An ancient Chinese philosophy of creating balance and harmony, feng shui is experiencing a resurgence as busy people wonder how to slow down and refocus their energy more positively. The Feng Shui Directory was written with today's often overwhelmed populace in mind and helps you apply the ancient principles to a modern world. "[Feng Shui] has to be adapted to suit your personality, your lifestyle, and your aspirations," says author Jane Butler-Biggs, a feng shui consultant. The Feng Shui Directory is divided into six key areas: wealth and prosperity, love and romance, family harmony, health, career and the workplace, and happiness and well-being. Each section addresses how the balance of yin and yang and the movements of chi (life force) affect you. In the wealth and prosperity chapter, Butler-Biggs suggests keeping a clean and bright hallway so that chi can flow unimpeded through your home and to banish symbols of poverty like those old shabby curtains you keep meaning to replace. "They give out a strong signal that you are generally prepared to 'make do' with whatever you're given rather than seek out abundance for yourself," she says. Not getting a good night sleep? Remove mirrors from the bedroom--they could be speeding up your chi, making you restless. The Feng Shui Directory is filled with practical advice for integrating feng shui principles into your life. Butler-Biggs emphasizes that one little household change isn't going to drastically change your life, but if you begin to practice feng shui, you'll find yourself pointing in the right direction for personal harmony and happiness. --Dana Van Nest