Rating:  Summary: Unanswered questions Review: I recently bought 'From a Buick 8' and after finishing it, surprisingly, in two days, I decided to write and read some other reviews of it. I can't help but think that some of the other reviewers may have missed the point of this book. Yes, the plot does bear certain (very) superficial resemblances to 'Christine,' but really, the only resemblance is that both books are about strange cars. Now, keep in mind that I am not a idolatrous King fan, I am more than willing to call a book bad if it is bad *cough- Dreamcatcher- cough* but the fact is that this book is far from bad, in fact, it is very well written and entertaining. The point of this story is that some questions simply have no answers, and perhaps it is better that way. Just what was that Buick (or whatever it was)? We will never know, just as the troopers in the story never really know. I suppose that if you go into this book expecting gratuitous bloodfests and a titanic confrontation between good and evil at the end to wrap everything up in a nice little package, then you will probably be disappointed. However, if you start with an open mind and no preconceptions, I think you will be pleased. I certainly was. Just don't expect all of your questions to be answered at the end. At the end of it all, it is a work about unanswered questions, and the author even hammers this point home several times during the narrative. The mystery of the car is the truly terrifying thing about this story. The Buick is an object that we truly cannot explain away, that does not disappear when the lights are turned on, that really HAS no explanation. Overall, I highly recommend this work, although it is far from King's best (that award goes to 'Desperation' or maybe 'It.') King fans couldn't go wrong with this one, but you probably should wait for the paperback, unless you can get it in an inexpensive book club deal like I did.
Rating:  Summary: A nice journey through the imagination of Stephen King Review: This is a tale of a mysterious Buick that is left at a gas station for the police to haul back to their "Shed B" that is located next to the station. Why is this Buick mysterious? That is the fun of this book. There's no engine, the paint "heals" it's own scratches, it wont even keep a pebble in the tread of it's tires (memories of the book "Christine" come to mind). The staff soon comes to realize that this isn't a Buick at all, but perhaps brought from another world, "giving birth" to horrid monstrosities, and possibly eating those who are unsuspecting...The writing style is very well done. I have always enjoyed Stephens's way of telling tales, and this is no exception. Some of this book is directly inspired by Stephens's own tragic experience when his own life was hanging in the balances. I have no doubt that you will fully enjoy this book, and it may sadden you as well, knowing that this very well may be his last publication because of his retirement. Hey Stephen, if you're reading this, thanks for all of your wonderful stories. I have enjoyed them all.
Rating:  Summary: Not Bad...But No Where Near His Best Review: King's earlier novels placed him in the ranks of Poe, Lovecraft and Matheson for classical horror novels. He also should be recognized as the one writer that opened the door for horror novelists to truly show their skills. I am not saying that all of his recent works are bad, I thoroughly enjoyed "Bag of Bones," "Dream Catcher" and his short story series, but "From a Buick 8" did not meet his abilities. I understand that King, like Barker, are moving away from the "gore-fest" horror of their earlier days, and as I get older myself, I can appreciate that. "From a Buick 8" leaves little in character development. I really don't care what happens to any of the characters, nor do I really care what happens with the car. The book is slow to begin, slow to develop and then never ends. Furthermore, I love the Gunslinger series, but it seems that lately every book King writes has to have some tie in with that series. If he wants to finish the series, than finish the series and focus on other ideas. 8 just did not do it for me, and my wife who loved "Black House," was also left feeling let down at the end of this one. Not his best to get started with if you are a new King reader. Grab a copy of "The Stand," or "IT" for a truly King experience.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't hand itself to you on platter... Review: I can already tell there is going to be a good deal of backlash to King's latest (and in my opinion, one of his best) novels. FAB8 is not a simple three act narritive and the characters in the story tell this to the reader over and over. It's all about those things in life that don't ever have concrete answers. This could be the scariest King novel yet, but it depends solely on what you do about the book afterward. Try thinking about it. Personally, I can scare myself better than King ever could and now that I've finished this book. A good read and a creepy tale, just don't expect a whole lot of exhibition at the end to wrap it up for you, or you will be sorely disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Come on, Stephen!!! Review: I've been a Stephen King fan for several years. However, I must say that "From a Buick 8" has got to be the worst King novel I've read so far. I haven't read every book by King, but I've read many. The one thing this book "DOES" have that the other King books have is its' ability to make you keep reading. Knowing that his books are fictional, the majority of them give you the feeling that "...this could be real...this could happen!", because he makes you feel it in his writing. This latest novel, however....total opposite. Even with the novel "Christine", you could put your mind to work and actually imagine that the car was real...that it was a person, per se. The yellow-skinned being with the pink tentacles for hair - the bat thing - the lily - everything that came out of the car's trunk: my mind just could not get into the mode to imagine these things. I know in my heart that King is still a great author. I hope that he's able to do better with his next book. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think that King wrote this book way back in the beginning of his career, pulled it out of storage and submitted it as new material. If your a King fan, you'll probably wanna read this book just to say you've read his latest. If you've never read one of King's books, don't make "From a Buick 8" your first one. Try reading "Desparation"....that one will keep you up for hours.
