Colette once wrote, "There are no ordinary cats," and cat lovers the world over surely agree. While none of them are ordinary, they generally have similar requirements for diet, exercise, health care, and loving attention from their human companions. The Humane Society's Complete Guide to Cat Care warmly incorporates both similarities and differences to create a comprehensive guide focused on providing the best possible care, not just for your beloved pets but for the species as a whole. Specific and detailed information is included on physical issues like nutrition, dental care, and vaccinations. Short paragraphs discussing why vegetarianism is extremely unhealthy for cats, which are carnivorous, and how to introduce them to a toothbrush are straightforward and wise--you'll find simple language and plenty of encouragement. Social and behavioral issues are also addressed, and you'll learn methods of feline communication, needs for companionship, and how best to deal with finicky eaters. The Humane Society provides plenty of information about adoption of abandoned cats, proper sterilization for your pet, and the wisdom of letting your furry friend lead an indoors-only life. Even if you're of a different opinion on some of these matters, you'll still find a range of valuable material devoted to the well-being of your extraordinary feline companion. --Jill Lightner