The term soft furnishings used to conjure up images of fussy chintzes, frilly drapes, and too many ruffles. Nowadays, however, the term as defined by noted designer Tricia Guild means originality wedded to comfort, and an interplay of color, texture, and pattern to achieve successfully dressed windows, sofas, chairs, tables, and beds. Styles needn't be overly frilly; they may be tailored or flounced, traditional or modern, flowery or striped--whatever suits your taste. The projects are attractive and the directions generally adequate, though not as thorough as some other books (the how-tos in Caroline Wrey's Finishing Touches are much more detailed, for instance), and many items will require previous sewing experience. The real strength comes from Guild's dynamic use of color and pattern--brilliantly showcased in these photos--and from her solid advice on finding inspiration and setting the style. A caveat for American readers: what makes many of these projects so appealing are the fabrics themselves, which in most cases are Guild's own designs and may be difficult to find in the U.S. (There's a source list, but only for U.K. suppliers.) Yet certainly much can be learned from Guild's design lessons, and with a bit of hunting, exciting alternative fabrics can be found. --Amy Handy