Rating:  Summary: Did I Miss Something? Review: I read the entire Anita Blake series 4 months ago and this last book, and especially the rave reviews for it, leave me confused...The last few books in this series have been more character development than mysteries or thrillers. But at least there was SOMEthing to built a plot on, however thin. "Blue Moon" doesn't even have that! The "mystery" -- supposedly the "spear that pierced Christ's side" -- didn't even come up until very late in the book. And then, to make matters worse, there didn't turn out to be any spear, anyway!! This whole book served as nothing more than a vehicle for lots of pointless violence and far too much sex. Violence can be very effective -- and it was fairly effective in the earlier books -- but this story throws in killings, beatings, etc. apparently just so the heroine can rip her clothes off (reminiscent of Captain Kirk in "Star Trek" -- anything to tear his shirt!). Sex, too, can move the story along nicely, but there has to BE a story first. As far as I could tell, "Blue Moon" would not exist if all the sex and violence were removed. Which means that those elements WERE the entire plot. And that isn't enough. I agree character development in a series is important but there does need to be a plot, too; otherwise you end up with a Harlequin Romance. I hope the next book gives the relationship stuff a rest and gives us something to turn the pages for. If I'm subjected to another book full of "who should I sleep with??" I'll have to give it a miss.
Rating:  Summary: Great as usual Review: I couldn't wait to tear into this book when it showed up on my doorstep. With every new Anita Blake book my life comes to a grinding halt while I hole up and consume it. I loved the detail in this book. The descriptions of the werewolves and wereleopards' rituals and greetings were great. I also liked the development of the other characters. The series is so much more than just Anita, Jean-Claude, and Richard. I just wish Anita would get over her touching phobias. The reunion with Richard was fantastic, but the ending left me a bit down with Anita closing herself off from the pack and the boys. I can't wait for the next book to bring them back together. Hopefully Anita will ease up a bit. She's way too tense. The inclusion of Asher was a pleasant surprise as well. Is there anyone who isn't in love or lust with Anita?
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Return of Anita! Review: I couldn't wait to read Blue Moon, and it was certainly worth the wait! Anita is back, as is Richard, the pack and the pard. There is too little of Jean-Claude, my only complaint about this great story, but I was thrilled that Asher and Damian had such large parts in it. It is definately a page-turner...and I wouldn't start to read it at night because you won't be able to go to sleep until it's done!
Rating:  Summary: Laurell is a GENIUS! Review: It's impossible not to get totally captivated by this series, with its nonstop thrills and chills, wry humor, and very personal style. However, the last two volumes had left me so depressed over the moral depths to which the central character had been sinking, I was almost afraid to read this one. But, wow! Laurell Hamilton, in this beautifully written -- and VERY clever -- book, finally has Anita Blake facing head-on the issues of justice and revenge, faith and cynicism, love and betrayal, and ultimately, good and evil, that I felt had been left so unsatisfyingly unresolved at the end of the previous book. I'd been left wondering how the author could possibly expect us to continue to consider Anita Blake a "heroine" at all (especially troubling in a series of novels written in the 1st person), since to me, she'd become almost as disgusting -- and inhuman -- as the monsters she so ruthlessly destroys. But in a breath-taking combination of furious action and wild plot-twists few Anita fans would have anticipated, punctuated by some very moving scenes of reconciliation and self-examination, an Anita Blake emerges with whom I can be solidly in love all over again. And like any guy following the perfect romantic evening, I can be pleased and satisfied, but still eager for more!
Rating:  Summary: Yes!!!! Review: A wonderful sequel to Burnt Offerings, which left me disappointed. I love Blue Moon--it does a wonderful justice to the werewolves, it has a great setting, and I love the ending. I also like the changes that Anita goes through during the course of the story. I know it's a bit nitpicky, but my only complaint is that when a woman told her she was a witch, Anita said she didn't feel Wiccan. Grr...not all witches are Wiccan....but that's just my pagan ramblings--I'll shut up now as I re-re-re-read this book ;)
Rating:  Summary: Better and better... Review: Although in the last few books the mystery element seems to have taken a second seat to the developing relationship(s) between Anita and the boys, and the pack, AND the pard, I think they just get better and better. The emotions behind these changes and the way she feels about the escalating level of violence she resorts to, have an immediacy and sincerity that grabs you by the throat...love the new characters, and ecstatic to see the return of old favorites with a new twist. My only complaint is that the book goes so fast - even at 400+ pages, when you can't put it down, it doesn't last long....:^) Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent. Hamilton's really done it..... again! Review: This book doesn't talk about the "Edward favor" (that'll be the NEXT book!), but it's quite a good read. Anita's off to Tennessee to help out Richard when he's framed for a crime he didn't commit. Jean-Claude won't let her go alone of course so Anita leaves Missouri with an entourage of were-animals and vampires. Fans of Asher, take note: he's one of the vampires along for the ride with Anita. Jason's there too as always. Even Nathaniel. There's plenty of action at break-neck speed which makes this latest installment another quick page-turner. This book is guaranteed to keep you up 'til dawn ;)
Rating:  Summary: My Happiness Knows No Bounds Review: Just when you think LKH cannot possibly write anything better than the last book, bam, she goes off and exceeds your wildest expectations. This book was full of surprises and covered a lot of new and needed information. My only complaint is that the book was far too short, as usual :). She has turned the tables on her readers once again, turning enemies into friends and vice versa. I cannot even begin to predict the changes in Obsidian Butterfly, since I know I'll be completely wrong. No one should ignore this book. I cannot imagine anyone not enjoying LKH's whole series. Read them all...thirteen times in a row, at least! With Blue Moon, LKH has only strengthed my belief she is the best author around this decade.
Rating:  Summary: Anita is totally bad @$$!!!!! Review: I love the new book, I liked how LKH kind of knocked Anita off her high horse without her losing any of her toughness!!! And I loved all the sexual tension especially with Jason, Asher, Damien and let's not forget Richard!! The booked turned out almost exactly as I dreamed!! One totally great read!!! IF you like vampires,werewolves, lots of sexual tension,cynical humor, knock out fights,and a herione not afraid to kick a little @$$. Then this book is for you!!!!Pick up a copy now!! Venus
Rating:  Summary: Delicious! Review: This book is best to date for the series. It is scary and not in things you would expect. It has a lot of furball and fangface politics, some other supernaturals and so many twists and turns at a breakneck speed that you feel yourself going dizzy. Still, it is a nice dizziness, not unlike a power rush. We all know about those, don't we? :) The characters are amazing. The feats that Anita does are astonishing. The personal developments are staggering. With all that I hope that the next book would be better... But how can you do better then this? Laurell K. Hamilton comes through once again. Read, enjoy and put LKH on bestseller lists so that we can get more! :)