Rating:  Summary: Easy to read....Easy to forget Review: Writing a bad review is new for me. Usually I only feel inclined to write a review when a book has touched me so much that feel the need to get other people excited about it. But I can't pass up writing a little something about this book. It seems like the bad reviews written thus far are a little unfair, and the good reviews make it sound like this is one of Stephen Kings better books. Neither is really true. First the good points: The writing is done in the usual Stephen King fashion. He's got the gift of style that few other authors can match. Very readable. There are some books that are so loaded down with detail that you catch yourself reading some sentences, paragraphs, or even pages over again, because you feel you missed something. I dont think I've ever done that with Stephen King. Most of you reading this review probably already know the basics of what its about from reading some other reviews, so I won't repeat them. The downside to this book are sadly very clear. In his book "On Writing" Stephen King talked about how he just wants to tell a good story, and sometimes afterword, he discovers that his book talks about something deeper. But this one was written with the idea that some things in life, we just can't understand. The whole point of the book is to prove this idea. So all the theorys that the troopers have about the Buick are just guesses, and they (and us) never really know the truth. It's an idea (I think) best examined from the short story perspective. This book didn't hold me in awe like so many other Stephen King books have. I've seen some (including the amazon.com reviewer) compare this book to the green mile, which I really feel is unfair. This book is nowhere close to the quality and scope of the green mile. I really think that this book belongs on the same shelf as The girl who loved Tom Gordon. While both are readable and somewhat entertaining, they are far below the usual par of Stephen King. I really do agree with one of the reviewers that said this should have been a short story. 351 pages was WAY too long for this story. The plot drags through most of the book, although it does have a somewhat exciting end. I guess I would have to say that if you want to read it, go for it, but don't expect the awe that usually accompanies Stephen Kings novels (The stand, IT, Dreamcatcher, Rose Madder, The Green Mile, etc...) Keeping your expectations a little lower than usual might make this book a bit more of an enjoyable read. -Daniel
Rating:  Summary: From a Buick 8...flat on it's face! Review: Absolutely the worst book I have read in over 10 years! While the dialogue does stress that life is uncertain and that there are not always answers, a 300+ page read should leave a paying reader with something more than a waste of time. Coming from one of our generations premier writers, this serves as a double dissapointment. Mr. King would have been well advised to keep his roadside demons behind closed pages not unleashed to a paying public...what a betrayal of trust. It will be a long time before I not only consider reading another S. King book, it will be a long time before I can count him among the great authors of our day after pulling a stunt like releasing this book.
Rating:  Summary: There are buicks everywhere.... Review: After reading The Dreamcatcher from King I was eager to read another book from the author. From a Buick 8 is the story of a Buick roadmaster found by the state patrol. The owner strangely disappeared, so they decide to store it in shed B untill futher notice. That's when odd things start to happen. The book is very well written, but compared to The Dreamcatcher it missed some variety. I found it interesting how King described actions of the state police. 3.5 stars
Rating:  Summary: Not the old man's best work... Review: If this book had been written by Joe Schmoe, I would have given it at least 4 stars... however, I'm rating on the King scale and as a dedicated fan, I felt it was not worthy of more than 3. To me, it felt like one of his short stories, but much longer, without the full character development that his novels usually provide. I basically didn't give a ... about the characters in the story... except maybe for Mister Dillon. I buy King's books to scare the bejeezus out of myself or to fall in love with the characters and become a part of their lives... this book did neither for me. It was an entertaining bit of fluff but not his best work. I would recommend it to someone who wanted to pass some time, but not to a die-hard fan (they will all read it regardless of outside opinions, such as mine) and certainly not to a first-timer for fear they would be turned off forever.
Rating:  Summary: Only King Could Find Someone to Publish This Dog Review: I started reading Steven King before it was fashionable. His early novels were very long, but the detailed images he painted made it worthwhile. Then, as if he was getting paid by the word, they got even longer, but it was wasted space. Endless pages describing one detail that didn't even matter. This book is only 351 pages,which seems reasonable. Until you read it. Then you realize he's taken a plot that would fit into a short story and, in his classic fashion, inflated it.. into a novel.... a bad novel. So there's this guy who abandons what looks like a Buick at a gas station. It's not really a Buick. It delivers strange beings while stored in a state police shed. Some people go missing. That's it. Don't expect to find out who the guy is, why he has the "Buick", why he left it, what it's doing here, where it came from, or what happened to the missing people. Don't even expect to be told why this "transporter" would be fashioned into the shape of a Buick, of all things. As others have noted, the basic theme of the book is: the Buick makes a light show; a strange and disgusting creature pops out of its trunk; the troopers get sick as it decomposes. Just follow that cycle several times and throw in useless side stories, and you have "Buick 8". This was a stupid book.