Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking Review: I was introduced to these comics books by my brothers. I had no idea what to expect. Though they are a bit graphic, I found them thought provoking and sometimes disturbingly funny. Everyone has at one time or another had thoughts of revenge that went undoubtedly, unfulfilled. Johnny takes our revenge and does it for us. I find Jhonen's artwork to be unique and very well done. And, I find his commentaries on society insightful. I think it is definitely a must read.
Rating:  Summary: JTHM Review: I must say though violent, gorey, and strewn with cursing, I ABSOLUTLY LOVED IT! The art is splendid, and the plots are wickedly funny. anyone who says otherwise is just plain WRONG! i noticed though it has many admirers, it also has people who despise it. in my opinion anyone who says that the art isnt good should just TRY to draw as well, and anyone "offended" by the comic has no sense of humor and should realize that its just a comic book, no one is really killing anyone. and if that realization doesnt help their tiny brains then they should just shut up about it and go elsewhere to be entertained. i only give it 4 stars because of much unnessisary cursing. but if you enjoy Jhonens other masterpeices or just dark humor, i recomend Johnny The Homicidal Maniac ^_^
Rating:  Summary: Infamously Funny... Review: Just as I put it. If you are looking for good clean fun, this really is not it. In a word: Gory. Actually, in my point of view, it's done in a semi-tolerable way. Usually gore makes me cringe and gives me stomach aches. I used to fear horror movies for that. Surprisingly, the abstract surreal style doesn't upset me... too much. So what is it that makes me read this book so often? It's a complete ride of feelings. My friends and I agree that Jhonen Vasquez can take the reader wherever he wants them to be. Johnny is funny. Ironically, even perfectly sane people may crack up at the scene of him cleaning his fridge by making one of his victims test the food in it. Johnny is disturbing. If there's one thing that got to me, it was Jimmy's death. Jimmy was awful, but... I'm still trying to decide if I should aplaud, or take some pepto-medicine stuff. Johnny has angst. To really understand, you would have to read ALL the sections with a very open mind, and if ya do, you really might find yourself sympathizing with Johnny's grief and his goal to be without human desires. I can't say how much truth is in Johnny, but some of it does make you think. Johnny constantly shifts from being the villian to the victim and back again. Meanwhile, humor is randomly injected to keep Johnny's character from having too much angst. He's the bad guy, but he can make you laugh or sigh. *crying is out of the question* This is still twisted cynical humor. The art? Like I said, surreal and abstract. (think Invader Zim- Of course!) It's a black and white comic, but I think that if it were in color, it wouldn't have that "bleek" and "drained" effect. That's just my opinion though. This version left out the meanwhiles, but to be honest, they weren't my fave. I'm a pure Johnny fan. Soooo..... Interested yet?
Rating:  Summary: Disgusting Review: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac was recomended to me by a close friend of mine about a month ago. Having been a fan of Jhonen Vasquez and his work, I trusted that Johnny would not disappoint. You haven't the slightest idea how wrong I was. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is the most sickening, distrubing, perverted and depressing comic book I have ever had the displeasure of reading. though I had expected a good amount of violence and gore, JTHM goes out of its way to make obvious the authors ignorant and over-blown view of insanity. Vasquez seems to have written the book solely to make the inner most bile from the pit of the readers stomach to rise to the tip of their tongue. JTHM follows the escapades of a irreparably distrubed teenager who feels the need to brutally murder everyone who looks at him the wrong way. Worse yet, the author tries to make the reader feel compassion for the soulless maniac by attempting to convince the reader that society is the single cause of madness. This exhibits one of Vasquez's many ignorances toward the human mind.Contempt for ills of society is common is a usual and expected viewpoint, but it is in no way an excuse to take away the lives of the innocent. Life is cruel, it is a universal fact, but true strength lies ones ability to cope with it and see the beauty in life itself. Thus proving Johnny to be nothing more than a pseudo-persona, a personality that is missing many elements of human nature. Although, I congratulate Vasquez in finding a way to profit from the ever-dreary, ever-melancholy set of misfits known as Goth. It sucessfully targets and indulges the cliché fanatasies of most every Goth: to take revenge on the society that so wronged them. Hence, the comic book is favored by anyone who wishes to blame someone, nay anyone else besides themselves for their gloomy lives and weak character. Though a very talented artist(which merits the single star I had given the book), Vasquez had well fallen below my expectations of the book. Trust me reader, i had given it a fair chance. But i was left insulted at the fact that the author would regard his reader so little as to print such an abomination as Johnny the Hoicidal Maniac.
