Rating:  Summary: Greatest story ever told. Review: I absolutely loved this book. I highly recommend all sentient beings read this book. If you have read/heard or seen movies of the biblical stories get this book, you have to get this book.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, but could have been better Review: I will admit that I was hoping for a book that fitted my "world view": that Jehovah (a.k.a. Yahweh, et al) is not "God" but just another run-of-the-mill semitic deity, like Baal or Beelzebub, that tricks its followers into believing that it is the One True God, omnipresent and omniscient.After all, this entity demands in the so-called Ten Commandments that "thou shalt have no other god before me", implying that there are, indeed, other gods. Anyway, this book doesn't exactly follow along this line of thought. Close, but no cigar. It was an interesting read, although it became tedious towards the end... I found myself skimming paragraphs towards the end of the book. I'm giving it 3 stars, because it may open the reader's mind up to other realms of thought. I am glad I read it; but I gained little from reading it, and will probably never read it again.
Rating:  Summary: Electifying speculative fiction Review: In a universe separated from this one by time and space some sentient beings evolved so far that they left their material bodies behind. The came from different planets, some are even a collective mind and they speak to each other and contemplate many subjects. One day Lucifer tells He Who Is Three that he senses a change in the universe and the being that is three-in-one discovers that their universe is dying and he doesn't want to die with it. Using their combined mental energy they open a portal into this universe and their entry ignited the big bang. Planets and stars, light and dark came into being. Eventually a special planet formed and those sentient creatures created a creature who worship them for their prayers are fuel that is needed to keep them alive. When Lucifer objected to using man as sheep, they entombed him and his followers to stop them from revealing to man that they can transcend the material realm if allowed free will. Millennium later a priest was directed by Lucifer to find the tablets of the three mad prophets if he wanted to learn the true purpose of man ant to warn the world what they face. John A. De Vito's premise for this book is a very clever one based on the concept that history is written by the winners so the loser Lucifer is cast as the evil serpent whose sole purpose is to tempt man into the sin. The Apocrypha is Lucifer's story told from his point of view from the birth of our universe to the teachings of Martin Luther. This is a very imaginative colorful science fiction tale that shocks the audience with its suppositions and historical interpetations. Harriet Klausner
Rating:  Summary: Clever fiction Review: Cleverly written with just enough truth to make it plausible to people who do not read with a wholly open minds but with enough fabrication that a not so discerning reader could take as truth along with the facts or truths inside. Clearly a manuscript for budding Satanists out there who want to attract more to their cause by pushing God as a shepherd playing with humanity as his sheep and Satan as the person who wants man to 'discover' that he is like God. Clearly a clever tool to chain people who are weak in the faith, to encourage them to doubt. Would have succeeded except that the Bible does say that men(women) are like Gods but not above God!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: John A. De Vito has created a masterpiece with this book. It kept my attention and I was turning pages faster than any other book I've ever read. If you have an open mind for stories from the Bible, this is the book for you. I think I have found a new favorite author and I can't wait for more of his work.
Rating:  Summary: Just keep telling yourself it's only a novel, only a novel. Review: Awesome book! I'm only about 5 chapters in, but this guy did his homework. Very deep. The main thing to keep in mind here is, although his research and erudition give this book miles of verisimilitude, Crichton did the same with "Jurassic Park". Preston did it with "The Cobra Event"; and "Apocrypha" should be judged in that light - and not as a historical text. This is "The Blair Witch Project", not a newsreel. Fiction-as-Fact. BUT - this is also an important book, it will be discussed and argued about for a long time. De Vito knocked one outta the park with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Intriguing and beguiling Review: I purchased this book and I'm impressed with some of the explanations,which are similar to Zecharia Sitchin's conclusions but no direct mention is made of extraterrestrials.The language seems oddly "structured" as in invented not a biblical structure,but trying to sound like it.The book is billed as fiction but the author claims it to be fact.If the author wanted to really get attention he could have included the photocopies of this manuscript written in six languages jumbled together.An ancient account written in modern times with the aid of six languages might be a good thing since some languages do not have words to express certain concepts.But this may also be a big pile however the author has included no such photographs or anything of the like.I myself am not a Christian....I am not an atheist I am simply a student or spirituality and life but I attempted to find a way to contact the author on the web and found that he is a member of a Witches/Pagans online group.This may not seem so significant save for the fact that he may be another Pagan with a grudge against "God" which is important if thats the case.If the author is serious about convincing people of the validity of this text then supplemental material evidence should be made available.
Rating:  Summary: Dangerous Literature Review: Dangerous because it purports to be true. Quite simply, it is a Satanist text. It is well written and persuasive from a humanistic standpoint. Sometimes clever, often times far-fetched, science is portrayed as the means and explanation for many areas that are reserved for faith. Discerning minds will quickly see the holes in this fictional account. Those who take its message to heart will undoubtedly find their faith in God crippled or destroyed. Satan as the caring, benevolent truth-sayer? Even the circumstances surrounding this "source document," from which the manuscript was supposedly taken, are suspect at best. And since Satan is referred to as the Father of Lies in the Bible, the diametric opposite of this supposed alternate history, what better way to confuse the issue than to take just enough truth for plausibility and then fill the rest with twisted fabrication? An open mind isn't needed to read this book. Only a desire to be persuaded to consider something that requires more faith to embrace than that required to believe the Bible. This book has a right to be out there, but reader beware!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Written and Intriguing Read. Review: If you are open minded you will love this book. If your are a religious person you may find this book a bit offensive. Especially since the author claims that it's not his work but based on actual writings collected by his great grandfather who was once a priest. Is it fiction or is it truth, let your heart decide...If anything, this is a fun book to read and will have you turning the pages with wonder. In essence the author claims that Lord God created Man(from the word manna meaning food for the heavens.) for prayer becuase the He That Is Three (God) and the Choosen(Angelica)need the sentient faith to survive. Man is the center of disagreement between Lucifer and God. God sees Mankind as his sheep, since he created us he sees fit to do what with us as he pleases...and really does not like to be questioned at all. Lucifer claims that since we are beings that have sentient we are beings with souls and that our lifes should be ours of our own choosen...it is the natural laws of the universe. He Who Is Three, will hear none of this and has Mikal(Angel of the Melder of the Physical.) bound the Fallen to the Mateial plane. This is just the begining, As I said a very thought provoking and wounderful read of the story of Mankind and the battle between the Heavens and Fallen Angels. Who side will you choose? After reading Apocypha, you might reconsider.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: The book is excellent. If you believe in the Big Invisible Hominid in the sky, this will let you see what you are really worshiping. This book is exactly as accurate as the Bible.