Rating:  Summary: Stephen King's greatest creation Review: The Dark Tower Series is the best story I've ever read. Roland and his quest is totally enthralling. I don't think King can write these fast enough for me. I've read the series five or six times already, with the first copy having to be replaced because I read it into oblivion. These books show how Stephen King's imagination can bring you into worlds that you never thought possible.
Rating:  Summary: Totally enthralling page turner. Review: A fantasy world where you're imagination can run wild. Wonderfully believable characters. This book has a little bit of everything. Humor,comedy, and a real love story. A must read for King enthusiasts and a great series to become acquainted with one of the best horror writers of our time. The Dark Tower is a real joy ride.
Rating:  Summary: The Gunslinger is "THE MAN" Review: My friend was always talking about "The Gunslinger" or "Roland." He finally convinced me to buy the book, and after I read the first line "And the Gunslinger followed" I was totally hooked. I've since read all of them, and am impatiently waiting for the DarkTower to be reached!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: HARDCOVER SET GUNSLINGER, DRAWING OF THE THREE, WASTE LANDS Review: This slipcased hardcover set contains The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (third printing, new jacket design), The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three (second edition, contains 10 new paintings by artist Phil Hale) and The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands (first edition). The Gunslinger (out of print in hardcover since 1984) and The Drawing of the Three (out of print in hardcover since 1987) are only available as part of this set, not individually. These are limited printings and we do not expect them to remain available very long. The black leatherette slipcase is stamped with two foils, including Stephen King's signature in silver.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest group of Stephen King books Review: Those of you who thought that Stephen King was not a good author, read this series and you will find out how good and imaginative he is... after reading the series, I was so into the lands and landscapes that he placed into the books through mind-blowing description. If you do not read this series, then you have missed out on a lot because it covers so many topics - science fiction, action, mystery and it also makes the reader think about links between worlds... I really recommend you read it and then you would be hooked with the mysterious and yet similar wrold. I can assure you will want to read the rest (which are equally good!).
Rating:  Summary: Lines between what's order and chaos are further blurred Review: In this Hobbit meets Fist Full of Dollars series by noted horror writer Stepen King, readers will follow the journey of Roland of Gilead, the last in the line of noble gunslingers, as he searches for the only thing he hopes can save his deteriorating world: The Dark Tower. This novel may be a departure for some Stephen King fans in that it concentrates more in the world of fantasy than shlock-horror. Readers of the Dark Tower series will find themselves enveloped in both the world and the life of Roland as he makes his way to the crumbling Tower. Definitely worth the $19.95. And the Tower is Closer...
Rating:  Summary: A journy that will take your breath away! Review: I know a place that lies somewhere between Tolkien's Middle Earth and the post--apocalyptic world of Stephen King's "The Stand". It's name is "Midworld" and it's a very scary place. Once a thriving, green world that, at first glance might have been mistaken for the 19th century west, Midworld has changed! The world has moved on! Now it is a world populated by Lobstrocities, 50 foot tall robot bears, bands of warring, deformed mutants and a suicidal psychopathic monorail train that goes by the name of "Blaine". Blaine loves riddles and hates people......and life itself. The other folks aren't too friendly either! And in the center of Midworld lies "The Dark Tower" a mistical place that binds the forces of Midworld (and maybe our world) together. Something has happened or is in the process of happening to this Tower and terrible things are happening to Midworld. Things must be put right or Midworld will cease to exist. Out of the wreckage that Midworld has become steps "Roland" the "Last Gunslinger". A Knight Errant on a mighty quest to find this dark tower and save his home or else diein the trying. Roland -- whom I call the Marlboro man from Hell -- is a Jedi Knight without a light saber. His weapons are a pair of massive six shooters with sandalwood grips and when he uses them he could make Matt Dillon look like a piker . Gunslingers once were the law enforcement officers and nobility of Midworld and to be a gunslinger was the most revered post anyone could have. It required years of training and a "test" which, if you failed, meant banishment forever into the West. Midworld is connected to our world by doorways to different "when's" and "where's" through which it's posable to travel back and forth. Using these doors Roland "draws" three companions to accompany him on his quest. Along the way, between brushes with death and disaster, Roland tells these companions of his youth and his ill-fated love for a young horseman's daughter named Susan Delgado. He tells them about the "Wizard's Rainbow" and the old hag "Rea of the Coose" and his first mission as a gunslinger. In his afterward for "Wizard and Glass" Stephen King tells us that he has written enough books and short stories to fill a universe but "The Dark Tower" is his Jupiter. Not because of it's size but because of it's gravitational pull. And it does pull. It even pulls some of SK's old but beloved characters into it. (hint-hint) Believe it or not I enjoyed it better than "The Stand". As I've said above, Midworld could be the 19th century, but it could also be the 21st century that has slipped back to 19th century ways. There are many clues. It could be another universe or another dimension altogether. I don't really know. Whatever, or whenever, or wherever Midworld is, or was, or will be, it's a very, very, very unusual place indeed. To steal a line from Robert A. Hienlien, "I could go back.............I could!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This was the first Stephen King books I ever read. These really got me hooked on his books. I don't know why I didn't look at his books before. These three books truely show how Stephen King can make stories eeringly real.
Rating:  Summary: The DARK TOWER: The Gunslinger (1st book) Review: The book was awsome, it was so indepth and wonderful to read. The Gunsliner and the boy Jake and The Man in Black it was just so much fun. It had to do with Roland the gunslinger chasing after the man in black who is a mysterious wizard. The reason why he won'ts the wizard is because the wizard knose where the dark tower is. Please read this book it was great. In 4 days I read the whole thing and it was three hndred pages long.
Rating:  Summary: A Series Like No Other....There Is No Other Series Review: At first the concept struck me as stupid. A gunslinger in a fantasy world full of ghouls and wizards. This seems like a bad mix of genres. But like the character, Roland, the Dark Tower hypnotized me. After reading the short first book (that never gave the gunslinger's name) I was intrigued. I wanted to know the story of the Gunslinger. I worked at a summer camp over the summer and to pass the time I read the other two novels (Drawing of Three, Wastelands). Then when I finshed the last one, I heard he just released the 4th installment. The Dark Tower will pull you towards it and you can never let go.