Rating:  Summary: Richly told Review: Admittedly, Anne Rice has been one of my favorite authors for all of my adult life. Even so, there have been those books in the Vampire Chronicles that have taken my breath away (The Vampire Lestat, the Queen of the Damned), and those that seemed more artificially crafted at the publisher's request than an honest story honestly told (Pandora). So it was with some trepidation that I began to read Merrick. From the opening pages, the experienced Vampire Chronicle reader is immediately engaged by the language and tone of an old friend, David Talbot, the Talamasca investigator-turned body switcher-turned Vampire. As narrator, he retells the story of Merrick Mayfair (not of the "white Mayfairs" from "uptown", but another branch of the family altogether), a woman whom he loves deeply, although he fears and respects her power. This is mainly the story of Merrick, although Lestat and Louis do figure into the story as well. Merrick's Mayfair powers are rooted deeply in Voodoo and the magical aspects of Roman Catholicism, a dynamic combination.This latest entry to the vast Vampiric dialogue is as sumptuous and dark, sexual and historically sweeping as those early books in the Chronicles. The ending gave new life and identity for Louis, the chronically melancholy vampire, and gave us a new character whom we could easily learn to love as much as the rest of Anne's core players. I read Merrick in its entirety over a weekend, and considered it a great weekend. I gave it 4 stars only because I never give anything a 5 unless it's so good it knocks me unconscious (like Queen of the Damned). If you are already a fan of the Vampire Chronicles, you'll love this one. If you're new to the Vampire Chonicles, I do recommend you read the companion books prior to reading Merrick.
Rating:  Summary: Good, actually... Review: I almost gave this a bad review at first because I started it and couldn't get into it, but I was wrong when one day I picked it up again. I like it and am anxious BLOOD AND GOLD.
Rating:  Summary: New Orleans Voodoo Review: Well she is at it again,....with a vengance. I must say that I enjoy Ann's vampire tales very much however, if you are strictly looking for the blood thirsty novels that are so appealing,..perhaps you should keep going. Ann did incoperate a bit of witchcraft to this book, yet being a FAN of NO I loved it. She still has such a wonderful flare for producing a true image in your mind it praticaly sets you into the sceen. We do see a bit of Louis in this one ( good supprise ) , and the character merrick is one with many quirks and at times can make you feel like your sitting next to this Voodoo grandma.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT THE HECK!? Review: I have to admit that I am a huge Anne Rice fan. I also have to admit that I was severely dissapointed with this book of hers. I was so shocked at how bad this book was! Especially compared to her previous books--specifically the Vampire Chronicles. It seems to me, looking at these other reviews, that the only people who liked it were people who havent read her previous books or just have no taste. Honestly, I found myself not paying attention as I was reading and zoning out as the pages just turned themselves. People, don't waste your time or money on this book!
Rating:  Summary: The next best thing Review: I feel that there is no way Anne Rice could ever top the success she achieved with Interview with a Vampire, but she did a considerably good job with this novel. Our favorite characters are still here, Louis and Lestat, in this continuation in the Vampire Chronicles. Though I was not initially impressed with the plot line of the book, I found that it grew on me, and half way through the story I was immensly immersed. I would recommed this book to nearly anyone. Hope you enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Anne, Listen to your fans! Review: Merrick should not be part of the VC at all, NOT at all! I just couldn't believe what I was reading. I actually rushed to get my copy and was utterly disappointed. I can't beileve still that this is from Anne (Rice), the author of the magnificent Interview With The Vampire! I had to check myself. So, after reading this trash (ie. Merrick), I found myself going back to my shelf... retrieved IwTV and I had to find out if I had made a mistake about this classic. NO! Once again, I found myself entranced, although I'd read it for more than half a dozen times over the years. Every page of Interview mesmerised me, caught me breathless at moments ... and occasionally found my heart ached. The writing was so beautiful and with such depth of emotions... and the characters, namely Louis was so Beautiful. Our Merciful Death. So ... back to Merrick, I really don't get it at all. WHAT HAPPENED?? Really? I couldn't agree more with a few of the earlier reviewers, Anne had not done justice to her characters, and herself! Anne, I hope you get to see these reviews. A lot of us are your ardent fans. The reviews tell you a lot about what they love so much about you & your characters - Louis, Lestat & Armand... Please listen to your fans. We love you, but please don't give us another Merrick!! We want an Interview, .. something of the same leagus as your first 5 VCs!! Please please please...? I love you, no matter what, and will be hoping eagerly for another brilliant & beautiful novel from you. Love Louis & Lestat... forever.
