Rating:  Summary: Too long, too boring Review: this book was way to long, I found many places in the book where King could of finished, this is not one of my favorite books.
Rating:  Summary: One of King's poorest works. Review: The original concept of the novel is quite exciting: a group of adults return to their hometown, where the nightmare of their childhood haunts their dreams once again. This idea is enriched with all of King's standard schemes: '50s & rock'n'roll, the misery of the countrylife in Maine, children with supernatural powers and a lot of magic. This story could occupy no more than 200 pages. Instead, the novel is unecessarily long and boring, with imcomprehensibly extended descriptions. Some parts of it (especially the final encounter with "It") are almost silly. I think that the author attached various pieces he had written in other circumstances, for other works - some sort of his "relics". That's how I explain the apparent lack of cohesion. I don't say it's uninspried, but it's certainly uninspiring. Only for King's fanatics...
Rating:  Summary: Simply Amazing Review: I read this book when I was 12, and I was captivated by it. This truly is the greatest book I have ever read. Even though I am only 14 years old, I read more than almost anyone I know. Yet, through all my reading, this is the book that I still call my favorite. The best book that I have ever read. It truly was simply amazing. My first impression of the book was, "Why is it so long?" But after I finished the book, I started to wonder why it wasn't longer, and how could anyone write a book of "It"'s stature within less pages. Now I am not afraid of long books as I was back in my elementary school days, but now I am going into high school strongly despising abridged books. And this book was what caused all that. If you read this book, it will change you, just as it changed me.
Rating:  Summary: Still good but don't you just outgrow it? Review: My first reading of this book was way back in high school and of course I loved it. How could you not feel as though you were the eighth member of the Loser's Club? Plus, this is the sort of book that just beckons from the shelf; something you always have to go back to and read, read again. But . . . don't you think that books like this are something you outgrow just a little? Don't get me wrong, it still deserves a four star rating, but the last time I read it, I felt as though it was no longer as believable or as thrilling as it used to be (and it was never really a scary novel to begin with). Put it this way; I no longer feel like that eighth member but rather an adult looking in on something that isn't really mine anymore. My recommendation then? Definately read this book if you are a King fan and first time readers of IT should love it, particularly if you are in your teens. But please, please, please remember that there are better King novels out there.
Rating:  Summary: This a definate must read! Review: This is the best book I have ever read.King gets you so caught up in the characters that you feel for them when they cry.You laugh at there jokes.This book has great detail in the character, in early life, and fear.This is a must read must buy.I say if you want to start out with Stephen King but don't know where to start start with it you will be reading with the lights on.Take my advice and buy or go get it at a library!
Rating:  Summary: This book turned me off Stephen King Review: I hate to say this, but this is probably the worst book I've ever read. Reading the Amazon reviews, it doesn't surprise me that people have read it 10-20 times. You HAD to in order to figure out what the heck was going on! I nearly cried at the end -- partly in joy for having finished it... partly in sorrow for the hours I lost reading it. I haven't read a Stephen King book since I read "It" years ago. I used to love his books, too... *sigh* Hopefully I'll get over "It" one of these days and rediscover King's work, like the scary-as-hell Pet Sematary. Now THERE'S a great book!
Rating:  Summary: ..we all float down here Georgie.. Review: On of King's best without a doubt, a tale of forgotten child hoods, horror and suspense. This keeps you reading till the very end (and it is long).This is really scary stuff, If like me you thought books could never affect you in that way, then try this one. I'll never pass a drain the same way again.. Or stay near a plug hole for too long either.
Rating:  Summary: IT is the pinnacle of all horror. Review: It is impossible to tell in words how incredible of a story this was. It begins with a bang and ends with a BANG! Gripping, spine-tingling, bone-chilling - this tale will make your blood run cold next time you see clowns. It will instill into you a phobia for clowns . . . and, of course, balloons. Undoubtedly King's greatest, IT is a portrait of the evils that inhabit Derry, Maine. Of the merciless, ruthless Pennywise the Dancing Clown and his determination to have seven children pay for coming across his tracks. This may be a tome, but it never lets down. It never stumbles or falters. On the contrary, it gets better and better as the story goes on. You'll find yourself finishing this book faster than you could read Of Mice and Men. And it has enough gore and goo for one to drown in. Ah, but that's just classic, vintage King. He has succeeded in leaving us Constant Readers mesmerized. I'm just amazed at the fact that people haven't yet gone into a frenzy to get this book - how queer!
Rating:  Summary: No Clowning Here Review: This book is one of the scariest books by Stephen King that I have ever read. Not since I was a kid and read Salems Lot have I looked under the bed before going to sleep. I did after reading It! Once you read this you'll never look at a clown the same way. Something is killing children in Deary, Maine. What is It! Read and find out. If you truly like horror and don't mind blood, guts and gore then this book is the one for you. Long at about 1000 pages but worth every word. If it wasn't for all those other books out there I would read this one again. If Mr. King didn't receive an award for this book he certainly should have. This is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Not the greatest work of Literature, but good... Review: I was curious as to how others reacted to this book I'd just finished, and was so surprised by the reviews I felt compelled to respond. Did no one else find the voyeuristic sex scene with the kiddies as absurdly offensive as I did? I'm sure it proved titillating to many, but my word, how typically male... she hurts at first, then gets into it and even moans, thrashing her head from side to side! I did find aspects of the book wonderfully exciting - the plotting, the return of both Tom and Henry - and will happily concede his talent at the game of suspense, but "the greatest book ever"? "The greatest writer ever"? Come on, folks. A great storyteller, perhaps (and even some of his devices are reading a bit thin), but I don't think we'll be assigning King in Am Lit 101 any time soon. To paraphrase Adorno, he won't be disturbing the currents of literature too much.