Rating:  Summary: The Best Review: There is no question...King is the best. This is one of my favorite books by King. I've tried other horror writers just to get a variety, but I've realized that there is no substitute for the best. Involved character histories, suspense, ultimate story telling.
Rating:  Summary: PERFECT! Review: OK, first off, I despise Stephen King books. I saw the film and fell in love w/ these characters, ran out & bought this book. I've read it every year since. I simply cannot recommend it highly enough. The characters will stay w/ you forever. If you never buy any other novel by King, may It be the one.
Rating:  Summary: One of my favorite Stephen King books... Review: Even though the plot of this story is completely fictional, I still liked this book (I usually like stuff that's a little more connected to reality). I think the two themes I liked most about this book were the fact that all kids were flawed in some way, yet together they've formed a pretty big force... The second theme relates to the fact that I hadn't finished reading the book in the correct order - the last part I read was the scene where all seven of the kids vow to return to fight It if necessary, and the fact that after that, they've never met all together, but rather in smaller groups. Maybe the fact that around that time they've all started to "heal" from their flaws had something to do with that...
Rating:  Summary: One of the King's Best Review: This is far and away Stephen King's best novel - but not his best writing if I can compare it with novellas where The Body (Stand By Me) and Rita Heyworth and The Shawshank Redemption would rank ahead of this. So it is his best horror. Yet I have never seen this is truly a horror book. Cujo, The Shining, Christine, Carrie - those were horror. There was an element of horror here and yet this book is not ABOUT that somehow. The predominant theme in this book is friendship - the overpowering love that can exist between close friends. This love never dies, it lives their whole lives. King truly put a part of his soul into this book as he weaves a heartwrenching tale that leaves me still thinking about it 13 years after I have read it.
Rating:  Summary: King of Novels Review: This novel will break you heart as it comes to an end. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry--and it will scare the hell out of you. I've read IT a number of times, because it is an epic novel of friendship and fear. You will fall in love with all of the kids. They will seem like real friends to you, and you'll find yourself wishing that you were there among them, playing in the barrens, going to the movies, and even exploring the sewers. No one could ever write a book like this again. King is certainly the world's most profound novelist. A novel like this is hard to explain in words. If you don't read it and experience these pleasures for yourself, you're missing out on the novel that will change your life, eternally dwelling in your memories and dreams.
Rating:  Summary: CREEPY!!!!! Stephens King's Best! Review: Now I'm only 13 but i'm a very quick reader and got through this book in 4 days. Mostly cuz it's so good it just draws you in. I've never read any book like like it. It's just- WOW! (He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees the ghost.)It is an epic of how love and friendship will triumph. But one of the bests parts are the villians to be more specific Henry Bowers and the all famous Pennywise the Clown. Henry was great becuase it shows true evil in not a monster but a human. He was perfectly sane just evil. Then comes It itself. Most horror novels have traditional villians (monsters, vampires, demons, etc.) but It is of something else it is the personification of your worst fears it can be anything you picture it as. That what makes it scary if you aren't afraid of vampires 'Salem's Lot would be no breeze but if you have a fear that is what It will become. Truly disturbing.
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic and spine chilling experience! Review: I am 16 and have just finished 'IT' and I must say it took my breath away, it is one of the finest books I have ever read. It has it all, one moment King has you laughing along with a group of friends who are closer to each other than most people are to their families, and the next he has you terrified of what lurks on the next page. The story starts so emotionally and continues its thrills and horrors like a snowball running down a mountain picking up strength and speed as it goes. Being over 1100 pages may sound daunting but I personally was glad of the length, as I never wanted it to end. The language and description is so crisp and sharp it makes the novel come alive, and like all good books it makes you think and it keeps you thinking long after the last page has been turned. What is tremendous is the way King continually builds the tension and makes each climax superior to the one before while holding a strong air of suspense through all the pages, he never lets up on your nerves. The ending section is perhaps the weakest point as it feels rushed considering the books length, however it was probably written the way it is so not give the reader time to consider how the second fight with 'IT' will turn out, although looking back it seemed more satisfying than when I was reading it. The final ending is simultaneously joyous and heartbreakingly sad. It is a classic tale and must be read, and as the book says Derry is hauntingly like your own town, but one thing is for sure I will never look at a clown in the same way again!
Rating:  Summary: It is formidable. Review: It's quite a job for me as a foreign reader to complete this book. But, it paid me as much. King always do great jobs at making unimaginable things imaginable. They(Bill and others) will forget things about IT and even each others names, but I think I won't.
Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: This is the first Stephen King book that I actually closed 2/3's through because it was so boring! It was an actual chore for me to read this book. I only kept reading because I was hoping the story would turn around somewhere along the line and become entertaining but it never happened. I'm sorry, but I can't recommend this book to anyone because I didn't enjoy it at all.
Rating:  Summary: IT Review: This is a book that makes you want to be a kid again! I can remember playing beside a marsh in the woods when I was young and this book brought back all those fun and adventurous memories. But, of course, there wasn't a monster trying to kill me and my friends! This book is extremely long and a very involved read. I don't want to say too much about the story, but I will say this: prepare to cry at the end! Only Stephen King can write a heart felt horror novel! King is a brilliant story teller and an American legend!