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Your Aging Cat: How to Keep Your Cat Physically and Mentally Healthy into Old Age

Your Aging Cat: How to Keep Your Cat Physically and Mentally Healthy into Old Age

List Price: $24.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: how to keep your cat happy and healthy
Review: This is a wonderful book to have even if your four-pawed friend is just a youngster, as well as being a good guide if you have an older cat, and you need help taking care of all the changes that can take place quite rapidly as an animal ages.
Among the many instructive chapters, the one on health care is detailed and extensive, covering all the common ailments, with useful diagrams and treatment solutions.
There's also a chapter on home care, with good tips on how to administer medication, flea control, and how to take care of emergencies such as burns, choking, etc.

Chapter 5, "Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well Being" is a short but valuable one. It will tell you how to deal with the stressful situations in a cat's life, like moving, travel, and the introduction of a new pet into the family.

Being a "cat person", I much appreciate the care and research that went into this book. The layout is excellent, with several nice b&w photos, easy to read print, "Veterinary Tips" at the end of each chapter from veterinarians across the country, and an occasional side-bar with highlighted and very helpful information.
This is an intelligent, well written book that will serve your cat well and keep it purring from youth to old age.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must-have for any feline library
Review: This is a wonderful book, written with love and lots of essential information for the owner of an older cat. Great sections on nutrition and age-specific health problems. -- Gina Spadafori, co-author of "Cats For Dummies" (with Dr. Paul D. Pion)

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