Rating:  Summary: A Decent Vampire Read... Review: I enjoyed it. Nothing really wrong with it. Some loose ends that could have been more tied up - Never understood exactly what the vampire guys were protecting humans from though it was their sacred duty or something - would have loved to have seen "Blackbird"... But overall, a decent vampire read. Reminded me somewhat of the Carpathians from CFeehan's dark series... I guess it would depend on the type of writing I felt like reading who I would say is better. SSizemore is less... overwrought. But CFeehan has developed her world more... Like both though.
Domini works as a bodyguard at her grandfather's corp. She "knows" things sometimes. Has dreams. Alex is a vampire working hard at remaining sane and able to walk in the light. They meet - connect - struggle against the forces trying to keep them apart - and are eventually successful. Domini was a strong character and Alex was at times the fantasy guy and at others really annoying. They didn't have perfect understanding (as a lot of romances try to do) but they tried to be there for eachother.
Would have prefered to have seen more of the vampire world and some action along with the romance...
I recommend it and will read the next book - I thirst for you.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad Review: I like the story but the ending did not pack much of a punch. It was as if the author just ran out of steam. While the over all storyline was good, the ending was a little disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: Hot Damn! Review: I loved this book! I'm a BIG fan of Laurell K. Hamilton's, Anita Blake series and Sherilyn Kenyon's, Dark Hunter series...I haven't found anything to pass the time in between new releases from my fav's...this was a nice change...the sex was there but not too explicit...the romance was awesome...I'm now looking for more titles from this author...!
Rating:  Summary: Rather dissapointed Review: I purchased this book due to the high reviews it got on this page and was very dissapointed with it. It was a light read but the plot left a lot to be desired. It had too many excessive characters and felt very forced and stunted. It seemed as if the author either wanted to just finish the book, make it longer, or write a sequel. So much more could have been done with it. Very dissapointing.
Rating:  Summary: Great Vamp story appropriately titled Review: I really enjoyed it. What I really liked about this author is that she introduces us into the vampire's world/society right from the beginning. Although I love vampire romances, not everyone does it well. Sometimes you read a story that supposed to be a vampire genre but you don't even get the feel of a paranormal story until the very end, like "oh by the way, the hero or heroine is a vampire". Susan Sizemore however did a great job. The hero, Alex, is the ultimate alpha male vamp, and is appropriately titled "The Prime". He was born a powerful creature of the night, but by choice he lives among the humans, taking drugs in order to be able to take sunlight and other vampire allergens. Although, he is often feral and a tightly leashed beast at best, he is one of those among his clan who has sworn to protect the human cousin race. The beast within has been harder to control recently and the drugs are not working as they should because finally Alex has found his Bond Mate, a human female name Domini. She doesn't know what he is, but her very presence threatens his firm control and their current mission, but soon the wait will be over, he will claim what is rightfully his and he will not be denied. This book oozes of alpha male possessiveness, testosterone and great sexual tension along with steamy sex. I loved this book. I've never read Susan Sizemore books, but I'm definitely going to hunt down some of her backlist historical romances too. I read a couple of chapters of her next vampire book slotted for next Summer August 2004 and it also sounds really good, I Can't Wait!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Seductive Review: I really liked this book because it was compelling and seductive. It is action packed not just because of what is going on with the assignments of Domini and Alec. The relationship that developes between the two of them! It has twists and turns that keep you turning pages until the very end and has you begging for more. Vampires and romance is what it is all about!
Rating:  Summary: A first for me Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Loved the moments of witty dialogue.. all in all a steamy vampire novel thats worth not missing regardless of some of the earlier reviews... and as one reviewer said... He doesn't hate being a vampire.
Rating:  Summary: No burning, more like indigestion. Review: I was very disappointed in this book. I've heard great things about the author and the premise looked interesting but that's where the excitement ended. I wanted to like the main characters but they seemed so flat. By the middle of the book I couldn't have care less if they got together or not. I think that there should have been less hopeless lusting and more details of the story.
Rating:  Summary: One terrific read Review: If you are looking for a blood, guts, and gore vampire novel this book is not for you. If on the other hand you are looking for romance, action, and a great fast paced story this is a great read. I could not put it down. So much for house work and other such nonsense. The story will grab you from the very first page. This is my first time reading a Susan Sizemore novel. I very well might have to find a place for her beside my Christine Feehan and Maggie Shayne collections.
Rating:  Summary: I Expected Too Much... Review: If you've been following Christine Feehan's Carpathian series, this is right up your alley. Certain elements are eerily similar-the instant recognition of a lifelong mate, the thirst for blood, the distinction between the good vampires and the evil ones, etc...However, because I knew all this from having read the other reviews, I was expecting something with the impact of "Dark Prince". This book, while good, doesn't quite measure up. Alec Reynard is in trouble. The drugs he uses to go about in daylight are wearing off, and he finds himself in danger of reverting to primal ways. To further complicate things, he has just found his mate, only he doesn't dare approach her in his current unstable state. Domini Lancer, professional security expert and psychic, has been having strange dreams lately. Even weirder is having the man of her dreams, literally, show up as her company's newest hire! Now she's got to find a way to suppress her attraction to Alec while they work together to protect a celebrity from deadly threats. As I mentioned before, the similarities with the Carpathian series are numerous: there is a secret agency of human hunters, the males' ever-present fear of losing control and hurting others, the psychic mortal women, their own language, etc...Some changes do exist-the classification and hierarchy of vampires is quite different, and the details are at times confusing to those of us conversant in vampire lore (for instance, silver doesn't hurt vampires, it hurts werewolves). Also, these vampires eat food and don't seem to drink much blood-and yet we're told Alec craves Domini's. There is no great color-seeing, calming change that comes over the male when he finds his mate-it's a lot more like your everyday, regular relationship...Hence some of my disappointment, I guess. On the other hand, it was great having a heroine with a mind of her own. I stopped reading Feehan because her ladies are generally TSTL (Too Stupid To Live), and behave more like petulant 11-year-olds than grown women with working brains. I like that Sizemore's heroine can take care of herself. Furthermore, women occupy an important and central role in this vampire society-clearly the author's been reading some of our complaints about Feehan's work. In my opinion, there is definitely room for improvement. This book wasn't as sensual as the Carpathian series, which surprises me from Sizemore. There were a few teasers, some "close, but no cigar" moments. A word to authors out there--you can only do that so many times before it gets annoying. And what was the deal with Alec's tattoo? What was the significance there? And why were his drugs not working at first, but then miraculously worked in the end? Having said all that, I will definitely pick up the next installment. The preview included at the end of IBFY promises a lot more of that animalistic possessiveness we all love so much in these vampire romances.