Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, V.C. does it again!!! Review: I've read all of V.C. Andrews' books. This has to be one of the best(aside from Melody which was the first I read and so captivated me more)books ever written. The beginning grabs you and stuns you and readers young, old and just plain experienced readers agree V.C. is one of the greatest. V.C. has hooked me!!!!(note)I never give a book more than four stars.
Rating:  Summary: Vengeance from the grave Review: "Flowers in the Attic" was an exercise in stagnation, as far as plot and characters, but "Petals on the Wind" showcased Andrews' talent for combining the surreal Gothic world of the Dollangangers with lots of soap opera. "If There Be Thorns" is a disappointing 2 steps backward. There is nothing really new in this story, it's simply a rehashing of the Evil Malcolm Foxworth and his Diabolical Deeds. Once again, the incest theme prevails, for no apparent reason except that there'd be no plot without it. Cathy and Chris are now pretending to be a "married couple" and "living in sin". Golly-lolly! ...again, there are very few surprises in the story. No moments of anticipation, or guessing what will happen next. Overall, a very tedious read.
Rating:  Summary: Saddening Review: I read V.C. Andrews' If There Be Thorns. At the end of Flowers in the Attic, I hated Corrine so badly. In Petals on the Wind, I didn't care much for her, but in If There Be Thorns, it made me feel so unbelivably sorry for Corrine. No matter how bad she treated her children, I still think that Cathy should have forgiven her. Oh well, when I read Seeds of Yesterday, I'll review that. TTFN (Ta-Ta for now)
Rating:  Summary: The way they use to be Review: I think that cathy and Chris could have went there own way as to marrying each other that is going a liitle to far. because family should not do that no matter what the results of thier childhoods are. maybe if they thought good enough they wouldn't have done that and had kids of thier own to have them possible doing the same thing when they get older.
Rating:  Summary: It's a V. C. Andrews original, so of course it's phenomenal Review: Well, I've noticed that a lot of V. C. Andrews books have many different review on them, but surprisingly, there is only one for If there be Thorns? This is Virginia's third published book and a helluva lot better than any of the ghost written books, so I don't understand why more people didn't review it? First of all, it starts off with male narrators, this is the only one with male narrators, but two!?!? I think this was very clever of Virginia to write about this. Everyone knows that the Dollanganger and Casteel and Audrina books are gothic horror, but we all know that the Dollanganer books are at her most gothic, and she defines it well in If there be thorns, I mean, Bart behaves so bizzare and weird. Jory is the perfect one, I could feel Malcolm's presence everywhere in it, just like in Seeds of Yesterday. Also, it has actual journal entries of Malcoml Foxworth himself! It's like he's narrating a small portion of the series. You learn more of the truth, you even get hints about the dreadful secrets revealed in Garden of Shadows in this book. It's one of the best of the eleven that Virginia wrote, the ghost written books are very good, but they will never be Virginia's novels. This is one of her 100% written novels, so it should be more widely admired and appreciated, at least more than ghost written books like Melody, Ruby, Tarnished Gold, Twillight's Chile, etc . . . feed back welcome. ~Tom Nordlum
Rating:  Summary: I was a little disappointed Review: i read every single one of these book series except for the last one. i think this book was the worst. the first 2 books were fabulous because it was so exciting and interesting. this book was just a plain dud. what's the story line? and it was way too freaky and confusing about all this stuff with Malcolm, John, and the mother. Hello!! Malcolm is dead and over with! and this whole insanity thing with poor Bart was a little out of hand and sick. i expected better from V C Andrews. but i have to give her credit-her other books were terrific. here's some advice: if you're planning to read the whole book series, you might as well skip this one. you're wasting your time and money. nothing changes in the story anyway. ok well, Cathy has 2 sons, the youngest goes crazy thanks to her mom who's her neighbor. also, get this, Cathy's THIRD husband is....CHRIS! how SICK can you get? i'm disgusted.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best in the series Review: This sequal is a little different from the rest as it is told from the perspective of Cathy's kids Bart and Jory.Bart is a troubled little boy who seems to get his jollies from torture and disrespect. Jory is the complete opposite. When the mysterious "Woman in Black" moves in next door, things get really interesting. Bart discovers that the man that has been his father all thru his childhood is not really his father, but his uncle and his mother's incestial relationship with him. The woman next door turns out to be someone you NEVER in a million years expected her to be and the ending displays an almost supernatural sort of love. Read it! You won't be sorry!
Rating:  Summary: Slightly Disappointing... Review: After reading "Petals..." I felt it was nessecary to finish the series, eager to know where Chris and Cathy end up. I must say as a character Bart is rather disturbing and the plot seems to drag on and on and on and on(you get the idea) BUT there are some key scenes that one must read to fully understand the 4th book. I would say buy it used OR read it for free in a bookstore.
Rating:  Summary: ....Then where are the Roses? Review: I wouldn't even give this book one star, except that is the lowest possible. What's wrong with this book? Pretty much everything, starting with the absolutely ludicrous plot, the dumbing down of the characters Cathy and Chris, the inconsistencies with the characterization of Corinne Foxworth, and finally just the out and out horrible dialogue- there are many, many cringe-worthy scenes of horrible dialogue in the book. Of all the directions that V.C. Andrews could have gone in with this series, she chose the most absurd, ridiculous, and least entertaining path. Perhaps the best example of the horrible writing and dumbing down of the characters is the scene where Madame Marisha confronts Cathy about her relationship with Chris. It is so contradictory and poorly written that the book loses all credibility- "Cathy, why doesn't your husband Paul ever come with you when you visit me, and why does your brother Chris always come with you instead? And why do your children call Chris 'dad'?" It's so silly that she couldn't figure it out until then, and that's just one example of many gaping holes in the plot. Cathy's son Bart kills animals and waves knives at people and talks to himself and disappears for hours and days on end, and still Cathy and Chris merely sit there and wring their hands. I enjoyed the first two novels, Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the Wind, and even when they ventured into pure melodrama and flowery prose, the books were still incredibly engrossing and entertaining; it's too bad the same can't be said for this book.
Rating:  Summary: another great book by V.C. Andrews... Review: If there be thorns is told mainly in Bart and Jory's (Cathy and Chris's two children)view I really enjoyed this book while at times disturbing to read especially about what happens to Apple but this book reminds me of two or brothers in a differnt book series called Dragonlance just the way Bart envied and was jealous over jory because he seemed to get what he wanted and never had problems with girls or makeing friends much like Raistlin and Caramon. However I did find it very interesting as to the charcter of john amos is played out here more as I had stated in a review of Garden of shadows it seems that once again john is the puppet master while this time instead of Oliva it's Bart who he is useing. A couple of other things that are really interesting was how Cathy makes her attic look like the one in foxworth home when they were locked up there. then there are times in this book when you really can't stand Bart and the evil he does this book also brings in a new charcter by the name of cindy who is the adopted daughter of cathy and Chris all in all the books just got better after flowers in the attic I really and truly look foward to reading the last and final book ofthe Dollanganger