Rating:  Summary: Neat-oh Review: I was shown the first issue of this way back in '96, and just grabbed whatever I could. Most of the first 7, then the Director's cut. Then I got hold of Squee's book (and all issues - yeah, I'm a sorry loser fanboy). This whole thing was just too much *me*. Jhonen should be worried; there are more people who think like that. Especially Happy Noodle Boy seems autobiographical. But it could easily be me. Quirky English (not just plain bad grammar, but just an original approach to communication), general hatred towards the human race (now, who likes them, anyway?)...This killing thing is done well. Lots of funny, inventive ways of expiring bothersome people. I like it. I like it a lot. He usually portrays his fans in a less than flattering way - typically, a bunch of blabbering fools with no social graces. He may just be right about that, but I'm glad he is at least thinking about us. (He has quite a few parodies of goffs and other freaks and freak-wannabes - I love those!) In short, if you enjoy watching other people being miserable (who don't?), you'll *love* this book. Moo. Ngomo Fubar, amazed he stayed coherent for this many sentences
Rating:  Summary: MY GOD this book rules! Review: If you have never heard of Johnny the hommicidal maniac, its probly no suprize. The book needs to be advertived way better. My brother told me to read this book called JTHM (johnny the homicidal maniac). I thought "what the hell?" So i went to the local library in Artesia, NM and they said i'll check. They had to borrow it from Eugine, Orgeon, well im glad i waited. It was well worth it. i only got to read it for a couple of days,(i really wasn't intrested in reading at the time) i had to give it back. well i was surfing the net at amazon.com and i found JTHM. I bought it as well as SQUEE'S WONDERFUL BIG GIANT BOOK OF UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS (its sister book)there are both great! Johnny (aka NNY) kills pretty much everyone that doesn't look at him right,laughs at him etc. well he justifies every killing flawlessly. its a gotta read book its great and funny as hell. Dark humor rules in this realm of reality. (WOW it feels like im on reading rainbow!) Dustin PS Johnen You're a genius! I love those little messages in the border and inbetween the boxes!
Rating:  Summary: Greatest comic I've read Review: This is one of my favourite comics. I think they make you think about how the human race is so unpleasant and numb towards others who aren't conformed. It's also funny but if you have issues with cartoon gore, then don't bother with it. Read JTHM for yourself and hopefully as well as entertain you, it'll make you think.
Rating:  Summary: Just one of many independent/creator-owned must reads. Review: I remember where I first heard of JTHM, anywhere. I wasthumbing through Wizard, just looking at the many titles listed inthere. I happened to notice Johnny the Homicidal Maniac listed there. The first issue was over 50 bucks. By issue 4 it said "only one person dies in this issue!". I thought, okay. Nearly two years ago, this girl in my social studies class was reading the first printing of number one, and she brought it to school a lot. She said it was funny. I didn't bother asking to read it, though. A year later, several kids I sat with at lunch were reading the JTHM: Director's Cut tradepaperback, and wanted to know what was so great about this book. The title just made me think this would be a mindless gore book. As the year progressed, I grew interested more in reading the book but never got around to it. It wasn't until near the end of the year that the kid who owned the book lent it to me, and Squee, its sister book. Well, I certainly learned what JTHM was all about. In fact, this turned out to be one of the best reading experiences of my life. The format of the book is similar to Milk and Cheese, with short one to three page strips. Unlike M & C, though, there are plotlines developing throughout the strips, so its best to read them in order. Johnny C.(or Nny for short) is a young adult who lives in a house whose address is 777, has thick internal monolouges with aspects of his personality that manifest themselves as unusual shapes, and kills alot. Nny can justify any murder, even if it seems unjustifiable. The reader will either sympathize with him or love to hate him. This book is a twisted, surrealistic take on the social lives of young people. Johnny C. is complemented by a rich supporting cast(Devi, his only girlfriend, who gradually becomes more and more anti-social; Tess, a good-natured girl who can't stop attracting jerks; Anne Gwish["anguish"-get it?]; Squee, the only person in the whole book Johnny's nice to; and Jimmy, a Johnny-wannabe whom Johnny develops a real distaste for). Johnny is not about gratuitous violence-the violence in this book is very justified. Johnny deals with the hypocrisy of those who make fun of him who get made fun themselves. Johnny encounters many people who just don't know how to treat fellow human beings. They say they'll change if he lets them go, and they know they won't, and he knows they won't, and he gives them what they deserve. There is never an explanation as to how Johnny got the way he is; that is left to one's imagination. My friend therorized Squee is Johnny's childhood. Johnny is full of witty commentaries and just plain wonderful diolouge, all of which must be read for the big picture to be appreciated. The seven issues of massive characterization and development in this book are collected in one big director's cut. Most comics I read are comics that have already ended or I know they're going to end. Titles such as Cerebus, Sandman, Preacher, Marvels, Kingdom Come, Watchmen and this one are full of intricate storylines, and consistency, as they are done by only one creative team/creator each. The best part is, I know they are going to be top-notch, because there isn't a new writer every three issues, there won't be sweeping, revitalizing changes that only irritate everybody, they stand alone and you don't have to buy other titles to appreciate them, anything can happen to anyone in the book, the list goes on. All the above have proven top-notch reading for me, and I'm sure they will for you as well. E ND
Rating:  Summary: puff Review: good times. very funny. absolutely superb art. just dont come looking to be enlightened, or to find meaning, as its messages have been heard in different form many times before. oh yeah, and the art is just freakin delicious. good art.
Rating:  Summary: different Review: well i have to admit it was the best comic i have ever read . It is different than all the rest which is a reason it is so good.
Rating:  Summary: Ineffable Review: Funny? To some perhaps. Meaningful? To some perhaps. Philosophical? To some perhaps. Why don't you read it and find out for yourself?
Rating:  Summary: Fear my wet cough! Review: Contrary to popular belief, violent entertainment can be a healthy thing (uh, it's called catharsis, folks!). With that in mind, I recommend brewing up a pot of coffee, lighting up a smoke and curling up on the couch with all the gory details of JtHM. And by the way... I am Testicles, god of rash-covered scrotums!
Rating:  Summary: This is the most awesome comic in the world;this is a must! Review: For anyone that reads JtHM; this is a must! Johnny comics are the best thing I have ever read in comics and the most creative ever!!!! Buy it now!!
Rating:  Summary: I love you, Jhonen. [grin] Review: I recently bought JtHM: Director's Cut ona spur of the moment at a comic book store. Let me tell you; this is one of the best comics I've read in a LONG time. The art and style are great and there aren't any cliche`-ish elements in it. It's more of a mockery of modern society than a supporter, and you can't help but love Johnny. And the author's a nice guy too. [g]