For the inexperienced, a casual walk through a building-supply store will yield doors of amazing variety, most ready to mount, some already in prebuilt frames. It might seem simple enough to buy one, bring it home, and install it. Yet most new, perfectly dimensioned doors need to be fitted into openings that are far from being perfectly straight or plumb, and therein lies a problem that any budding or experienced carpenter will encounter repeatedly. Hanging a door is no small feat: it can be much like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, requires care and skill to be done properly, and can be a major puzzlement indeed to someone new to the process. Katz takes the process from beginning to end, choosing interior and exterior doors, proper hardware and jambs for installation, and installing specialty doors, like arched and French doors, Dutch doors, pocket doors, and many more. He shows how to use jigs and templates to speed up many tasks, and includes a large section on the essentials of weather stripping. Well illustrated and thoroughly diagrammed, this is a book that should be read by every carpenter and do-it-yourselfer who wants to produce professional results and avoid the many pitfalls and common mistakes in hanging doors of any kind. --Mark A. Hetts