Rating:  Summary: One of his best Review: I loved this book. As an avid reader of Koontz, I originally approached this book with some hesitation. I did not like the "seize the night" series and I was afraid Koontz' writing had taken a turn down a road I could not follow. This book brought me back. The characters were full and the plot was engrossing. Once I picked it up, I could not put it down!
Rating:  Summary: False Memory - False Author Review: This book could not have been written by Big Dean Koontz. A female wrote this book. Is Big Dean a woman? There is just too much boring detail for a man to have written this???
Rating:  Summary: I liked it - plus funny reference to Amazon Review: About 1/3 of the way through the book it got slow. I thought I had everyhing figured out. But I was wrong and the stuff that was there helped build to a better ending.At one point he talked about authors who spent more time giving themselves positive reviews under phony names at Amazon than they did writing books. There are a few books I have seen on Amazon that are terrible with long pompus praises that could have no other possible explaination. Dean Koontz's books are for reading on an airplane or while exercising. This one generally did it's job and helped the time fly by.
Rating:  Summary: My first Koontz Book Review: False Memory was a book i picked up in the airport on the way to texas for christmas break. i was hoping to be able to concentrate on reading some text for englidh but due to the addictive nature of this book i wasnt able to. Koontz's charachters are life like and one feels an instant connection. Susan, the agorophobic, was one subject i latched onto immidetly, i found myself screaming ther proverbial "dont go in the basement" due to her frustrating blindess and tragic suicide of the insane psychologist Ahriman. he uses his extensive intelligence and knowledge about the human mind to "program" his pacients to engage in everything from minute tasks (taking out the garbage) to sexual encounters and even assasinations. the hero of this book is Martie (last names were primarily reserved for villians, a good idea on Koontz's part because it helps mentally distinguish between charachters.) who also falls into Ahriman's trap but with the help of her 99th percentile house-painter-husband they are able to foil Ahrimans trap, and save the day. So much for english.
Rating:  Summary: My First Dean Koontz Book Review: False Memory is the first and defeinetly not the last novel I will be reading by Dean Koontz. I am more than half-way through it and I am enthralled by the characters, and found it quite hard to leave it home this morning and not continue reading as I had most of the weekend. I am glad I picked up this book, I am very pleased.
Rating:  Summary: plot drags... Review: This book is extremely long for the message it is trying to convey. If koontz had taken the liberty to miss out a few hundred pages i think it would have given the book the successful status he was looking for. characters are interesting and well appointed , but there is alot of meaningless story line that could have best been forgotten. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Hm....close but no cigar Review: I won't deny it, this book is a fast read and quite entertaining. I finished it in less than a week, which is quite good for me. To quote the book, "The plot was entertaining, the characters were colorful..." However, certain aspects were too outlandish for me to believe. Maybe I didn't suspend my disbelief enough, but having Dusty and Martie as these heroes who deflect the Evil Dr. Ahriman and therefore save humanity was too contrived and far fetched. (What was the deal with the doctor and the preserved eyeballs??) However, Koontz did a pretty good job in concocting this whole crazy plot. He could have really done something with it. It was close, but no cigar.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed reviews Review: I'm not too impressed with this one. Usually, I read his books at a pretty fast pace. This one is going much slower. The characters are well written, yet his plot drags at times. Fear Nothing kept me engaged -I wasn't able to put the book down. With False Memory, I feel just the opposite. I'm nearly finished. Maybe the ending will finally grab my attention.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Premise in need of Better Editing Review: I am a fan of Koontz's work. I have read most of his books. This one is similar to his others (in a positive way)in that it has a strong female protagonist,a very interesting environment which provides a wealth of information about topics which may be somewhat arcane, a down-to-earth yet intelligent male protagonist, and am endearing dog who is also a main characterin his own right. However it is similar( in a less positive way) to other stories in that it has alot of violent sexual images which become quite redundant after a short while.The protagonists, and their assorted family and friends were lovingly written and were believable. The villian, although initially interesting and colorfully portrayed was not as believable This book started out exceedingly strong.The two sub plots,one involving the phenomenon of phobias , and the second one which involved the idea of brainwashing were particularly fascinating . I loved the tie-in with "The Manchurian Candidate" which is one of my favorite movies. The use of haiku with the brain washing was really interesting.The first couple of hundred pages just flew by. They reminded me of Koontz's earlier work, expecially " NIght Chills", which is one of the more fun books I have read, and would heartily recommend to any one. However, as mentioned by earlier reviewers, I was disappointed when the villian was disclosed so early into the book. I also felt that the apparent motivating factor for his behavior was not elaborated well and was seemingly tacked on at the end.Because of this his behavior was not particularly believable as opposed to the protagonists who always seemed convincing. ( I was interested in the vindictive response the villian seemed to generate relative to the reader reviews on this Amazon. com site and that in fact caused me to check out this site and review this book myself. Hm!...was wondering if this was personal on Koontz's part) Im closure, this book is broken into three very distinctive parts; the set-up; the chase; and the resolution. The first part is ultimately fascinating and great reading; the chase is ok; and the resolution and tie-ing up of plot ends not verysatisfying. I believe that better editing could help sustain the mystery and intrigue of the two sub-plots while reducing the redundancy of the violence and the lack of integration of the key characters at the end. I will continue to buy Koonz's work and hope that he will continue to focus on some of his really interesting ideas while not needing to elaborate as much on the cruelty of the villian.
Rating:  Summary: Another gripping success from the real master of suspense! Review: The first book I read for Dean Koontz was Watchers - it was enough to get me hooked on his books. False Memory is an intense plot painted with achingly real characters. Dean enhances the plot with a deeply descriptive writing style which may at times seem puzzling but nonetheless adding flavour to the action. Although this is quite a large book, it reads like a breeze because the actions takes place in a very short period of time. The story reveals itself slowly, increasing the suspense with every page. The mere fact that this is a psychological thriller makes this book one of a kind. What I favored in this book was that not many characters are wasted. There is no excessive frustration at loosing characters that we have become emotionally attached to. Even the most bizzarre behavior exhibited by the characters is convincing - and you will see a lot of that! Dean Koontz has obviously put a lot of research into this book in order to write about complicated aspect of the human mind: total control of the subconscious. I was left in awe at the end of every chapter and I hereby declare it well worth reading.