Rating:  Summary: a disappointment Review: I purchased this book with hopes of providing our students a lighthearted alternative in our college resource room, only to find it to be a silly, often offensive and weak attempt at parody. Too bad.The only fitting description is found within the title: "utterly useless." To the recycling bin it goes.
Rating:  Summary: Hellz Yeah! Review: I was literally dead after reading this book, it's so funny! My favorite part is the stuff about different colleges. They didn't review my college but I bet if they did it would be freaking the bomb, just like the rest of this book! Buy this book! If you have any more questions talk to me my name is hot dogger
Rating:  Summary: RE: RE: re: re: alt.d&d Review: in response to doppleganger371 and darkwiz001 and their comparison of a elf with 20 hit points and the wizard with 50 hit points: AS IF!!!!!!!! NO f-ING WAY, buddy. Like THAT will ever happen!!! And I might roll a 13!! Yeah, go smoke your marijuana cigarettes and speak your voodoo mojo somewhere else...CAUSE THE HAND AIN'T LISTENING!! if you want to correspond more my handle is DDWiz
Rating:  Summary: RE: RE: re: re: alt.d&d Review: in response to doppleganger371 and darkwiz001 and their comparison of a elf with 20 hit points and the wizard with 50 hit points: AS IF!!!!!!!! NO f-ING WAY, buddy. Like THAT will ever happen!!! And I might roll a 13!! Yeah, go smoke your marijuana cigarettes and speak your voodoo mojo somewhere else...CAUSE THE HAND AIN'T LISTENING!! if you want to correspond more my handle is DDWiz
Rating:  Summary: Da Bomb Review: Look, I don't consider myself much of a "reader" or what have you. I've never gone for the Jewish arts of booklearning. I'm not queer or anything like that. But sometimes in your life you just come across a book that changes everything. A book that really makes you stop and think. A book that seems almost revelatory. I don't even know what revelatory means. A book that gives you an epiphany. Is this that book? No. Well, okay, maybe it is. I love you and I love this book. 5 stars, baby!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Da Bomb Review: Look, I don't consider myself much of a "reader" or what have you. I've never gone for the Jewish arts of booklearning. I'm not queer or anything like that. But sometimes in your life you just come across a book that changes everything. A book that really makes you stop and think. A book that seems almost revelatory. I don't even know what revelatory means. A book that gives you an epiphany. Is this that book? No. Well, okay, maybe it is. I love you and I love this book. 5 stars, baby!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Re: LUnch Review: sure, lunch sounds great. How about Cluster's (on Clarize, like two doors down from the flower shop)? Just to get the air totally clear, I don't want you to get any funny ideas in your head about that if I agree to lunch than there's any chance of us getting back together. Remember: it was your who "needed some 'me time'" about three weeks ago. I dont' know what's happened since then, i don't want to know, i'm seeing a really great guy (who, in contrast to certain-people-who-shall-remain-nameless, treates me like a lady), and you ahve to deal with your own problems. i've already cried my eyes out over you. How's 1:30? -Linda
Rating:  Summary: Re: LUnch Review: SWM seeks F race unimportant for possible friendship, LTR. I like walking, movies, and foreign films. Let's go for an Orange Julius and get to know one another. I know a funny book we can read and listen to Lenny Kravitz.
Rating:  Summary: THE NEWEST NEW YORK DOLL Review: SWM seeks F race unimportant for possible friendship, LTR. I like walking, movies, and foreign films. Let's go for an Orange Julius and get to know one another. I know a funny book we can read and listen to Lenny Kravitz.
Rating:  Summary: Lampoon Book Gets Gold Star for Pretty Pics Review: The Lampoon's newest masterwork is amazing. It is the first book I have ever read. My mom was so happy when I finished it that she slapped one of her irremovable gold stars on my forehead. I can't really read yet, as I am two and three-quarters, but the illustrations were top notch. They really helped me get through all those words and understand what they were talking about. I don't know who ALB is, but if its a girl, I want to meet her and take her out to dinner and also borrow any turpentine she may have as nothing else will remove these gold stars. I highly recommend it because, contrary to popular belief, it does not sting when you apply it to the skin and it makes you see funny pictures--just like the Lampoon book. :) --MLO