint. I was a little hesitant becuase many of the on-line reviews weren't to appealing. After reading it I realized that most of the reviews were wrong. I encourage anyone who enjoyed Harris' other books to read this one because it is by far the best in the series. I couldn't put the book down for the last 100 pages. After I was through my only words were WOW! ANyone who wants to be frightened to their very sole should pick this up from the bookstaore and give it a read.