Rating:  Summary: Absoludicrous. Review: Even by writing this review, I think any reputation of being an intellectual that I possibly could have ever made has just perished. No matter, it's probably worth it to contradict all these ridiculous glowing reviews. Here is why this vile little work does not deserve your attention: 1. Childish revenge fantasies. We all have them. What they indicate, however, is immaturity, not the fact that their intended targets "deserve" them. 2. Hideous art. Folks, believe me, I've seen a few graphic novels in my day, and in the artwork department this is probably the worst. In the hands of better artists, this thing may have been partially tolerable. It's not. 3. Artsiness. The title character blathers a lot. A lot. After the first few pretentious, meaningless, boring monologues the novelty wears off. These are not poetic, nor are they ironic, clever, cynical, deep, philosophical, or above all funny. It's fifteenth-form nihilism, recycled and trivialized once again. Violence is the first refuge of the incompetent rebel. It takes no intelligence to flick "society" off. Such superficial "nonconformity" has no value to it at all. 4. Pointless satire. All this "satirical depth" talk made me laugh out loud. Poll takers suck. 7-11 clerks suck too. Wow. Those are some deep social observations. I do believe I am ready to burst a blood vessel laughing at the immense cleverness used in picking these targets - and at the sheer originality of making a homicidal maniac kill them. The unadulterated hilarity is to be marvelled at. Satire like this is incompetent, masturbatory, and wildly unfunny. 5. Monotony. Every incident contains exactly the same events in the exact same order. I maintain that this flatulent, boring and absurd thing is similar to Marilyn Manson - so ludicrous that you regard its fans almost with pity. Yes, I fully realize the "postmodern irony" involved, but given the above five points I could honestly not care less. Actually, wait a second. Marilyn Manson is far classier than this. This book is the graphic novel equivalent of the Insane Clown Posse. And many of its fans will undoubtedly take that as a compliment.
Rating:  Summary: Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Review: I'm what you would say a (interesting) like Johnny except I'm not a killer. I loved this book it's so hilarious I almost peeed my pants! Johnny is the coolest villian I have ever seen and the thing is I relate to him almost exactly, he's one of the people that are revolted by sacitiy, and like him I get the crave tosmash one of my teachers but oh well but wait you need to now is this book rulz!
Rating:  Summary: Question Sleep! Z? Review: JTHM is an Horribly Beautiful Display of ones Inner Demons Stealing a INK pen and Exploding onto a Piece of Paper. Jhonen Vasquez has brought to us a truly exhilerating and horrific tale of Johnny whom cant help but kill people - for some of the best reasons! (not really). His 100% Sane Conversations with dead animals reasures him to live... i believe that last line should be enough to make you understand. no more further writing.
Rating:  Summary: Johnny the Hilarious Maniac Review: I'm a fan of dark humor, satire, explorations of insanity and often of fictional violence. That's why, at least in my opinion, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is the perfect book. It's a great blend of creepy situations, psychology, great one-liners, and of course, mocking the stupid. If you're intelligent and not extremely sensitve, I'm sure you'll love JTHM.
Rating:  Summary: Public Service Announcement Review: Its hilarious!!! Jhonen is a genius, I could not stop reading it nor could I contain my laughter..NNY, Happy Noodle Boy,The Doughboys, and those damn public service announcements just taught me so much. Read it and enjoy the ride!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Unexpected to say the least. Review: I read a lot of comics, (By "a lot," I mean a ton of comics) just not this one. I had heard about this title many moons ago and was informed that it was pretty good, "for what it was." That is a term I hate to use and I hate to hear. It usually means that something is sterotypical and just "Blah!" But as for what I thought of Johnny after I read the trade: No one ever explained to me that it wasn't like anything else out there. You can try to classify it, and pigeon hole it with terms like "splatter punk," "satire," or you can say "it's pretty good for what it is." Well then, I should ask those who told me that so long ago, "What the hell is 'Johnny'?" I sure as hell can't classify it as one thing or another. To some I am sure it is horrific. To others, just funny. I guess I would call it pretty brillant, and if I do say so myself, it is darn good for what it is. It is freash, original and unique. Full of gore, violence, one-liners, two liners and Noodle Boy (read it and you will know who I am talking about). It can be starling, disturbing, and hilarious all on one page. But don't read it if you are easily offended by harsh violence or crude language and by all means keep children away from it! Keep them at least ten foot away. Tell them to avert their eyes as if it was an eclipse! Not to tell anyone how to raise their children, but I'm 24 and its warped me a little. In conclusion Johnny good. Noodle Boy: Wonderful. (Read the book.)