Rating:  Summary: The Return of The Vampire Coven Review: Merrick is a fascinating return to Anne Rice's vampire series, the first impassioned vampire novel she has written in a long while. If you haven't felt inspired by the vampire chronicles since The Tale of the Body Thief, then try this one. It will put the oompfh back into your blood thirsty library. Merrick fascinatingly ties Anne's Mayfair witch series and Lestat's vampiric coven together. This captivating tale described one talented voodoo priestess' tale of jealousy, love, and family betrayal. Seeing the true inside of David Talbot's soul is wonderful, and seeing Louis impassioned by someone other than Lestat is insightful.
Rating:  Summary: I really liked this book ..... Review: I listened to the unabridged audiobook, and thought it was wonderul. I get so much more out of the V.C.'s when they're read aloud. The characters were interesting enough, with plenty of the supernatural, witchcraft, ghosts, and vampires, and it held my interest throughout. I don't think it deserved some of the bashing it's gotten; I've read much, much worse; i.e., Violin. just horrible. I think A.R. did justice to her favorite old characters.
Rating:  Summary: Is this book a joke? Review: Because if it is, it's a really bad one. A formerly talented writer such as Anne Rice can't really be writing this cheesy kind of novels and distort her once original and fabulous characters. I'm a fan of the four first Vampire Chronicles and i found Armand, Pandora and Memnoch rather good. But THIS? Give me a break? And all the other reviewers who say it's wonderful must be either really young, unread or plain dumb, if you excuse me. Anne Rice vampires used to be characters that lived on the edge, they represented all those of us who deny to become main stream and common. They used to be interesting, moving, sophisticated, complex, full of contradictions and questions. They were not bound by everyday moral or law, they could fall in love with mortals and vampires no matter what their gender was, gender was no important to them anymore, they had gone over that. her great antihero, Lestat, was innocent and wicked, impulsive and brave, wise and a brat. His indomitable will,his great loyalty and capacity for love and forgiveness, his search for goodness in evil made him dear to all the readers. Louis was also a very complex character, his physical weakness was his trademark because it was the product of one of his greatest qualities, his will. In The tale of the body Thief Lestat says about Louis: "What was stronger than his thirst, his will" I quote him more or less accurately. Louis cherished his humanity and fought not to loose it, he cared about it and all of a sudden he loses all the convictions that shaped his personality and just wants what any shallow teenager would want : to belong, to be like Lestat, and DAvid and Merrrick. In Merrick all these characters are mentioned but really never appear, David is not there, in his place we have a dirty old man, Louis is a shallow teenage and Lestat just sulks and cares not much about the stupid thing Louis does at the end,when in earlier novels Louis was the one Lestat loved, and I mean LOVED. Merrick is annoying, she's a Mary-Sue character. If you have not read the VCs don't even touch this piece of...c...garbage. Read the first ones if you don't want to read something like "Melrose Vamps"
Rating:  Summary: I own it, I read it, it took me six months. Review: Look up and see. I'm giving it four stars only because I like what's happening at the moment. But Louis in love with Merrick?! Nooooooooo! He's Lestat's! All Lestat's! Lestat's and only Lestat's! Excuse me while I go off and cry. Unfortunately I haven't read Memnoch or Tale of the Body Theif yet and I've had them for four years. I loved Armand, Pandora was a bit iffy and Vittirio I only liked cause of the angels. But this was riduculous. Six months to a read a book by my favorite author? I mean come on! I got it as soon as it came out and immeadiatly started reading it. But when David goes into his recollection of everything...I was just bored! And now Louis falling in love with Merrick? Excuse me! But no! Anne Rice if you ever get to read this please take him away from her! If you're planning some great guy to come and sweep Lestat of his feet great! But don't wreak Louis like that...itn was just wrong!