Full of solid, practical advice and plenty of how-to pictures, Arches and Pergolas is an ideal title for those looking to create all kinds of vertical gardening accessories, from trellises to modern pergolas. Materials include simple wires and crossbeams, as well as more elaborate metal work, bricks, and carved wood. Designed to be a complete do-it-yourself guide, don't let the small format of this book fool you--it's absolutely jam-packed with ideas for all styles of gardens, and as always, publisher Dorling Kindersley manages to take fairly complicated projects and reduce them to a manageable size that even the home improvement novice can handle. Practical considerations are dealt with firmly--no skipping such detail work like squaring corners or proper foundation preparations. The aim of this book is to get you professional-quality results, and if you follow directions carefully, you'll get the job done beautifully. Inspirational ideas are plentiful--the garden photographs are lush and detailed, and provide all kinds of unusual notions for creating a truly unique gardening space. Whether you're looking to add a sweet smelling rose trellis or a traditional tree arbor, you'll find options for all your projects that will set your plants off beautifully with striking combinations of textures and materials. --Jill Lightner