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101 Feng Shui Tips for Your Home

101 Feng Shui Tips for Your Home

List Price: $9.95
Your Price: $8.96
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good enough for beginners
Review: I thought this book's great for beginners who wish to get the basics of what Feng-Shui is about. If you want something more in-depth, then you should consider others..but im happy with this purchase.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: how can I get this book in spanish
Review: I'll love to have this books in spanish? If you have some, or know where I can orden them please let me know. Thanks I Live in Orlando, Florida.


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: getting your foot in the door
Review: if you are looking for a simple introduction to feng shui, this is a great door opener. it presents the basic ideas of feng shui without too many details, which can be quite intricate. it provides enough information for a novice to implement the basic principles in their home. however, if you are serious about feng shui, or need detailed attention on problem areas, you will definitely want to follow up with more sophisticated reading once you determine where you need to focus your energy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: getting your foot in the door
Review: if you are looking for a simple introduction to feng shui, this is a great door opener. it presents the basic ideas of feng shui without too many details, which can be quite intricate. it provides enough information for a novice to implement the basic principles in their home. however, if you are serious about feng shui, or need detailed attention on problem areas, you will definitely want to follow up with more sophisticated reading once you determine where you need to focus your energy.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: flippant and confusing
Review: This book is too shallow and broad in its overview to be of any practical use. Read it for an encyclopedic understanding only.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sexist and contradictory, do not buy!
Review: This book provided some simple information about feng shui and maximizing feng shui in the home. However, I found many contradictory points within such a small book. For example, the book discusses trigrams and tells how to set up one for his home, using the front door as the aligning feature. From the instructions, the back of the house is the prime direction, and the front door faces the direction of "Death". It then goes on to say that that area of the house is the worst place for the front door. The section on individual trigrams for different members of the home is sexist with instructions for the father being Chien (energy, determination and persistence) in the study, den, or main bedroom. The mother is K'un (close relationships and obedience)in the kitchen and sewing room. The children are assigned similar trigrams according to their sex. There was useful information on how to remedy bad situations, but this information did not make up for the rest of the book.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: webster is capitalizing off eastern beliefs
Review: this book was a joke. the only thing webster clearly showed was that he knows how to make money off of other's ideas and beliefs. this book could have easily been condensed into a list of 101 lines, rather than a whole book- as all webster did was take the list and expand on it by writing the same things over and over. had i known before i bought this book that webster has written a myriad of books on feng shui, palmistry, etc. i never would have bought it. for him it is obviously quantity and not quality- not to mention webster does not site his sources.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I would guess there is better out there.
Review: This book was not terribly valuable to me and I wish I had not purchased it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great for begineers.
Review: This is a great book for those just learning about the concept of feng shei and how it works, the author breaks it down room by room,uses placement of furniture, plants,mirrors,water fountains,etc..talks about shars and what to do about them,easy to read and follow. A great assest to any bookshelf ! Highly recommend this book !

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you do not know where to begin, you should begin here
Review: This is the best beginner's book for fengshui. It is clear, simple and well written. The best part is that it is easy to begin. Each of the tips in the book are independent examples. You can pick and choose as you go through the book. If you have never read any thing about fengshui before, you should start here. This book was featured by the FengShui BookClub(tm) on fengshuihelp

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