Woodworking is an age old craft based on the simple principle of accurately removing excess material from the original form to achieve the shape desired. All the power tools and new inventions for the workshop cannot replace the basic skills necessary to being a serious craftsman. Only by using your hands will you come to fully understand wood and how it feels to work with it. To become a competent woodworker, you must first understand some essential woodworking principles as well as the material being worked---its strengths, weaknesses, and general characteristics. It is also important to consider the environmental conditions the piece you are constructing will be exposed to and the effect they will have on the wood. Second, become aware of what you need to manipulate the wood---how hard it is to cut and how sharp your tools have to be. As you become more in tune with the precise function of each, you will be able to appreciate the fundamental connection between tool and material. And finally, always formulate a cohesive plan before you begin your project. Once you see what you are capable of achieving with hand tools, you will be able to set standards for power-tool performance. This guidebook, laid out in a clear, sequential manner, presents the absolute essential elements that form the basis for all processes in woodworking. It is the one book every woodworker should read before they read any other.