Rating:  Summary: Ummm why bother... Review: I am not usually a person to follow a flock, but after neumerous people had suggested I read this book, I decided to give it a go, since may of my friends do not usually read much. I found the book often tedious and boring, to say the least, focusing mainly on the designer outfits of the characters rather than adding much in the way of a story. The story which was presented obviously focused on the killers work, but this was rather over the top. When the story did perk up, it got better, but still it was not to my taste. I am a fairly open minded person, and suppose that it is my own fault for reading the book, but it wasn't very good in my oppinion. I found it had been vastly over rated, because it was read by people who wanted something 'different'. If you want a good book, with a capturing story, I would have to suggest you buy something else.
Rating:  Summary: One kickin book! Review: I thought that "American Psycho," was a great book. I found it hard to put down, and read in anticipation of what Bateman will do next. The chapters on each musical artist show how vapid and shallow Bateman is, because each artist to me seems vapid. I envision Patrick sharing the information on each artist with a victom that he is torturing. This book has many levels, and each one is great: The 80's culture of call-waiting and club-findings, the mistreatement of homeless people, and the running joke with the Patty Winters show. The fact that Bateman tells certain people of his deeds and actions, and they either don't listen or don't get it...that's pure genious! If you don't get this book, then read it again, and then if you still don't well I'm sorry.
Rating:  Summary: PICTURE PERFECT MASTERPIECE Review: This book is one of the best I've ever read. I have never been so disturbed by anything before this in my life, not because it was a thriller, but because it felt so real. I felt as if I was right there witnessing it all myself first hand. Bret Easton Ellis took me on quite a trip with this novel. It was so realistic and horrifically fascinating that, though I was so disgusted by many of the scenes that enveloped my mind, I had to continue reading because I'd developed so much respect for this author's creative genius and distinctive writing style. His discriptions are picture perfect, everywhere the author shows the evil reality of the life, from brutal decapitating sex slayings to high-society Armani suit-wearing soirees. This is the only book I've come across so far that I'd ever consider banning, however, in the same breath I recommend everybody read it at least once. A MASTERPIECE.
Rating:  Summary: What a mad world Review: This book drove me crazy. It filled me with disgust and horror. If life in New York relly is how he described it I can hardly believe how all those puppets live there.
Rating:  Summary: My favourite book of all times! Review: It's not just that this book's story is seen from the sickly subtle mind of a raper, torturer and killer yuppie who just cannot satisfy his material and physical needs. It's more the unique way in which Bret Easton Ellis tells the story. His style is pure literary genius, I've never seen anything like it! As a reader you feel like you're just standing there, in the middle of it all. A style which creates an extremely intense effect. I only know two people apart from myself who have managed to read »American Psycho« from the first to the last page. I wonder why, 'cause the language is straight forward, and the novel is so tense, I had difficultiues putting the book down! This is the best book I have ever read! It really is! The maybe upcoming film version can never create the intense effects and chills of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Important Review: This book is hard to read. There are parts of this book which are so graphic they will make to turn away in disgust. What will keep you reading is the depth and artistry of the author, showing us the totally depersonalized character in all his empty glory. This book is not psychological, it will not touch your heart or even frighten you beyond the undeniable knowledge that there ARE people like this out there right now. Those gory, graphic scenes will bother you but they do not become real in the mind, they are as depersonalized as the main character. What you will come away with is a better understanding of how individuals like this manage to function in our society without being caught. The lack of depth in personal relationships in this mans life give his sickness free reign.
Rating:  Summary: Haunting: Any way you look Review: This is one of the most disturbing and thought provoking books of our time. I was overcome by emotion: Fear, disgust, rage and emptiness. The book was at once realistic, descriping-in exaggerated fashion- the vapid, empty lives of wealthy young Manhattanites (as valid today as a decade ago) and hauniting. Did Bateman actually commit these acts of horror? We will never know for sure and that is the point. My vote is that he did, however he was living in a world where people talk but do not listen. People are too self-absorbed to pay attention to "friends" or their lunch companions/squash partners, where identities are always mistaken, as such Bateman was able to wander around as the Golden Boy free from any real suscipion from his heavily sedated peers. I see how the case could be made that it was in his imagination that there were too many things he should have been caught for; the smell of his apartment, the ex-girlfriend from Harvard. I don't buy it, by the end of the novel one truly sees just how mad Bateman is. True Ellis fans will catch how American Pscych ties into The Rules of Attraction...
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't live up to the hype Review: With the highly anticipated release of the film version of this novel around the corner, I read this book to decide whether or not to see the film. Sadly, the book spends an absurd amount of time describing the designer clothing of the characters on nearly every page, in addition to providing fashion etiquette tips. So much so that one wonders if the designers hadn't paid Ellis for advertising! It also wastes a great deal of ink having Bateman give music reviews of his favorite artists' discography. For example, I didn't need to read 3 pages on the history of Huey Lewis & the News' music. While the author's intention seems to be to give us a character sketch, it's overkill. It felt like Ellis was desperate to get the point across that Patrick is yuppie scum, but couldn't find a better means to do so. Speaking of overkill, I must add that the gore in this book is beyond the pale and certainly makes one worry about it giving some of the less sane populace grislier ideas than they might already be entertaining. It didn't need to be that descript to get the point across. Again, overkill. As for the dark comedy side of American Psycho, yes, there are a few minor amusing situations. The Godiva chocolate incident with Evelyn comes to mind. It is also a dead-on portrayal of the 80's yuppie psyche which, in itself, was grotesque. However, I do not recommend this book as there is not enough story and certainly not enough humor, in my opinion, to be considered satire. It would've been wiser to utilize that space to give a more thorough background into the character and what might have instigated his madness or bring more humor into the piece. The film version will boast a respectable young cast so, one hopes the screenplay adaptation was much better, as the subject matter is intriguing.
Rating:  Summary: Impactante! Review: Tengo 15 años, y aunque muchos me dicen que no es una edad apropiada para leer el libro -sólo porque ellos no lo leyeron a esa edad-, he visto comentarios, aquí mismo, en Amazon, de personas que se burlan de las explicaciones de la ropa, de las marcas, y que piden más muertes; sinceramente, si alguien no entendió la crítica ahí, no debería tener acceso al libro. Sobre Ellis Y american Psycho estoy algo más intrigado; leí Menos que Cero y me gustó, aunque no concuerdo con los que dicen que Fuguet le copia el estilo. No voy a entrar en eso ahora, pero sí voy a decir que mi precupación es algo fundamentada, pues en mi país, Chile, muchos escritores se han dormido en los laureles. Los primeros libros de Laffourcade demostraban estilo, y lo mismo con Desnudo en el Tejado de Skármeta; sin embargo, se vendieron; uno tras Palomita Blanca (que bazofia), y el otro después de Ardiente Paciencia (odio cómo suena el cartero de neruda). Espero que eso no pase con Ellis, pero supongo que eso lo averiguare pronto, cuando lea lkos límites de ña seducción. En resumen, el libro está bien escrito, se nota técnica, en verdad, y sólo espero que Ellis no caiga en decadencia y empiece a intentar recobrar el impacto de american pasycho. ¿Cóimo? con la continuación o la película o algo así.
Rating:  Summary: I could write a better book than this! Review: This book is so bad I want to go back in time and give the author's parents birth control pills so they don't conceive him so he can't write this book. It's filled with boring, empty moronic people. And documents a troubled, racist, sexist, homophobic young man who hates his job so much he has to try to either turn his life into a real-life snuff film or keep all of these sick and degrading images in his head. What is the point of such a book? It totally makes me glad that I slept through the '80s if people were really this shallow, this foolish and ignorant.