Full of solid, practical advice and plenty of how-to pictures, Clematis is an ideal title for those wanting all their questions answered about this lovely flowering vine. Focusing on possible combinations with different varieties, accompanying plants, containers, and growing conditions, you may need to restrain yourself from adding a clematis to every corner! With so much detail on one particular type of plant, you'll find plenty of direction for growing healthy vines, no matter what your specific needs may be. Designed to be a complete do-it-yourself guide, don't let the small format of this book fool you--it's absolutely jam-packed with ideas for all styles of gardens, and as always, publisher Dorling Kindersley manages to take fairly complicated projects and reduce them to a manageable size that even the gardening novice can handle. Practical considerations are dealt with firmly--no skipping such detail work as rigorous summer training or spreading that spring layer of mulch. The listings by size, bloom shape, and optimal conditions are very specific, and new gardeners will find all kinds of useful tips. Inspirational ideas are plentiful--the garden photographs are lush and detailed and provide all kinds of unusual notions for creating a truly unique gardening space. Whether you're looking to design a bloom-filled trellis for the garage or a simple vine-covered topiary globe for your patio, you'll find options for all your projects involving these lovely and versatile plants. --Jill Lightner