Rating:  Summary: Very Boring Lacks Terror Review: This book was way too long. The beginnning was exciting but the rest was very boring. Way too much swearing also. If you want terror, read Carrie by Stephen King.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Read This Alone at Night! Review: This book of King has got to be, in my opinion, his greatest work! The movie was good, but the book is so much better. After I read it the first time, I would go back and read it again and appreciate King's writing. The way he connects the past of the Losers and their present is absolute genius. His characterization of the characters, both good and bad, really got you involved with the lives of the Losers. That is probably the best thing about reading the book even if you've seen the movie. You knew everyone's back story and how they grew up to be who they were in the present. King's use of Pennywise the Clown was right on target since many people are unsettled by clowns (John Wayne Gacy is one example). The clown as the essence of evil was totally captured in the story. It also makes the book that much scarier because it is very close to the truth behind the "bogeyman". I read this book at nighttime the first time I read it and it still makes me think of what could be lurking below the surface of reality (the sewers under the street) and dark forests. I would rate this book by Stephen King as one of my all-time favorite books. Read it, you'll love it
Rating:  Summary: Jim, Fletcher, Byron, and Randy's Opinion Review: IT is an excellent thriller. Children, bonded in that they are outcasts, form a group of believers that can perceive absolute evil. Don't read it in bed, because when you fall asleep you will be afraid that Pennywise will creep into your soul and torment it nice and slow. Don't look around, don't turn around, Pennywise will know!
Rating:  Summary: A Frightening Tale Review: To read IT you must be ready for your worsty nightmares to come to light. We fallow the adventures od seven kids who must face their fears to save the lives of the other children in their town of Derry. I really liked this book beacues it gets down to what happen when adults don't pay attention to children so in the end the kids realize that they must do things on their own. So check it out . . . if you dare.
Rating:  Summary: IMO, The best book ever written Review: That is not a title I give away easily. I became a King fan in the early 90's with books like Needful Things, Gerald's Game, Insomnia, etc. I have recently gone back and started rading his early work. My personal favorite used to be "Executive Orders" by Tom Clancy and prior to that the "Myth" series by Robert Asprin. But "IT" was unbelievable. When I finished the book I was actually sad that it was over. During the course of being scared by an unstoppable foe, you grow to like, then love all the member's of the loser's club. You feel like you grew up with them and King's writing makes you feel like you went through all their battles with them. I found myself reading until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning and then getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning to start reading again. Several weeks later, I find I still contemplate this book and his characters. No matter what type of fiction you like to read, this is a must read book.
Rating:  Summary: One of King's Best Review: Stephen King weaves a fantastic tale of friendships, promises kept, and above all else, the horror of an unknown creature preying upon the children of Derry, Maine. Seven of them who have experienced the terror and lived to tell about it have bonded to form a group that would stick together no matter what. Even after "It" had stopped its reign of murder, the seven promised to return if "It" should ever start killing again. As adults, they remember the details of their childhoods and what they must do to stop "It" once and for all. Incredibly vivid, imaginative, and well thought out, this remains one of Stephen King's best novels. It's also one of his scariest. If you have a fear of clowns, this is not the book for you. Otherwise, you'll be captivated by the story. One final note: this is not light reading. This book is over 1,000 pages long, and you must have the time, the patience, and the dedication to get through it all.
Rating:  Summary: Prepare yourself for terror! Review: I just completed reading this book at midnight. I cannot sleep. I'm scared of the diabolical inhabiting my neighborhood and Stephen King planted the seed of my recently acquired paranoia. This book will haunt you. The characters created by Mr. King are very real and his ability to make them so real is frightening in and of itself. The town of Derry is a setting not unlike my own community and probably a bit like yours as well. The meshing of plausibility with the paranormal confront you with terror and it is unrelenting. "Fiction is the truth inside the lie, and the truth of my fiction is simple: the magic exists" Stephen King Write on Stephen!
Rating:  Summary: Still A Great Book Even 10 Years Later Review: I first read IT when I was 18 years old, and I remember being scared out of my mind by Pennywise the Dancing Clown and really falling in love with the Losers Club. For a couple of years, I thought this was the best book I had ever read. Then, I hit my mid-twenties and sort of forgot about the book. Now, 10 years later and hopefully a lot wiser and more mature, I decided to pick up the book again. And, to my incredible surprise, I found that I still loved the book! Though IT is no longer nearly as scary to me anymore, it's still a great read because of the seven people that make up the Losers Club: Ben, Bill, Bev, Eddie, Richie, Mike and poor Stan. Each Loser is so well defined with so many terrific characteristics and attributes. And, there really is an eighth Loser: Henry Bowers, who I still believe may be the nastiest bully ever dreamed up by an author! As I believe another reviewer said, the scariest part of IT is not Pennywise nor what is behind IT, it really is the potential threat that you may one day grow up and forget your childhood years. There's something very poetic about the Losers going back home after thirty years and finding that the only way to defeat the unholy evil of IT is to capture this intangible thing that made them special three decades before -- belief. I look forward to forgetting about IT, and then reading it again in 10 years. I'll be nearing 40 by then, the same age as the grown-up Losers in IT. I can't wait . . .
Rating:  Summary: It is one bad a$$ clown Review: If you saw the movie, you probably think this isn't a good book. Well, if you have ever read any Stephen King books that were turned into movies, you know they don't always trun out right. It is no exception. The book is much deeper than the movie, and it isn't just about a crazy clown. You really get to know the characters, and the book seems to breath all on it's own. I know the size looks intimidating, but once you get started you won't be able to stop. Bon Chance
Rating:  Summary: BIG BILL Review: It is imposible to try to evaluate the works of the master of American Fiction, Stephen King, with out looking at his crown achievment "IT". His ability to introduce a reader from childhood, to the every moment of innocent love, fear, bravery, trust and ultimatly friendship' must rate as his ultimate literay achievement. To any new comers, think 'Stand by Me' meets frankinstein, Dracula, the Mummy and every nightmare a child will have. King has a love for Maine, his home turf, and the fact that his home ground has such a bearing on his best yarns makes Derry, Maine, a hell of a town to be a clown. True or NOT?